View Full Version : just wondering if this is possible

09-24-2008, 06:11 AM
I am completely new to building a lightsaber and plan on tackling this project soon using a sinktube but was wondering if this would be possible in order to quickly and cheaply make a saber that my small nephews could duel with.

If I am correct the force action sabers from Hasbro have sound effects in them so you hear the lightsaber sound when you swing it. Would it be possible to take a force action saber, remove the cheasy collapsable blade, and add in a polycarb blade/diffuser from custom saber? What do the force action sabers use for its light source? It's probably not an LED.

Please don't flame me, I was just wondering if this would be something the kids could use. i did a search but didn't quite find anything about adding a better blade to a force action saber.


09-24-2008, 06:30 AM
You could probably do it, but if you are looking for a GOOD quick option I don't suggest it. to hold a PC blade firmly enough to withstand a child's playing you will need a sturdy blade holder and making custom blade holders can be a pain in the ass if you A) are new to it and B) don't have the correct tools.

I believe some of the Hasbro use lamps and others use LED's. Mind you, these LED's are not high power, and wouldn't light a PC blade. If you are interested in doing quick Sabers for Kids, check out Jay-gon Jinns PVC sabers. That is the best place to start (I don't know the link, just do a forum search on PVC sabers).

Donnovan Sunrider
09-24-2008, 06:34 AM
The Force Action (spring loaded blade) Hasbro sabres do have swing sensors, and use not very good LEDs for the blade.
I'm doing a similar project for my nephew & niece.

I don't know of a good way to mount a poly blade into the plastic handle of a Hasbro sabre because the plastic will be so much weaker. You *might* be able to mount a 1.25" blade holder/adapter into it with a lot of glue, but I'd expect the plastic to give out to the stressed of the connection points.

I recommend that you take the electronics out of that and use it to drive a Luxeon LED and provide sounds.
I'm going that route with 1.25" sink tube sabers for the kids I'm building for.

The sound board that comes in the Force Action sabres is this one:

I hear that the Vader model is the easiest to get the electronics out of it. I got the Obi Wan, and it was a pain to get it all out without using a hacksaw to chop it all to pieces.

It just so happens that I have several of Jay-Gon's sink tube saber tutorials linked-

Hints for sink tube sabres-