Conversation Between Lord Dottore Matto and

3 Visitor Messages

  1. well ive ordered two complete sabers since i joined on the 2nd. one is blue and one is green. the saber building seems simple enough but the wiring seems quite complicated. one of the sabers (green)is a gift which i used speed delivery for. but im unsure what hasbro i should buy and how to wire it. the hilt is 10 inches long with a 26inch blade and my led is the basic, build ur own kit with the resistor.
  2. The hasbro tut may have to wait for a few weeks because I am in (on call) hospital for 14-18 hr/day right now, so I have very little saber time. If you send me a pix of which board you want to use maybe i could help you out!
  3. Hey your guide for the mhs saber was very use full. i was wondering that if u had the time could u make one for hasbro lighting? or if u know of a good one could u send me the link?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3