View Full Version : Novastar @ Revision3 in San Francisco!

04-27-2008, 02:14 PM
Hey cool... after speaking with AceRocket (that's Erik)... he recently put me in contact with this gal from a company called Revision3. They were trying to do a quick & dirty "nerdy" saber construction vid, so... somehow it ended up working out that *I* ended up going up there to S.F. to get the stuff done.

The gal's name is Neha Tiwari--she's pretty cool, and clearly gets into a ton of interesting and wacky DIY projects over there! So, naturally, an LED saber is something right up her ally:

Novastar shows a basic saber on Revision3!

Check the video at about 23:33.

Now, obviously some things had to be cut out of the video for brevity's sake (such as the optics, LED, how it mounts, resistor and/or battery solutions, other tiny details), but... it was fun, and who knows, maybe it will open more doors for me to get back in there and start talking about TCSS, Ultra, Erv, etc. etc. etc.

I also brought Dani Cox along ("Alexandra Novastar" from BOP II), in hopes that Rev3 would allow HER to get some facetime on the camera, but, alas--they didn't allow it. Which kinda sucks since if ANYONE'S a star--it's Dani. She was the one with the most talent over ALL of us in BOP II--that's my story and I'm stickin' to it. :)

The Flange III green saber also pops up out of nowhere, heheh... :)

One funny thing is... later near the end of her segment (while she's outside near the water), Neha mentions "champagne bottles" and how some people have used parts from them... LOL.... well, that PROBABLY came from a little blurb I mentioned when showing her the Flange III sabers, since... well... the green Flange III *DOES* use a little emblem-like piece from a champagne bottle, hahahahah!

Anyhow... take care... and have fun with your lightsabers!

Man did *I* look like a geek, hahahahahah! :)

Vazan Maceu
04-27-2008, 03:09 PM
I heard her talking about those "champaign bottle parts", and clearly recalled the flange hilts, of course!! :D ... I really like the part when you get your saber from under the table and activate it, I´m sure that a bunch of people gone "OMG!" and "WOW!" at that exact moment, did Neha knew you were going to do it?

That was really cool Nova ;)

SWAT Strachan
04-27-2008, 03:15 PM
Those two have a real Uma Thurman / Jennifer Aniston thing going on. Tasty!

Oh yeah, good vid too :mrgreen:, but day-um what the hell did she make?? Either she's only 2ft tall, or that's one mahoosive saber! Kinda reminds me of the little Lego ones that come with the figures.

Jay-gon Jinn
04-27-2008, 03:35 PM
Neha really needs to check out the Custom Saber Shop...that thing she built is crazy huge!!!!

Vazan Maceu
04-27-2008, 03:53 PM
Neha really needs to check out the Custom Saber Shop...that thing she built is crazy huge!!!!

Sheesh, it´s really big... I bet nobody told her "Do not be so proud of this technological terror you´ve created"... Sorry, I just had to say it :D

Angelus Lupus
04-27-2008, 04:26 PM
Inteligent, slightly nerdy girls, talking about fun cool stuff? I gotta watch more of that!
Wait, I can't beleive I forgot to add hot to the list there.
Oh, and Nova, if you'd left out the "May the force..." part you'd have sounded less geeky.

04-27-2008, 04:41 PM
I really have no idea what to say...

Nova, at least you can now add the title "Lightsaber Builder Extraordinaire" to your signature block...

04-27-2008, 06:37 PM
yeah that saber she built isn't exactly a credit to our art... oh well getting the plug will bring people to the good info.

