View Full Version : Best Soldering tip style for Board Work?

11-30-2008, 03:53 PM
I've been thinking about ordering my first advanced sound board (US 2.0 or CF4, I haven't decided which, yet) But I had a question, first. I have become quite proficient at soldering wires together (due mainly to my excessive love of quick connectors) but I've never soldered wires to a circuit board, yet. I have a Weller WLC 100 Station with a screw driver tip and its great for wire work, but way too big for boards. What style tips would you guys recommend? I'll probably have to order online due to where I live, so feel free to post links if you know where to find a good deal.


11-30-2008, 04:32 PM
A pointed tip (conical). Really, you can work a lot easier with any pointed tip rather than a screwdriver head. There's different uses for the different sizes, but pointed.

A bigger concern would be whether or not you're on the right setting. 15-20w is plenty, maybe up to 25-30w for those stubborn k2s. But too much heat can certaily do a lot of damage... not as much as "as idiot" but a lot ;)