View Full Version : Simple sound...

12-26-2009, 10:48 PM
I may not be in the right area with this question, though it doesn't relate to saber sound FX.

Does anyone know how to make a simple sound of a hum or a constant low ring?
Like the sound that Green Destiny makes from the movie Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, you know the ring that it makes when it is unsheathed?

I would like to include this FX in the making of my "Flat Blade" idea in the LED topics. Just a very simple sound, one that is constant. No clash an/or shut down/ power up FX.

Thanks for the info and help!!!

12-27-2009, 06:54 AM
Might be able to do it with a Crystal Focus board and a custom font.

off hand i cannot think of any small components that would have a sound like that, they are usually buzzers or little sirens

12-27-2009, 07:29 AM
That would be expensive and a total waste of the Crystal Focus's other features. Not to mention how hard those boards are to obtain.

12-27-2009, 09:38 AM
That would be expensive and a total waste of the Crystal Focus's other features. Not to mention how hard those boards are to obtain.

well it was the only way i could think of off hand that would produce the sounds he wanted.

plus he could always reuse the board later

12-27-2009, 10:56 AM
How about one of those vibrating pager motors mounted on/in something metal?
I did a saber with a motor from a PS2 controller and it made the saber feel more "alive", but got a little un-nerving after awhile.;)

12-27-2009, 05:30 PM
What about buying a cheap mp3 player and having a small amp to power a speaker to obtain the the constant sound?
Just get a loop of a sound or have it on repeat of just the one sound.
Have it controlled by a pin switch that is used in car alarms and have that within the hilt and every time that the sword is pulled from the scabbard it will engage the mp3 player to start up.

What do you guys think?
Workable? Stupid in all aspects? or On to something?

12-27-2009, 09:52 PM
That might actually be the best way to do it.

12-28-2009, 01:00 AM
I wonder if a tilt switch on one of the speaker wires to change the sound volume as the saber is moved would work?

12-29-2009, 11:19 AM
@ OP:

that is something the RFX chip can for sure handle...(since there is no polling for as pinout to do execute a funtion..........like clash or swing checking)

however it is just a chip,,and you would need build a pcb/layout for it

(like an op-amp, vRegulator..and everything else that goes along with it...casps/resistors...etc..etc)

12-29-2009, 11:35 AM
Interesting idea.
I'm personally very interested in your results.
I've had a notion to make myself a "rave" saber for some time now.
One that contains an mp3 player with hilt mounted LCD screen and USB port, a RGBA LEDengine, and a custom processor chip that pulses different colors in time with different elements of the music. For example, Blue correlates with the bass, green and amber with the middle frequencies, and red with the higher tones in the song.

So, your hilt will be an interesting step towards helping me towards my goal.
I wish you the best of luck, my friend!

psab keel
12-29-2009, 12:11 PM

Not likely, only because the sensor is going to connect when the contacts inside the tilt switch are touching, therefore the likely result will be that you won't get any sound to your speakers and will only get sound for the brief seconds that the contacts are in place.

12-29-2009, 06:45 PM
There's a few independent guys and the odd company that make sound boards for Vader voice changers, or Stormtroopers, etc.. Some like Plecterlabs / Hyperdyne can put custom sounds on them for you. Those particular ones are more expensive, but if you do some searching - maybe someone can make a simple one for you?

I would also suggest searching on the RPF (replica prop forum) as there may be someone there that could help you.

Another "ghetto" solution. I've seen these cheap devices in toys stores, dollar stores and in TV commercials, like "personal digital recorder so that you can save your shopping list! Important dates!" etc. It's just a little battery hand held recorder that you speak into. They're sometimes on keychains like this


Perhaps you could modify one of those, or record the sound you need and output it to a better speaker? not the most professional sounding, but a cheaper alternative.

01-06-2010, 02:58 PM
Ok guys!
Here is the deal, I have had the whip cracked at me to get somethings done before My first child comes into this world. With this being said, i have to put the project on hold for now. If I get anything done when I can Iwill Doc. it and post it as I can.

Have faith with me, I plan on trying this even If it doesn't pan out to what I want, I can say I did do it

I'll keep you posted as I go!!!

Thanks for all of the feedback and ideas!

01-06-2010, 03:04 PM
are you posting this 'canned' response to all your posts/threads here?

I just got same one in your FLAT BLADE thread??

01-06-2010, 04:11 PM
Guess he suddenly got too busy getting ready for his baby's arrival to make more than one post and had to Copy and Paste. :p

His wife made him stop. :rolleyes:

01-07-2010, 03:40 PM
Been working on these projects for the house, and now its crunch time and the wife is not in the best of moods about me starting new projects. Little does she know what all I have abrewin' in my little mind...

Was easier to post to both of the threads and explain, why I dropped off of the face of the world for a little bit. Being I came and asked two questions and started a few ideas and pondering amongst the group here.

SO little time SO much to do...