04-27-2008, 07:41 PM
I'm by NO means a "lightsaber builder extraordinaire"... I'd bestow that title to folks like Rob (MadCow) or Don (Do-Clo), or Erik (AceRocket), Tim, etc. etc. ...

but... I should at least say the following:

* Neha works on a LOT of DIY projects... and this was just one of them
* I think she did pretty good, considering she decided to just go for things HER way... and not so much our way
* It's true that it may not light up as well as ours, but... at least she made one
* I DID indeed explain (in more detail) how these are made... but, as I mentioned, the video was cut short since we can't spend 30 minutes talking about sabers
* I DID indeed mention folks like AceRocket and Tim/TCSS... but... to fit it all in and make it relevant to "outsiders" who watch THEIR video segments (and do not exactly follow *US* LED nerds)... I don't know how confusing it might have been to tell everyone: "this is from TCSS, go there, then do this, then go here, buy some gift wrap, don't forget a mirror tip, etc." lol...

Anyhow... believe me when I say that it was great fun to work with Neha, she is adorable, fun, is great on camera, and is obviously inquisitive and intelligent. Plus--she seems hell-bent on making her own sabers, and... the Rev3 crew seemed to want me to come back, so...

...we'll see what happens! :)

My intentions are simply to continue to kinda "spread the news" and educate folks about all the great resources and community help out there, which everyone should be thankful for.

Wish me luck!

Special thanks again to AceRocket who pointed out that the company was even looking to do this kinda "huge nerd" segment, heheh.

04-27-2008, 08:08 PM
Glad it worked out. But all I did is read a post on the RPF and send them your name. Now, next time you go to do a video, don't forget to wear a TCSS shirt and give Tim some airtime.

04-27-2008, 08:12 PM
I'm by NO means a "lightsaber builder extraordinaire"... I'd bestow that title to folks like Rob (MadCow) or Don (Do-Clo), or Erik (AceRocket), Tim, etc. etc. ...

but... I should at least say the following:

* Neha works on a LOT of DIY projects... and this was just one of them
* I think she did pretty good, considering she decided to just go for things HER way... and not so much our way
* It's true that it may not light up as well as ours, but... at least she made one
* I DID indeed explain (in more detail) how these are made... but, as I mentioned, the video was cut short since we can't spend 30 minutes talking about sabers
* I DID indeed mention folks like AceRocket and Tim/TCSS... but... to fit it all in and make it relevant to "outsiders" who watch THEIR video segments (and do not exactly follow *US* LED nerds)... I don't know how confusing it might have been to tell everyone: "this is from TCSS, go there, then do this, then go here, buy some gift wrap, don't forget a mirror tip, etc." lol...

Anyhow... believe me when I say that it was great fun to work with Neha, she is adorable, fun, is great on camera, and is obviously inquisitive and intelligent. Plus--she seems hell-bent on making her own sabers, and... the Rev3 crew seemed to want me to come back, so...

...we'll see what happens! :)

My intentions are simply to continue to kinda "spread the news" and educate folks about all the great resources and community help out there, which everyone should be thankful for.

Wish me luck!

Special thanks again to AceRocket who pointed out that the company was even looking to do this kinda "huge nerd" segment, heheh.

I'm playing Darth's advocate here, so take it for what you will...

I've always had a problem with "multi-talented personalities" that want to taste bits and pieces of EVERY cool hobby that comes around. Sure, it would be cool to do this, that, those, these... check off item after item as you wade in the shallow end of pool after pool... never experienceing the deep end of anything.

We have a saying for that: "Jack of all trades - master of none." e.g. litlle girl with giant saber.

And on top of that, she doesn't even take your advice!! She didn't apply NUTHIN to that...thing... what ever it was. What's the point of having an expert (like it or not, Novastar, yes, you ARE an expert), if you don't even listen to what they have to say?

04-27-2008, 08:51 PM
Well, I beg to differ... but only because I'm speaking the truth--not technically being modest:

1. I'm not an electronics expert. As it is... one of my Flange III sabers (the red guy) is having SERIOUS problems right now, and I absolutely *MUST* rely on folks like Eandori & Erv to guide me through the process. Without them--I'd be stuck.

