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View Full Version : First Saber, need help

Jhadious Aran
07-21-2008, 05:49 PM
hi all, this will be y first "real" saber i've created ive made several out of standard plumbing parts and what not just for "show".

i have my hilt built pretty much how i want it. so now im down to figuring out the blade and what not.

now here are my questions.

what parts do i need for a k2 blade / led and wiring

what parts do i need to use a rechargeable pack and recharger

sorry if this sounds very vague like i said im pretty much new. i tried to make the saber with the MHS builder but it apparently doesnt work. so any help would be great.


Dark Navel
07-21-2008, 05:57 PM
I hate to be a jerk but there is a wealth of knowledge in these forums and you need to search for it. Not only to get your answeres but you may learn something from it..

Jhadious Aran
07-21-2008, 08:42 PM
well thanks, but honestly i have searched, and there are no specifics on hey you should get this part or that part. it's just as vague as my questions honestly.

07-21-2008, 08:46 PM
yeah... this is my first possible attempt to ordering parts to build a saber and i am at a loss. there is too much to read and figure out. if i had more time to invest, i would probably read more. so far, half the links i've tried to view don't work. i don't mind paying someone to build it for me if i can just tell them how i want it to look. this is a gift for someone...

07-21-2008, 08:53 PM
what parts do i need for a k2 blade / led and wiring

what parts do i need to use a rechargeable pack and recharger


well as i hope you know... this is a forum to an online saber parts shop. ;)

for the LED you could just get the K2 BuildYourOwnEllectronics Kit found here: http://www.thecustomsabershop.com/Build-Your-Ownbr-Luxeon-K2-Electronics-Kit-P135.aspx

for the blade.. any of these (but make sure you read the discription. they are very different)

the battery (if you want a different one from the one that comes in the K2 Kit) and charger.....

and lastly, the recharge port if you dont want to have to take the batterys out everytime you recharge....

lol hope that was specific enough for you :D

07-21-2008, 09:00 PM
ohh also....

one of the most important things to do is plan out your saber layout for electronics first and again before you solder, so that you make sure you have enough room inside to put everything you want. :)

hope it helps. there are all kinds of cool threads that go into details on how to wire it up and such. just do a spacif search for the topic you need..

example: How to wire recharge port

that would bring up some good threads for that subject.

as for the plethora of info to read... if you think its too much and too confusing... thats the nature of the beast. even if you read up and spend months researching everything to make your saber perfect, if its your first time you will probably mess up on something and you will learn the hard way and not make the same mistake again. the more sabers you build and the more complicated you make em the better youll get.

07-21-2008, 09:31 PM
just want to add this little piece of advice....

remember... you are not a jedi until you construct your own saber. there is no feeling better then to push the ignition button on the first saber you wired and built yourself and see it light up. you get a whole new appreciation for it.

Lord Dottore Matto
07-21-2008, 10:04 PM
hope it helps. there are all kinds of cool threads that go into details on how to wire it up and such. just do a spacif search for the topic you need..

example: How to wire recharge port

that would bring up some good threads for that subject.

as for the plethora of info to read... if you think its too much and too confusing... thats the nature of the beast. even if you read up and spend months researching everything to make your saber perfect, if its your first time you will probably mess up on something and you will learn the hard way and not make the same mistake again. the more sabers you build and the more complicated you make em the better youll get.

I agree with Braxus, it is okay to take it slow. Spend time here and learn. Believe me, you will find what you need. A great place to start is with a basic PVC saber (I did a step by step)http://forums.thecustomsabershop.com/showthread.php?t=5185, a basic hardware saber (DarthDan did a nice tutorial) http://forums.thecustomsabershop.com/showthread.php?t=2547&page=2, or an MR FX conversion (from ultrasabers- http://www.ultrasabers.com very easy to follow instructions). Start slow, someone can always build them for you, but the enjoyment and satisfaction comes from building your own, then you can also appreciate how very GOOD at this some of these dudes are!

you guys are not the only 2 noobs to ever get scorched for saying that they can't find anything, I think it has happened to most of us. Just stick with it and it will all fall into place!

