View Full Version : Modular Weapons System

08-28-2009, 06:03 PM
This was a project I started b4 last Halloween and just recently was able to finish.The 2 "Escrima Sticks" screw into the other various weapons.
It's got 2-20" blades and tips, a LuxIII Green and "Amber" led from TCSS. The rest is just cheapo switches, copper led holders, a lot of PVC and fittings and the chains and swivels from 2 nunchucks. Why the chains from 2 nunchucks?
Well, read on:

Here it is as Escrima sticks or short swords:

Single Blade Spear:

Double blade spear or light staff:


And lastly but MOST importantly
3 Sectional Staff!

08-28-2009, 06:10 PM
Wow, Is that all PVC???:D

That's pretty good!

08-28-2009, 06:12 PM
I love the three section staff, and the spear looks much like a yari. Nice job!

08-28-2009, 06:12 PM
Wow, Is that all PVC???:D

That's pretty good!

Yup it is and Thanks!

08-28-2009, 06:50 PM

08-28-2009, 07:13 PM
That's a pretty cool idea.

08-28-2009, 08:22 PM
The 3 section staff/flail setup is bound to cause a laugh or two.

Not very practical, but it does look pretty cool ;)

Nice work.

08-29-2009, 06:06 AM
The 3 section staff/flail setup is bound to cause a laugh or two.

Really? How So?

The 3 section staff was tested by myself and I had a noted Kung Fu instructor help me fine tune it. When I showed it a meeting of the LI Jedi and a group of Kung Fu people there was all cheers and no laughs.
It looks real wicked in action!

08-29-2009, 07:24 AM
now that is really an interesting idea right there. I like the three section staff idea.

08-29-2009, 07:34 AM
The 3 section staff/flail setup is bound to cause a laugh or two.

Not very practical, but it does look pretty cool ;)

Nice work.

I also wonder why you think this is no good or practical, many kung fu practitioners who use a three sections staff would have no trouble using this, it, IMO would be more practicle than a tonfa or saber pike.

Brilliant weapon. Does it have sound????

Having looked at this lot, it's even better than I thought, utterly brilliant.

08-29-2009, 08:22 AM
I also wonder why you think this is no good or practical, many kung fu practitioners who use a three sections staff would have no trouble using this, it, IMO would be more practicle than a tonfa or saber pike.

Brilliant weapon. Does it have sound????

Having looked at this lot, it's even better than I thought, utterly brilliant.

Xie, Xie!!:D:D
I like it best as a double spear, you can use more Kung Fu based staff/spear techniques due to the long handle/short blade config. It's more usable in a sparring scenario than a maul type saber staff. IMHO, anyway.
Unfortunately there's no sound, there's no way to fit a card in there. There's barely enough room for the battery packs.
I had to use the battery packs from those mini 9 led flashlights.

08-29-2009, 08:51 PM
When i see a sectional chained weapon all i can think of is someone with no experience swinging it around and axing themself in the face with it. (medieval flails were a good example of this)

I mean sure a fit well trained individual with good hand eye co could make it work but the average joe would just look like an idiot and walk away with a headache.

So are you any good with it? wouldnt mind a demonstration if you are ;)

Either way, like i said it looks pretty cool. Good job.

08-29-2009, 09:11 PM
When i see a sectional chained weapon all i can think of is someone with no experience swinging it around and axing themself in the face with it. (medieval flails were a good example of this)

I mean sure a fit well trained individual with good hand eye co could make it work but the average joe would just look like an idiot and walk away with a headache.

So are you any good with it? wouldnt mind a demonstration if you are ;)

Either way, like i said it looks pretty cool. Good job.

I see what you meant by a laugh or 2 now. And Yes, an inexperienced person would suffer their lack of skills at the hands of this. And I did during the construction, it took a while to get the chain length just right. Honestly, skill wise I'm just past the point of getting cracked in the head by it!:)
3 sectional is not my weapon personally, but might be in the future. There is a video that I will post of the Kung Fu instructor that helped fine tune it. He totally rips it up with this thing!!
The main purpose of this project was to see how many weapons I could get out of 2 blades. The only one I didn't show was the butterfly sword attachment as it snaps on and off and totally kills the paint.
And thanks for the compliment!

08-30-2009, 08:02 AM
I love the idea of the MWS, truly and honestly. Great weapon setup, especially with the 3 section staff.

Just a few questions about the future of your project. Have you thought about implementing a quick exchange system between weapons? I'd love to see the escrima user switch to the tonfas just by dropping them in and continue fighting. I know at the stage of your project, the idea seems to be in left field, but I believe it could be something to consider for the future.

Impressive project.

08-30-2009, 08:34 AM
I love the idea of the MWS, truly and honestly. Great weapon setup, especially with the 3 section staff.

Just a few questions about the future of your project. Have you thought about implementing a quick exchange system between weapons? I'd love to see the escrima user switch to the tonfas just by dropping them in and continue fighting. I know at the stage of your project, the idea seems to be in left field, but I believe it could be something to consider for the future.

Impressive project.
Yeah, unscrewing each one is too time consuming for a real time "fight". A quick change would definitely be cool, it's just a matter of finding the right fittings at the right price. I tried garden hose quick connects but they were a little too wobbly. Compressor releases seem like a good choice but they might add too much length and take away from the usable surface of the weapon. I tend to use a lot of Kung Fu staff/ spear sliding techniques.

I'm open to suggestions if you or anyone have any!
I'd like to see if we can "Kick this up notch".:)

08-30-2009, 10:28 AM
Two ideas.

First, I'm borrowing this idea from a medicine bottle with child proof locks. They allow the parts to move freely when connected, but cannot be disconnected unless pressed down and twisted off. You can make it have a hard stop to prevent your sabers from twisting at the connect point if you want. It'll be quicker (and possibly safer) than just screwing the parts together.

The other idea is borrowed from a Nerf toy assault rifle. They use a twist engage lock, where you slide the part on and twist it to engage the locks, and then turn it back to disengage. This is a hard stop lock that wouldn't require any screwing, but to design it to be able to make any impact/contact would be a challenge, especially since all their toy systems aren't made for contact. Of course, this project wasn't meant to be easy, right?

Just some thoughts.

08-30-2009, 12:04 PM
Both are good ideas, implementing them to be able to take an impact is the challenge. But you did given me an idea that I can try do in PVC using the Nerf twistlock idea! I have someone that wants me to build them a saber staff from pvc with a quick release and I'm stumped so far. I'll try it in the next few days and let you know how it works out.

Keep me informed if you come up with any more ideas.

09-02-2009, 09:34 PM
this in the most genious design like.... EVER!

09-03-2009, 05:53 PM
this in the most genious design like.... EVER!

Thanks, man!!
That's probably the greatest compliment I've received in my 43 years on this planet!!!:D:D:D:D