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  1. Build Log: Manadono's '01-01' (CF8)

    Saber Build!

    Quote Originally Posted by Manadono View Post
    I think 01-01 is going to be a temporary name for it.

    Hello TCSS forum, and welcome to my build log!

    I spent hours trying to convince myself a Graflex build would be too cliche, and it worked! Although, this saber build does pull a lot of design influence from the Vader area of lightsabers (Anakin, Vader, Starkiller and these two custom sabers I saw on google image search . If anyone knows who built them let
  2. First cuts

    First cuts to internal layer of staff tube. It's good to be back on a build again!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	3641 
Size:	95.2 KB 
ID:	11589  
  3. Saber Staff Build Log, I

    At some point, I may train with a sword, but at the moment, my martial arts training is limited to the staff. Recognizing that the staff can be cumbersome and impractical, I've decided to make one. Darth Maul's saber staff has very long blades, which for theatrical purposes, is very cool. For the way I'm trained to use a staff, however, it is not so cool. I think the maximum length of a saber staff is five to six feet. I'm six feet tall.

    The martial arts tradition in which I've trained ...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_4102.jpg 
Views:	1543 
Size:	84.1 KB 
ID:	11532   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_4101.jpg 
Views:	1577 
Size:	96.7 KB 
ID:	11533  
  4. Accent LEDs

    The accent LEDs are visible through holes in the exterior layer. I took some film from a laptop computer screen to diffuse the light.
    [ATTACH=CONFIG]11008[/ATTACH] There are only two accent LEDs--one on each side.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	3454 
Size:	85.9 KB 
ID:	11008  
  5. Final Product

    Here is the final, final saber. I shall call it Perseverance V. I went through at least five MAJOR re-do's of this saber.
    I'm using a tri-Cree R, G, B, so I have tons of color options.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	3233 
Size:	77.7 KB 
ID:	11007  
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