View Full Version : some luxeonIII questions

01-03-2009, 11:24 AM
Ok so I've been doing some research on the luxeonIII stars, trying to decide on a colour for my saber. I'm leaning towards orange. I'm on the luxeonstar website looking at the different LuxeonIII LEDs and the technical data on them. A few things I've noticed that I could use some clarification with
1. what's te differance between lambertian emitting and side emitting?
2. is one brighter over the the other? will both work for sabers?
3. they list "x" amount of lumes ant "x"amount of Mah. Whats the usuall amount of Mah produce from this
http://www.thecustomsabershop.com/Build-Your-Ownbr-Luxeon-III-Seoul-P4-Electronics-Kit-P6.aspx kit?
4. There different styles of luxeonIIIs (emitter and star) can either be used? Is there a performance differance?
5. will this LuxoneIII star work in the kit shown in question 3?
http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www.luxeonstar.com/images/products/lxhl-nh94.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.luxeonstar.com/luxeon-staro-led-redorange-lambertian-55-lm-350ma-p-240.php&usg=__Ym_-SzVd8g5gvP_k1B-WyEIUO9k=&h=214&w=196&sz=8&hl=en&start=32&um=1&tbnid=o1VSOZ8wDlFhDM:&tbnh=106&tbnw=97&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dorange%2Bluxeon%2BLED%26start%3D20%26 ndsp%3D20%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN

Thanks for the help guys, Also let me know if this is all info that can be found in other threads.

01-03-2009, 11:51 AM
1. Lambertian leds emit out of the veetical axis, side emitting have a reflector that forces the light out sideways. For sabre use you want a lambertian pattern.

2. Side emmiting wont work for saber use in a normal sabre. Both types use the same led die so the source of light is the same. The lambertian is more concentrated though so appears brighter, its spread around 360 degrees instead of in a spot like the lambertian.

3. Led specs are all like that (but vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and have to be read carefully). Try looking though all the forums and especially at the stickied posts. Information on working out resistor values/voltage sources is there. Its better for you to learn how to do simple calculations yourself, its will help you more in the long term.

4. A star is an emmitter mounted onto a small heatsink. All the sabre parts in the shop are designed to work with emmitters mounted on stars. From your questions it looks like you arent familiar with electronics so Id always use a emmitter premounted to a star if I were you. It will make soldering everything together easier on you.

5. That is a luxeon O, it isnt as bright as the lux III that is already included in the kit, it also has its own built in optics that im not sure will work with the stores led holders.
The kit you linked to already has the led and optics included anyway so you wouldnt need to buy that led.

01-03-2009, 12:13 PM
Wow thank you very much for the fast and excellent response. Basically my only concer is brightness. from the pics of the red-orange blades in the blade colour thread they all seem some what dim, so I was looking for a bright orange replacemnt LED that could be a drop in replacement for the one that comes with the kit. Your right though I have very little electronics experiance and Am trying to learn as I go. Thank you again for the help!

01-03-2009, 04:28 PM
Red-Oranges are actually rather bright! BUT they appear red to the naked eye (until held up to an actual red blade).

Colorwise, if you're going for an orange blade, I'd use an amber LED or a P4 white with some sort of filter...though I don't have much experience with filtering white LEDs.

01-03-2009, 04:53 PM
If you want a good orange blade, go for a white p4 and use filters, the lee filters work best, you can get a book of colours for free, I'll try and find a link.

edit: here is the link http://www.leefilters.com/lighting/contact/brochure/ you will want to say in the materials enquiry that you would like the free designers numeric edition swatch book and why. I said when I ordered the book that i need more lightsaber colours and you may want to to. the sawtches take about a month or two to ship.

01-03-2009, 05:22 PM
Those filters look cool , but how does you use them for saber purposes? Would I get a sheet of the "gels" and make a wrap for inside the blade like the blade film? Or should i get the heavy plastic stage light filter and cut a disk out it and than try and mount that somehow in front of the P4 white LED?

Thanks for all the help with this guys, between trying to read all the threads that I may need to know about and the threads answering questions i've had, this has started to get a wee bit over whelming. lol

01-03-2009, 05:38 PM
Use the link that I psted befor and fill in the stuff, then in the "materials enquiry" say that you would like the free designers numeric edition swatch booklet. Once you order them and they have arived at your door and you open the envolope you will see that the are small thinplastic sheets. then you would cut out cirlcles that match the shape of the blade holder hole, then you put the plastic sheet into the hole. then you power on the led and try different sheets until you find one you like