View Full Version : Lightsaber dueling in them there movies

08-04-2008, 09:49 AM
right, just a thought, but.....:confused:

in the movies when someone goes to block a lightsaber strike, why does the attacker not click his off at the last second and then back on again? thus going through his defence?

lol just occured to me the other day lol

08-04-2008, 10:03 AM
Because the power down sequence combined with the time required for re-ignition would be too long.

Tom Starkiller
08-04-2008, 10:44 AM
There's a lightsaber fight on youtube that does that.

And if they did, it'd lead to crap action sequences.

Hasid Lafre
08-04-2008, 10:48 AM
Yep, and becides deactivating your saber is lowering your deffences more so than putting your saber to your side.

08-04-2008, 11:32 AM
lol just thought it would be a cool sneaky sith trick....

08-04-2008, 12:04 PM
I believe there IS a saber liek that..no? Im not even up on all the history/books.. and Ive read a few mentions of a shadow blade or whatever or tactic that was used.. (faking their own death...something er' other)

not to mention a saber is like a shield & sword sort.. it blocks FOR YOU as well.. ;)

Barmic Rin
08-04-2008, 12:10 PM
Dual phase saber. Corran horn uses it to take down one of the Yuuzhan Vong.

He can extend his blade from 36" - 60". The blade colour also goes from silver to purple.

Isn't it Ryan vs Dorkman they do the switch off in?

Vazan Maceu
08-04-2008, 12:15 PM
Isn't it Ryan vs Dorkman they do the switch off in?

Yup, they did, and I thought it was really a smart move :-D

08-04-2008, 12:16 PM
the duel phase sabers could do it, supposedly exar kun used an early duel phase saber that could go insubstantial at the touch of a button and used that trick.

08-04-2008, 06:12 PM
While we're on the subject of "more realistic" moves or ideas, I can safely say (from being involved with martial arts most of my life)... and I've said it many times before...

Most any realistic "duel" with swords should end in about 0.25 seconds or less--after the first person initiates an attack that is in distance.

If it lasts any longer than this, they are both pretty well-trained... and if so, SOMEone will still get hit within 3 to 5 seconds.

"Lockups" are 100% BS. If it were real, you'd break that lock as soon as you could and try to gain an advantage... or back off and reset your measure for fear of getting your ARSE handed to you.
Big, preparation and wild swinging actions are 100% BS.
Parrying over and over and over again without ANSWERING back (referred to as 'riposte' in fencing, French being the international language for it, it means 'answer')... is 100% BS.
Aiming for targets all over the place is BS... primarily--if it were REAL--you should aim for the arm or wrist... or in this case since the "swords" are energy laser beams or whatever... aim for the hilt and that's the end of that.

Ironically, the "most realistic" saber fight *IS* indeed Obi-Wan and Vader during ANH--since it's quasi-Kendo/Kenjutsu style. Although naturally it is still rife with staged combat, fun stuff, spins for Obi-Wan, a bunch of unrealistic lockups and fun "fluff". Which is to be expected.

If you're talking high-energy + skill and choreography... look to Jackie Chan or Jet Li...

If you're talking quasi-realistic (sword stuff)... look to olympic, national or world-level fencing or Kendo or something like this where lightning speed is of the essence.

So... ultimately... you wouldn't even NEED to quickly power off/on and pull a trick... you'd either make the quickest snap of your wrist to change targets as a feinted attacks or disengagement... or simply parry and riposte SO quickly that the "fight" would be over in just moments.

Remember... if it WAS a razor sharp sword (or a super hot energy blade)... it only takes a "scratch" to cause serious damage.

//end tirade! :D :D :D :mrgreen:

08-04-2008, 07:07 PM
I am not so sure...I remember in episode III, Mace Windu went to arrest Chancellor Palpatine. He was angered and busted out some kinda spin move...that looked pretty hard to fake.


08-04-2008, 07:19 PM
yeah staged duels are quite fun to watch and all but when you see an actual brawl where people are fighting win and or life or whatever they tend to be more real and much more entertaining cause actual emotion is put into play. When me an my gang used to duel we'd just go at it as if we were gonna injury the other guy and what not but within some limits.


probably my favorite duel in the world cause well yeah...

08-04-2008, 08:53 PM
Nova's right. Whenever I decide to not horse around, aka bash sticks to look cool, its move STRIKE. Maybe two swings and then a strike. Fights are over in 2 to 3 moves. Samurai fights lasted 2 MOVES! One attacks, other blocks, strikes back, DEAD.

While I'm on the subject of quick fights, those big action sequences of anime legend where a guy with a sword wades through jillions of guys, the idea is sound, but only for maybe 10 guys. A sword is a heay thing, and fighting is even more exhausting. And even the best fighters wear out.

I'd like to see a film where a Jedi has a fight with a bunch of guys who come at him either one at a time or in groups, maybe the whole group. You don't see too much of that.

Well that's my rambling on fights, life however, is another thing...


Hasid Lafre
08-05-2008, 12:00 AM
S.L.Jackson does know kendo.

08-05-2008, 06:42 AM
Nova's right. Whenever I decide to not horse around, aka bash sticks to look cool, its move STRIKE. Maybe two swings and then a strike. Fights are over in 2 to 3 moves. Samurai fights lasted 2 MOVES! One attacks, other blocks, strikes back, DEAD.