Good luck:razz:

Count Malik
07-21-2008, 11:25 PM
just wait... You won't be able to stop ordering saber parts. lol!

07-22-2008, 06:25 AM
theres is tons of info here. Someone somewhere has asked the exact same question before. I have also noticed that some of the older links bring you back to the main forum page, but for the most part you just got to put the time in and read read read. You would find that there are different setups that will give you what you need, so there is no fast/easy answer to the question of "what would I need?".


Jhadious Aran
07-22-2008, 08:27 AM
thank you guys very much for the very helpful information. and yes brax quite specific :P.

Braxus you said to plan out the layout of the saber for the wiring, im assuming you meant by ID of the saber for space? and using 26g wire should make it more comfortable fit i think. but with the pieces i've chosen im "assuming" they will fit from going with all the ID measurments, the only thing thats killing my calculations is the battery pack, but they're not in stock atm anyways so i shall have to shove some fat wires in there as a test to see how much room i have to play with. thank you again my jedi friends.

And may the force be with you.

Jhadious Aran.

07-22-2008, 11:07 AM
Braxus you said to plan out the layout of the saber for the wiring, im assuming you meant by ID of the saber for space?.

Length wise as well. ID is fairly easy to anticipate and measure for... but more often than not, I see people running out of length space. With a battery pack, possibly a sound board, and wires crowding the inside - then you cut it off even more with a switch - it's all too easy to run out of hilt.

Even with thin wires, it gets cumbersome... no big deal, we've all been there... you'll see :)

Jhadious Aran
07-22-2008, 11:18 AM
hmm this is true. i would like to add a soundboard at a later time and already the battery packs are rather long 4 inches at most. giving just 3 inches in the center piece itself taking off a little more for the switch and its wiring. i'm using a choke as well so now im thinking there will deffinatly be 0 room for a soundboard in the current hilt. i would more than likely have to add an extension for the pummel to get sound. thanks for the heads up. very much appreciated.

And may the Force be with you.

Jhadious Aran

07-22-2008, 07:51 PM
thank you guys very much for the very helpful information. and yes brax quite specific :P.

Braxus you said to plan out the layout of the saber for the wiring, im assuming you meant by ID of the saber for space? and using 26g wire should make it more comfortable fit i think. but with the pieces i've chosen im "assuming" they will fit from going with all the ID measurments, the only thing thats killing my calculations is the battery pack, but they're not in stock atm anyways so i shall have to shove some fat wires in there as a test to see how much room i have to play with. thank you again my jedi friends.

And may the force be with you.

Jhadious Aran.

I dont know how complicated your planning on making it. so thats why added that comment in there about the layout.

for my personal saber (the one pictured in my Sig) i didnt want to make it long so i only had the 7inches of the main MHS Hilt body to work with. I wanted two Indicator LEDs, a recharge port, Crystal Focus 4.0 sound card, and two switches (one for PowerOn and the other for Aux), and i wanted to use 1600maH AA batteries i bought online. not alot of space.
after I measured everything and planned the saber i thought i had enough room. i test fit everything it it fit. but when i wired everything up i found out that the buttons i used went too far down into the hilt and didnt leave enough room for the wires. i ended up using the buttons and switch bezels that tim sells. they dont go very far down and gave me just enough room to fit everything. i also had to use the 26 gauge wires. it WAS tight but it worked.

even with my planning and the test fitting, it still didnt fit after i wired it up. learn by doing i guess.

07-24-2008, 12:59 PM
here are the links for the saber parts if the builder isn't working


and the new bits


they are in there just have a blast through them :D

Wooooo feel like I have helped now ;)

Jhadious Aran
07-26-2008, 05:10 PM
thanks for all the replies and info guys i appreciate it. i got my parts in the mail yesterday, this is what it looks like straight out of the box so i still have all the adornments and to figure out all my spacing on the inside and figuring out how i want to drill out a hole on the blade holder so it'll hold the blade. anyways more reading to do and figuring out as well my blade holder is going to give me problems with the blade i just know it lol. and so here's the sig.

enjoy and may the force be with you.