View Full Version : Light side or DORK side

09-18-2008, 03:21 PM
Its sad when my wife's best friend sends this home to me. (http://www.comics.com/comics/getfuzzy/archive/getfuzzy-20080914.html)

09-18-2008, 04:00 PM
pay no attention...almost everybody in the whole world loves things that light up and makes noises (i.e. cell phone). Besides, lightsaber building has proven itself to be a very effective way for learning the basics of electronics.

09-18-2008, 04:33 PM
no comic that gets into a newspaper these days with the exception of dilbert is worth wasting your time on.

09-18-2008, 04:52 PM
Bah the guy that sent it to you maybe wishes he had your class.

09-19-2008, 02:24 AM
Now if we want to get into comics that are worth reading now, I'd have to vote for "Non Sequitur" well over Dilbert. You can on;y do/say so much before a comic gets repetitive. And if I let it get to me every time someone called me a dork, then I'd be keeping another shrink in business instead of places like this.

Lord Preston
09-19-2008, 05:18 AM
I just don't understand why so many people think Star Wars and lightsabers are for nerds.

09-19-2008, 12:42 PM
Just do what I do. Show them Xwingband's video of him hitting a telephone pole with one of his sabers. Then point out that the pole is much stronger than their head. GlowBat v telephone pole = tie. GlowBat v Head = squishy head

Darth Leximus
09-19-2008, 01:10 PM
People that ridicule hardcore fans of anything have their own issues. Mostly a lack of passion. It doesn't matter what you are passionate about, just that there is SOMETHING you are passionate about. They may call us dorks, nerds, geeks, whatever, but I guarantee we have a wider skill set, a better sense of community and overall more fun lives than those people. So whenever you hear a insult slung your way because of your fandom....laugh out loud because you are happy and that person obviously is not.

09-19-2008, 01:33 PM
People that ridicule hardcore fans of anything have their own issues. Mostly a lack of passion. It doesn't matter what you are passionate about, just that there is SOMETHING you are passionate about. They may call us dorks, nerds, geeks, whatever, but I guarantee we have a wider skill set, a better sense of community and overall more fun lives than those people. So whenever you hear a insult slung your way because of your fandom....laugh out loud because you are happy and that person obviously is not.

I agree whole heartedly with this. I've been called many things. I've been harassed, even threaten if I quote went any further but in the end at least I have the guts to not hid who I am and what I like to do. My wife said it was that fact that won her over in the end no matter how nerdy I am.

Phiily Manyaan
09-19-2008, 01:35 PM
My dad brought me home that same strip from the newspaper he had at work!

Drichar Deis
09-19-2008, 02:36 PM
Ha ha! that got giggles out of me, dont let them get to you!
I just laugh at people who call me a geek or nerd, then proceed to disect every interest they have ;)

09-19-2008, 05:08 PM
*clinches fist dramatically* He doesn't know the power of the Dork side!

09-19-2008, 06:07 PM
Intresting how a joke based on a comic strip can bring out serious replies. My wife may roll her eyes at me, but she knows its me being me. As for comments from "outsider", if they want to be closed minded that's there issue not ours. We can't control others, anymore than they can control us. What we can do is not take ourselves too seriously and be willing to laugh at ourselves. I mean, come on, are we not playing with glorified "flashlights" or "glow bats" or whatever you or they want to call them?

09-19-2008, 07:23 PM
A friend of mine has been trying to convince me to buy a 360. My boss has been trying to convince me to buy a PS3. What do I do? I go and spend half as much on something I'll use more often than either system.

Lightsaber parts purchased today! :D

...I forgot to put anything relevant in. XD Anyways, was oging to say, just goes to show the passion some people have for their arts. This is a good way for me to learn more advanced electronics. I can guarantee I have a better skillset than either my boss or my friend. :P Though, my boss DOES kick ass at Rainbow Six: Vegas 2...

Lord Dottore Matto
09-19-2008, 09:45 PM
I believe that you are all right on. I believe that I have a somewhat well rounded opinion on this issue. First I will tell you all a little about myself (it is all true) I am an All-American baseball player, was a high professional draft choice, and have never shall we say had a difficult time with the ladies. (bear with me I am not trying to tell everyone how cool I am, I am simply providing perspective for my whole comment) I have lived that life, but the funny thing is, I also graduated high school Valedictorian, undergraduate double major Phi Beta kappa/Magna Cum Laude graduate school and medical school summa cum laude and Rhodes Scholar. The second part of this post may sound much more like what you would expect from a "nerd", but not a single person has ever called me one. That could be that they know that I could smear them into the concrete, or maybe its just because they know that I could debate them into the stone age, but whatever the reason I have not had to deal with it. As I have begun to explore more creative endeavours I have noted that others tend to label people with interests similar to mine as nerds. These folks (meaning you guys/gals) seem to me to be some of the most well adjusted, intelligent, grounded people that I interact with (and I interact with many people daily). I believe that we as a community have it right, we truely enjoy a very creative hobby which many of those who would cast disparaging labels do not have the capacity to understand, much less enjoy. Nerd is simply a label used by those people who do not possess the mental acuity to comprehend anything outside of their own sheltered existence! In my book, you guys are all cool. Keep living life to the fullest!:cool:

Lord Dottore Matto
09-19-2008, 09:47 PM
A friend of mine has been trying to convince me to buy a 360. My boss has been trying to convince me to buy a PS3. What do I do? I go and spend half as much on something I'll use more often than either system.

Lightsaber parts purchased today! :D

...I forgot to put anything relevant in. XD Anyways, was oging to say, just goes to show the passion some people have for their arts. This is a good way for me to learn more advanced electronics. I can guarantee I have a better skillset than either my boss or my friend. :P Though, my boss DOES kick ass at Rainbow Six: Vegas 2...

Dude get a 360

09-19-2008, 11:13 PM
i am a dork/geek/nerd...how do you like me now?

Lord Dottore Matto
09-20-2008, 03:31 PM
i am a dork/geek/nerd...how do you like me now?

Exactly the same as we all did before you told us! LMAO;)

Angelus Lupus
09-20-2008, 05:39 PM
I can't remember where I first heard this, but it's so apt for many situations:
Everybody is someone else's weirdo.

Lord Dottore Matto
09-20-2008, 06:02 PM
I can't remember where I first heard this, but it's so apt for many situations:
Everybody is someone else's weirdo.

I concur completely and believe that nothing is more true!

09-20-2008, 07:42 PM
Exactly the same as we all did before you told us! LMAO;)