While I'm on the subject of quick fights, those big action sequences of anime legend where a guy with a sword wades through jillions of guys, the idea is sound, but only for maybe 10 guys. A sword is a heay thing, and fighting is even more exhausting. And even the best fighters wear out.

I'd like to see a film where a Jedi has a fight with a bunch of guys who come at him either one at a time or in groups, maybe the whole group. You don't see too much of that.

Well that's my rambling on fights, life however, is another thing...


yeah i know those old samurai flick sequences they rock but completely unrealistic. The dynasty warriors franchise comes to mind here. YOu are one man tank and basically you do all the work as the rest kinda do stuff but really it's up to u to pathe the way. but we all admit one man tanking is fun to watch.

08-05-2008, 10:33 AM
I've done ken-do since I was a 8. novastar is right. you really don't want any wasted movements.

If you want to see a "real" looking fight in a movie watch Yojimbo. great film and had a strong influence on star wars.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3iHJGEbw2Q

08-05-2008, 10:37 AM

The video you have requested is not available.

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08-05-2008, 11:53 AM
huh, that link worked the first time, oh well.

if you go to you tube and type in YOJIMBO its the first one that pops up.
(I'm kinda computer stupid)

08-05-2008, 12:59 PM
huh, that link worked the first time, oh well.

if you go to you tube and type in YOJIMBO its the first one that pops up.
(I'm kinda computer stupid)

that is an excellent movie

08-05-2008, 06:26 PM
I am not so sure...I remember in episode III, Mace Windu went to arrest Chancellor Palpatine. He was angered and busted out some kinda spin move...that looked pretty hard to fake.YOU HAVE to be joking... right? You think that Ian McDiarmid executed a Psycho Crusher with no assistance? Whatever. Even the top level tricksters don't do psycho crushers often, and they look different than that, AND take lead up steps & momentum.

Besides, his move didn't do anything. He landed on his feet (Jedi still didn't do anything), then he pulled his saber back to prepare (Jedi STILL did zilch), and started "getting 'em". Lame.

If I was the choreographer, I would have said that the Psycho Crusher move would have had to happen the moment Palp said "it's TREASON!", with the line more surprising/screaming at them, and lighting the saber all at the same time... and the move should have killed one of the jedi consulars *AS* Palp landed. They could have easily done this too. But they didn't. Suck + Fail = (expletive). :)

S.L.Jackson does know kendo.Her sure does:



08-05-2008, 08:11 PM
Yeah, I think that the fights in Eps II and III really went downhill. They just got more and more cartoony, ignoring obvious errors. Too much spinning and not enough brains.
Seemed like TPM was a little less flash and more substance in that regard.

08-05-2008, 10:29 PM
A balance of flash and spins + "more realistic" moves is really what good staged combat is all about to me.

Even in Jackie Chan movies, Jackie tries to choreograph "mass" fights where EVERYONE is doing SOMEthing--not waiting around for "their turn".

Perhaps it's just because staged combat is a part of what I do, but I certainly appreciate Jackie's style (and I don't even mean his awesome tricks, stunts, and talent) with "keeping things moving".

Basically, I think the Palp vs. "4 jedi" was fine once it got to Sam & Ian (although it was just... "OK"... nothing wildly amazing)... but the initial kills were absolutely stupid and ridiculous. There should have been MUCH more interesting things going on, with Palpy evading an attack from jedi X whilst killing jedi Y, while maybe briefly getting time to zap Mace backward... or SOMEthing.

I mean, while we're sort of focusing on this fight... compare it to Chris Lee against Ewan & Hayden in EP II... AND EP III there was MUCH more creativity and attention to "everyone being busy in action".

Whatever. I hate to get on the soapbox for this sort of thing but... it always bugs me when it's the PROFESSIONALS doing this. I know that there is MUCH more to think about in the films than just a fight or two, but... STILL. Pros get paid BUCKS. So... no FRIGGIN' EXCUSES! :D :rolleyes:

08-06-2008, 09:37 AM
the jedi--No the jedi MASTERS--all standing around waiting to get killed always bothered me.
maybe Mace should have just left them at the Temple.

they could have played cards with Anakin or something.:D

08-06-2008, 10:08 AM
the jedi--No the jedi MASTERS--all standing around waiting to get killed always bothered me.
maybe Mace should have just left them at the Temple.

they could have played cards with Anakin or something.:D

or you know... held him down while mace got the job done...

Tom Starkiller
08-06-2008, 10:18 AM
or you know... held him down while mace got the job done...

:shock: Let's not go there. :P

Malaki Skywalker
08-06-2008, 10:44 AM
:shock: Let's not go there. :P

ROFL!!! Why do you think of this stuff? :rolleyes: :lol:

08-06-2008, 11:14 AM
or you know... held him down while mace got the job done...

a good old curve stompin might have been nice...but that's just a bit graphic...have you ever seen a live curve stomping, it aint pretty. Saw a chick do it to another chick once back in junior high. As i remember it was over a stupid boy not me though. I was just too nerdy. ANywho I liked that fight though i wished them jedi didn't die so quick. It left me wanting...