View Full Version : Putting in Hasbor Sound?

Jedi 128
09-03-2008, 04:03 AM
How would i go about putting in an obi-wan force action soun bourd into a lux III MHS?

09-03-2008, 04:38 AM
[patient, grandfatherly sigh*] I remember back before I got the nerve to join the TCSS forum... I was a lurker back then. I remember chatting with someone outside of the regular custom lightsaber channels... talking about the personalities here - I actually found them to be rather condescending... from a spectator's point of view, that it. I also remember struggling with my own saber-building trials, and the confusion that comes with a new hobby, new skills that needed to be developed... not to mention the new world that had opened up before me... keep in mind - I was still a lurker back then. Now while I didn't lack any passion for building, I severly lacked the know-how and the courage to make myself known... know what I ended up doing? Want to take a guess?

I didn't really have any choice but to read. Read up on all the threads, all the posts... and all the trials and tribulations of all the saber-builders that came before me. And you know what? They all had the same questions that i had - funny, eh? What's funnier was that as I continued to read through their successes and, of course, failures, I came to realize one thing: I had to do it myself. *Click* there it was... the easiest and most painless revelation that I'd had in my adult life... I wasn't helpless, I didn't need to be told... all the information was already at my finger tips... or eyelids rather. The wisdom that I bestow upon you and everyone else that comes to stay is this: give a man a fish, feed him for a day - teach a man to fish and feed him for a life time... or in this case... tell a man how to wire a board, he builds a saber - teach a man to wire a board, and watch him pass that knowledge on to others... it's a circle of life kinda thing here - we're learnin' you how to fish.

You start by searching for threads about hasbro sound. Read. Learn. Repeat.


09-03-2008, 04:39 AM
A good start would be the tutorials found on this forum.

Posting a question is good, but not if it entails entire THREADS worth of information... that is already in abundance.

EDIT: WHOA! Eastern posted right when I did, and... he sure said it.

Oro Dain
09-03-2008, 08:44 AM
You have to understand, some of these guys post on a ton of other forums and websites and they hear these questions all the time, it only takes a few minutes to find what you need. Just take some time to read, read, read ;)

For one thing do a search on your topic on the forums page and I bet you will get more than enough to answer your questions. Next just look at the thread topics and one will pop right out at ya. I won't point the way but I will say it has the word schematics in it.