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View Full Version : Jedi of the Gray Council

06-29-2009, 04:21 PM
In lore, these were Jedi who were believers of using the Force, instead of being guided by "The Force". They were peaceful with the council, but did not follow the creed. They were not sith, because they did not long for absolute power.

My journey is to design a Jedi of the Gray's costume. My forethought of this was to design something to a clean, trim uniform that looks like Galen Marek's (Starkiller, The Force Unleashed) training uniform. Following the principle of using clothes that follow the natural body lines (see my post in "Are belts neccesary" [sorry I did not link it]), I want it to follow my body's contour to give me maximum movement, meaning there would be no cloak or cape, but possibly a cloth tabard for the lower half.

What I need help with is what kind of material, should I include armor (how much, where, and what kind of materials [sintra armor, what kind of plastics/metal]) and design tips.

My lightsaber that will accompany it will be the one I am currently building, "Instinct", which is a copper hilt with an amber blade.


J. Vit

06-29-2009, 04:56 PM
That is exactly the kind of Jedi I would be!!!!

06-29-2009, 06:59 PM
My "Character for the LI Jedi is a grey jedi also. The copper saber w/the amber blade is exactly what I did!


If you're interested I'll post pics of my costume, too.

06-29-2009, 07:30 PM
Give us pics!!! Give us pics!!! Give us pics!!!

06-29-2009, 08:15 PM
Give us pics!!! Give us pics!!! Give us pics!!!

Me with Mark Goddard (Maj. Don West):

And a pic of me after a Q&A panel we did @ ICON 2009
Here's a pic of some copper Tonfa I made in Collaboration w/Daija Tatsu, also of the LI Jedi.

I loves me some copper!

Barmic Rin
06-30-2009, 12:04 PM
Ravage had a funky grey jedi costume that he posted a while back, pretty much standard tunics but in a dark grey.

Personally, i'd slim-line a set of standard tunics, add abit of armor on forearms & shoulders, maybe the shins. Think Luke ROTJ crossed with Starkiller...

Jedi Ranger
06-30-2009, 04:18 PM
Well, here are some more ideas to help you along, from some of my very early custom-Jedi variations, all to keep in line with my image/creation of a Jedi Ranger (cross between a Jedi and a Ranger from Babylon 5).

Bracers (forearms): http://www.members.shaw.ca/Jedi.Ranger/Star_Wars_Gear_Bracers.htm

Greaves (shins): http://www.members.shaw.ca/Jedi.Ranger/Star_Wars_Gear_Greaves.htm

Lightsaber thigh holster: http://www.members.shaw.ca/Jedi.Ranger/Star_Wars_Gear_Holster_v2.htm

Black cargo pants and black long-sleeved shirt with short brown tabbards:

06-30-2009, 04:19 PM
My Halloween/jedi costume is based on a grey Jedi. I ditched the robe for a hooded tunic and a more streamlined tabard. The shoulders are a little wide, which I am gonna trim down eventually.

06-30-2009, 05:32 PM
Where can you purchase tunics similiar to those posted? I couldn't find anything but knight tunics from the dark ages.

06-30-2009, 07:02 PM
I think just about all of them are custom made, at least mine was
. Gi's(karate uniform tops) are usually pretty good. I think that is what Do Clo uses for his Sith costume in one of the pics(not sure which thread). Here are some things that may work for you
If you have any sewing skills, they are fairly simple to make, or if you are still in high school, just make nice with someone in a sewing class and see if they can hook you up.

06-30-2009, 08:26 PM
Gi's are good but a lot of people use them. I used an all black Kung Fu top because it has the Mandarin collar.

06-30-2009, 08:32 PM
In my opinion, you need to think more along the background you are going to have on your character's costume. They might stick to the more formal Jedi style robes, or they might just wear 'ordinary' citizen clothes. I'll bet you could create some pretty wicked outfits with a backstory.

06-30-2009, 08:41 PM
In my opinion, you need to think more along the background you are going to have on your character's costume. They might stick to the more formal Jedi style robes, or they might just wear 'ordinary' citizen clothes. I'll bet you could create some pretty wicked outfits with a backstory.

That's what the LI and NY Jedi do. We create our own characters and just rock out from there. :D First and foremost, we hafta make sure we can fight in our costumes as we are doing shows.

07-01-2009, 01:27 AM
My two pence. Being that I have always liked the idea of a jedi that strays close to the dark side, that would be my theme. I currently have ideas for a grey jedi costume.

I think that armor is a must, but you should also have a cloak.

