View Full Version : about this RSS issue. let me own up to my mistakes.

10-21-2009, 01:41 PM
alot of you know me as a nuisance. i am alsways messing up then apologizing. well i am doing it again. but i wanted to point out that alot of you may see this as just another apology. especially for all the rude and very disgracefull stuff i put on LDMs forum in the past. i have made some mistakes and purposefully did some distatestfull things in the past. this i know for sure and now i have made some big fractures in some friendships i had in the past.

well hear me out so i can try to mend some.

in LDMs forum i was being just rude and not thinking and just beeing A general a word because i wanted to. also i have lost my temper on tcss plenty of times on full error on my part because i got in stuff i shouldnt have and i wasnt thinking at all

i really dont think before i say. if you knew me personally you would know its one of my non favored triats. but i do try to please. which is what i was hoping to do with my reverse sound system. i was hoping to get compliments and stuff. that wasnt the case. my wording was very wrong. it made it seem i was taking credit for LDMs design and stuff. i also learned some very important stuff from this. and what not to do and say.

so i want to re name my part. i want to call it the LDM inspired Reverse Sound Chassis System. i want to give full credit to LDM for his reverse sound. its not my place to judge who owns what and not. this is a fun hobby not a competition. also LDM i want to give my apology for my rudness to you. all this just hit me so fast and hard. i panicked. i actually got sick from all this. it gave me very bad asthma attacks, panick attacks and nautia and i ended up spending the night in our local medical clinic because of all this. know i am not justifying my behaviour with this nor do i want any sympathy or pity. i just wanted people to know.

so any way this hit me so fast and i didnt really have time to think before i typed and posted. which is really stupid it wasnt me just talking i actually typed and posted. but once again i was stupid. i wasnt thinking of the consequences....

another thing i want to point out is i think all this could have come out way differently had some poeple been lesh harsh about it. I got yelled at i yelled back it got into a screaming match. thats not cool.

i put the fuel on the fire. but i also supllied the wood to start it get what im saying? so i think that EVERYTHING could have and should have come out differently then it did...

next time when i come out with some new design i will be sure to credit all inspiration and originall ideas. and make sure the words are not insulting in anyway. i also want to say again that i never did base this design on anything LDM did. i never looked at his reverse sound i built mine using my own ideas. (excluding the reverse sound idea of coarse.) I DID LEARN REVERSE SOUND FROM LDM. so there is credit to him.

i had my rediculous thread deleted over at TCSS.

so i am humbly apologizing for my behaviour and once again i just want to point out that i didnt expect this to happen. i honestly feel that this was a big missunderstanding and could have been handled better had i though about my responses. and this isnt just some "another empty apology"

LDM i honestly hope you can forgive me for my inexcusable behaviour. in fact i dont blame you if you dont.

10-21-2009, 01:56 PM
I will leave your apology but I am locking this thread and I don't want to see another post about it.. period.