2. I *AM* a "jack of many trades + master of few"... :) It's just the truth. I do some acro... but I'm not Jujimufu nor Anis Cheurfa. I teach and study saber fencing... but I'm not Pozdniakov nor Nazlymov. I'm an actor and writer... but far from a Scorsese or Ridley Scott or even Tom Clancy. Indeed I work with sound... but I'm quite far from Ben Burtt or even Trent Reznor. :cool: Etc.

3. All things take time. If Neha truly wants to "get with the state-of-the-art" of LED sabers... in time, she'll realize that what she has built... is only her... well... ok, I gonna say it: "...first step into a larger world." :) I mean, it seems clear that most people would look at sabers (of ANY kind) and just say "Neat." Then go home and forget it. Little would anyone know how RARE a CF saber would be right now... I mean, there are currently maybe <500 on Earth.

But anyhow, you cannot expect her to magically absorb EVERYTHING all in one simple meeting. Especially when she has other things going on in her life--her job is busy at Rev3... I can sense that.

Sabers are just a small part of LED technology... and technology in general. I'm not giving her a "free pass", but the point is... GO EASY AND GO SLOWLY! :) Let's not kill the padawan upon their first "mistake"... which I would much prefer to call EXPERIENCE.

Finally... if Corbin (my saber designer for BOP I) had "laid in wait" for me to make a SINGULAR mistake--and used it to pass judgement over whether or not he'd accept the BOP I project/job or not... well... he would have quit AS SOON AS WE SPOKE ON THE PHONE...

...because back in 2005/2006... I had ABSOLUTELY *ZERO* knowledge of circuitry, switches, batteries, LEDs and sabers alike. I mean none.

Keep it in mind.

I say: let ALL those who make *ANY* attempts at sabers... be encouraged to continue. Let them "fail". Let them "succeed". It's all ultimately experience, and in the greater picture--is all the same.

AKA: Life. :)

04-27-2008, 10:20 PM
That video is brilliant.


First of, they interview you as a saber maker, without any pejorative intentions... which is too often the idea behind any interview with "those overly keen SW jedi dudes"...

Then, while its kinda short and sweet, it does demonstrate good technology, realised in-house by someone, as opposed to bought off-the shelf. You explain very well how its made, and the hardware saber you used looks great.

after that, Neha made her own, using her own techniques.
Believe me, most people don't want to start out by spending 30$ on a blade for a "home made" lightsaber, and she really demonstrated that you can come out with something of your own, which will look good. I mean, her saber is HUGE, and it seems very heavy, but it does look quite good for a first shot from someone not into this hobby and without much time reading out what's available...

I mean, my first saber was built only after months of documentation, hers must have been done in less then a week... which is more "common" to the "general public"; yet it demonstrate that its possible.
Plus, being that she's referred to as a "higher level SW fan" and that she on her own wanted to make her saber for a while... I think we'll hear more of her saberbuilding activities...
Nova, please keep us updated on that new padawan of yours.

Overall, Kudos to Nova and Neha, and everyone from Revision3 regarding the end result, its really pleasing to see. :)

04-27-2008, 11:01 PM
Thanks Mars... your opinion and thoughts mean a lot.

Now it's true that I *DID* indeed talk to Tim about her and all of this. In fact, I was thinking to BUILD HER an MHS (or otherwise) saber as a gift and surprise her by presenting it in the video, but... there wasn't enough time to get it done prior to when they wanted me to visit S.F.

Additionally, I've told her nearly every part she'd need, and (obviously) recommended for her to start with TCSS. When we were there at her desk in S.F., I quite literally said: "Go to TCSS.com. Do this. Click here. See how X is like blah blah? Ok, click here. Blah blah"... get my drift?

I still think it's quite cool that she just chose to go it in her OWN personal way... and my guess is that it's quite possible that her team encouraged her to... do it her own "Nerd Bird" style (that's her nickname it appears). So... as far as I'm concerned, that's plenty cool.

Besides. PLENTY of opening now to say: "Ok, you saw the rough & tumble basic saber video. Now... let's show you guys what a *PIMPED* saber looks like!" heheheh

Enter CF.
Enter TCSS parts.
Enter Flange III sabers w/ more depth.
Enter Novastar plugging everyone he can "sneak" in. :)
Enter Some Dueling and Neha smacking me down for laughs...

