Blog Comments

  1. dgdve's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Gungan TK421
    I see what you mean about the wire. But I'm not sure about the shim, does it fit inside the 1.25" sink tube blade holder or does it just mount onto the bottom? If so than what do i do with the heatsink that comes with the blade holder? do I just not use it?
    thanks for the tip on the crystal chamber. I'll try that out after i get everything wired up.
    click the link and look at picture 2, the shim is under the LED star and raises it up to lock under the lens holder, you do need it with rebel stars(or something similar that will also still conduct heat)
  2. Gungan TK421's Avatar
    I see what you mean about the wire. But I'm not sure about the shim, does it fit inside the 1.25" sink tube blade holder or does it just mount onto the bottom? If so than what do i do with the heatsink that comes with the blade holder? do I just not use it?
    thanks for the tip on the crystal chamber. I'll try that out after i get everything wired up.
  3. dgdve's Avatar
    I think you may be getting slightly ahead of yourself.. 18g wire is big stuff I generally use smaller these days...

    also did you get the shim?
    when you use the rebel star you need it (*see pic 2)

    you should consider using one of the clear "High Brightness" 5mm(standard size) led's to lite the crystal (if its not lite enough you can lite it from both ends) it will save alot of space and money
  4. Gungan TK421's Avatar
    Oh I forgot I'll also be installing a iluminated crystal chamber lighted by another green rebel star and another 1.25 sink tube blade holder or some other mounting system. I'll posts som picts of the project in progress as soon as i have time.