Jedi Rangers lightsaber holster is excellent, for me a jedi who walks a fine line between the light and dark would have his lightsaber ready to fight with.

Lightsaber color woould either be amber, orange or purple.

Maybe add a mask. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sith_mask

07-07-2009, 10:35 AM
I should point out that you guy's are mis-defining "Gray Jedi", from everything I could find about the term it refers to jedi who don't follow the council's orders, and has nothing to do with a particular set of beliefs. In fact the only movie example of a gray jedi is Qui Gon Jin who was a believer in the living force, he believed that the force would guide him to where he needed to be, but it was up to him to discern what he needed to do, and disagreed with the jedi council because he thought they relied to much on the force for insight (he was right it allowed palpatine to hoodwink them).

07-07-2009, 11:07 AM
I always saw Grey-Jedi as Jedi that belived the force was neutral. It was all how you decided to use it. The didn't follow the Jedi Code because of all the restictions and politics involved in it.

IMO A grey Jedi is good, But can use "dark" force powers.

07-07-2009, 02:10 PM
I always saw Grey-Jedi as Jedi that belived the force was neutral. It was all how you decided to use it. The didn't follow the Jedi Code because of all the restictions and politics involved in it.

IMO A grey Jedi is good, But can use "dark" force powers.

no that's a specific belief set known as the potentium (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Potentium), they were considered Gray Jedi, but based on their disagreement with the council, not on their specific beliefs. They were eventually expelled from the order, by none other than yoda.

Gray Master Drexx
07-31-2009, 06:53 AM
Hello All,

First time on the forums and I am very glad to find a thread pertaining to the Grey Jedi. I myself have designed my custom character around the mythos of the Grey Jedi. My character is trained in a way though some might either find intriguing or odd. I was at Dragon*Con 08 in my first attempts that I look at now and think... WHAT THE HECK WAS I THINKING? Apparently my LED modified paintball helmet also either intrigued or turned away some people. None the less, time for some formal introductions. My name is Brandon, but when in costume/character you may call me Master Drexx or just Drexx. Balyn Drexx was a character I thought up about six years ago and I can finally bring him into full fruition complete with a storyline, costume, props that relate to his storyline and of course a personality. I hope that some of you will be coming to D*Con 09 because a group of us that sparred there last year have started a group called Swords of the Force Alliance: Saber Duelists. It is a customized character/costume group where you can go as far as you imagination takes you. We try to find locations to spar in and just travel around the grounds at night recruiting people to duel. Just something fun to do as a Jedi or Sith. JVit, great idea with the Grey and you have my support.

May the Force be with you...

07-31-2009, 07:48 AM
Welcome, Drexx.

I've been working more on my costume as of late, and I'm finding some things that I will be doing with it, maybe some ideas for you to go off with.

Currently I have a white sleeveless karate gi that I'm using over a a hooded black t-shirt. I'm going to be working on the color scheme, which I'm not happy with right now.

However, I'm also working on sintra pvc armor to sit on my shoulders/chest/forearms/legs. I'm using some ideas from "The Old Republic" trailer, as well as the "Clone Wars". As soon as I get the initial sketches done, I'll start the construction and post pictures.

Regarding earlier posts talking about designing a character to a backstory, I have. There's a reason why my Gray Jedi is wearing battle armor and clothes that are closer to martial arts and fighting. It's not terribly complicated to figure out, but I'll let you guys be the judge.

Just an update, and again, welcome Drexx.

Barmic Rin
08-02-2009, 04:04 AM

The wikipedia definition of gray jedi.

Some of you may have an interest in the Wardens of the Sky, that'll give you some flexibility...

Gray Master Drexx
08-03-2009, 06:47 AM
Thanks, I've actually never heard of these sky wardens. Great find.

Barmic Rin
08-03-2009, 03:05 PM
That's why I stick around. I'm full of useless little bits of in-galaxy info..

08-03-2009, 04:19 PM
That's why I stick around. I'm full of useless little bits of in-galaxy info..

The useless bits are often the most important...:cool:
Its what makes people millionares on those game shows.;)

08-03-2009, 06:28 PM
By the way, my custom Jedi Costume is created as a Grey Jedi, with traits and a small nod to Liam Neesons Qui Gon Ginn, especially backstory as well, being one who follows the Living force, yet maintaining the Jedi Code, as long as it does not conflict the natural order and flow of the Force.


See posts 5-9 here: http://forums.thecustomsabershop.com/showthread.php?t=8711