View Full Version : Invisas Darth Maul Conversion

10-03-2009, 02:14 AM
Ok. So about 3 weeks ago I found somone selling a Maul on ebay, twin sabers going for £120 (loose connection on the switch was stopping one of the sabers from turning off) after a bit of haggling I got it for around £80, which to me seems a bargain.
If you've never held a Maul, well it's solid aluminium and really well detailed. Far better in build than my Vader or Luke ANH (which I stripped for parts anyway).
And the stock blades you get with a Maul (or at least the ones I got) are thick walled, so should be good for dueling...

So I wait a few days and this is what I get.

Really good condition. First thing I did was look at the Maul conversion thread to see how to take this bad boy apart.

Then being the impatient person that I am I spoke with my friend and he hooked me up with two kits he had.

So now I'm ready to get these finished. I'm going to take more detailed pics of how this build goes and add them later.

For now I hope you enjoy the thread.

Ok so after a bit of cutting, soldering, wiring we have a working Maul.
Here is the wiring harness.
In the light
Light off Blade on.

More to follow

Ok, so since 8 this morning I've been sabering, doing the wiring for two different sabers, a break for a muffin and coffee and i'm done.

Both Mauls now wired and working. Fresh batteries and here we go.....



This has been in the works for 4-5 weeks, waiting on money for parts, parts themselves and time. But as always it's been educational, my soldering is the best I've done so far and I've enjoyed this conversion.

I pulled off a couple of bits I didn't need too and need to glue them back on them I'm done.

Hope you've enjoyed this as much as I have.

10-04-2009, 07:50 PM
Very nice. Is this your 1st Maul? I've done an Anakin, a Yoda, and a Maul and the Maul was my favorite by far. I just think that the Mauls have better build configuration inside. There is even a place to drill a hole for the motion sensor. I also like the sound better than the rest. I like the rattle hum.

10-05-2009, 02:58 AM
Very nice. Is this your 1st Maul? I've done an Anakin, a Yoda, and a Maul and the Maul was my favorite by far. I just think that the Mauls have better build configuration inside. There is even a place to drill a hole for the motion sensor. I also like the sound better than the rest. I like the rattle hum.


Yes, but I have taken apart a Vader and Luke ANH so already knew how how to do the wiring.

I'm considering seeing if a can have the Anakin ROTS kit turned (if it needs it) so it will fit in the Luke and then doing something with the old parts maybe a starkiller type thing.

I loved the internal config of the Maul, made to whole process easy. I have to rub down the maul blades though as they don't sit in the holder.

It also does sound a little different to the vader and I like that. May just be the difference in sound quality I'm hearing though.

10-05-2009, 05:01 AM
I also have parts left over from taking apart FX sabers.
For my next build, I have been laying out these parts
along with MHS parts I haven't used yet to see if I can
create something cool. A FrankenSaber of sorts.
Those are always the fun builds. Those trial and error builds.

10-06-2009, 10:57 AM
so your maul blades are big huh? awesome! i can make ultrablades out of them!

i am in fact getting a double maul for free from my friends freind. one saber wont turn on and theres a bunch of fried LEDs in the other.
but free is free:p

so im excited to do this conversion as well!

10-06-2009, 12:27 PM
FREE.... FREE.....

And I though I got a good deal. Damn it.

Yeah you're going to love the maul, it's a good saber.

10-06-2009, 02:11 PM
it looks like a good saber.... im going to do some mill work on the hilts to lighten them up... mostly the emmiter, then im putting 3/4 inch blades on them...

10-08-2009, 04:59 PM
it looks like a good saber.... im going to do some mill work on the hilts to lighten them up... mostly the emmiter, then im putting 3/4 inch blades on them...

Funny you should say you're going to do some work on the Maul. I wrecked a couple of bits so (the screws above the accent led looking things) so changed all of them for something else.

I also added some holes in the emmiter to change it up a bit.

Quite pleased with the result.

10-08-2009, 05:11 PM
Very nice!

I have GOT to get some of these things!!!