View Full Version : My Starkiller saber~

04-21-2009, 06:09 AM
70% finish






50% is finish








I will build the saber system of this hilt~XD

more pictures:


I plan this week finish this saber~
and setup my blade system in it




04-21-2009, 09:18 AM
very nice Makoto!

04-21-2009, 06:45 PM
I don't think it's a stretch to say this is going to be something to see!

04-21-2009, 07:34 PM
Can't wait, Makototsai always has something amazing up his sleeve!

04-22-2009, 06:15 PM
Can't wait to see it finished, looks like a good saber.

04-22-2009, 08:38 PM
your render isnt constrainted enough.... ;).. your missing alot of fillet and radius mesurements... just though id let ya know. nice render though. that looks amazing. good work you put in a lot of time in those designs!

04-23-2009, 02:29 AM
your render isnt constrainted enough.... ;).. your missing alot of fillet and radius mesurements... just though id let ya know. nice render though. that looks amazing. good work you put in a lot of time in those designs!

"Your render isn't constrained (?) enough, you're missing a lot of fillet and radius measurements. Just thought I'd let you know. Nice render though. That looks amazing. Good work. You put in a lot of time on those designs!"

There, I tried to translate your post into English. ;)

Jay-gon Jinn
04-23-2009, 06:59 AM
I don't see any fillets or radii on that drawing, so why would he need to add dimensions for them?

04-23-2009, 10:03 PM
I don't see any fillets or radii on that drawing, so why would he need to add dimensions for them?

There are plenty... all the angled and rounded edges. Also the circles. Looks like a 2D program so the the word "constraint" DJ used is a little misleading since it in all likelihood doesn't use constraints and is being used more like a vector drawing program.

Jay-gon Jinn
04-24-2009, 08:04 AM
There are plenty... all the angled and rounded edges. Also the circles. Looks like a 2D program so the the word "constraint" DJ used is a little misleading since it in all likelihood doesn't use constraints and is being used more like a vector drawing program.

Well, last I knew, and maybe the terms for drafting have changed in the last few years since I had 6 years of Drafting and Design in high school & college and the time spent working in a machine shop, the angled cuts were called chamfers, not fillets or radii. Those two terms were used to refer to a rounded corner, not a 90deg. angle....fillet being an inside corner, radius being an outside corner like on the bunny ears. Holes are usually labeled as "Drill" along with the diameter of the hole. Chances are, the three circles aren't holes, but are screw or rivet heads, having seen other people's versions of the Starkiller hilt. The only hole looks like the one for the plug socket.

Since he's the one doing the machining on it, he can label the drawing however he wants. Besides do we really have to pick apart, or critize his drawing?

04-24-2009, 03:52 PM
/hug Jay

looks good mako, I know it will be gorgeous since it will be you making it!

04-27-2009, 11:16 AM
50% is finish

04-27-2009, 11:32 AM
"Your render isn't constrained (?) enough, you're missing a lot of fillet and radius measurements. Just thought I'd let you know. Nice render though. That looks amazing. Good work. You put in a lot of time on those designs!"

There, I tried to translate your post into English. ;)

jedi loreen bringing things into focus thanks for the translation of engulish to english :lol:
excellent saber mako wondering what sounds will you use is there a sound bank for the sounds in the game ?

04-29-2009, 02:16 PM
jedi loreen bringing things into focus thanks for the translation of engulish to english :lol:
excellent saber mako wondering what sounds will you use is there a sound bank for the sounds in the game ?

SORRY~I am not play the game,
so I don't know the sound bank for the sounds in the game.

could you offer some video of the sound in the game to me?

04-29-2009, 02:41 PM
here you go makoto http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiaWQVOaNE8
you can listen to the sounds there.

Ps:Have you considered making your soundcard support ramping/flicker and shimmer effects (on luxeon led or on led strip aswell)?

04-30-2009, 05:59 PM
70% finish






04-30-2009, 06:17 PM
Good work, but it looks too "nice". :p

Not like it was put together using a bunch of parts thrown together like I guess the one in the game was. (I don't have it and haven't played TFU)

05-02-2009, 04:19 PM
sweet looking makototsai!

I like it all silver like that.