I don't see why I can't plan some of this if they end up saying 'yes' to doing more vids. As it is... did you guys know we simply IMPROVISED the entire thing?? Almost NOTHING was scripted... they just said "ok... 3 2 1 ACTION." and we did it a few times. No real "preparation"... we just did it.

I only wish she had said: "Do... or do not. There is no try." :) Instead of... whatever she said?? :) heheheh (Just teasin')

04-28-2008, 05:23 AM
really cool vid Novastar... your just all over the internets lately hahaha... thats a really cool opportunity and I hope they have you back!


04-28-2008, 06:06 AM
did you guys know we simply IMPROVISED the entire thing?? Almost NOTHING was scripted... they just said "ok... 3 2 1 ACTION." and we did it a few times. No real "preparation"... we just did it.

You might be surprised, but most interview are done that way. At least, all the ones I've did or assisted to.

On another note, I strongly believe one of the goal of her saber was to be able to build something without any soldering - something the average joe can do over the week-end. So she ended up with beefed up parts to fit around a flashlight.

Strange ennough, when I started to talk sabers to a friend, he went a similar path, but dismantled a LED flashlight as a lightsource in his sabers. Makes OK results. focalised luxeons are a lot better.

04-28-2008, 08:51 AM
You know....that type of forum is really limited. Spots like the one your did, Nova, there is not enough time to accomplish alot. I mean, you can only convey so much info within the parameters of the show. Well done, my friend.

04-28-2008, 01:05 PM
Exactly. When I was approached, one of the first things I mentioned is... follow-up videos would be key. Depending on how "far" they wanted to take it.

It's even been suggested that we do some staged combat stuff or fencing or whatever. We'll see.

Either way... my focus is on the Sound CD Compendium right now. The S.F. Rev3 video was shot almost 2 months ago now, heheh.

05-01-2008, 05:26 AM


I had a little fun editing stuff too... so... hope ya like! ;)

BTW, I'm creating some tutorial videos for sound-editing for CF right now, which will also be added into the CD Compendium...

...if all of the data can fit!!! :) It's gettin' PACKED!

08-23-2008, 09:01 AM

08-23-2008, 02:23 PM
The basic wiring solution can be found in the threads here on TCSS. You need to learn a little about basic circuitry first.

I had to do this as well...

For those who do not already know--I had *NO* idea about the following subjects prior to 2006:

* Soldering
* Circuitry (basic or otherwise)
* Voltage / Current... and how they are relational
* LEDs and their "forward" voltages
* Sabers in general

So. If *I* can learn this (by reading, studying, asking questions, listening to others)... others can as well.

Besides, in the past two years, I'd say the amount of information and tools available to beginners have grown tenfold. When I think back to 2005/2006... it was a lot tougher as a beginner seeking information.

08-25-2008, 07:57 AM
Whoa... I heard Neha Tiwari is no longer with Rev3? ??!!! ???

Well... I sure hope it wasn't because of that saber she made. T'would be a harsh punishment, unjust to deliver--even to an uber-padawan. :)

Anyone know anything about that? Did I kill her fan audience b/c of the saber nerd-dom?

Oh wait, they called her the "Nerd Bird". Never mind. :D

Jhadious Aran
08-26-2008, 03:28 AM
i have to admit, her saber was a bit awkward, but i also give her props for just breaking loose and building a "fire hose nozzle" lightsaber of her own, not to mention she kinda went down the path of being more inventive. that uv light cover tube and the pseudo fire hose nozzle hilt was just fine. funny but good none the less. and of course Master Novastar always makes his appearance somehow!! :P

08-26-2008, 01:22 PM
great job exposing our hobby/passion to more people. Neha's lightsaber made me laugh. Who needs to cut with the blade when you can just crush their skull in. Next step is to get Novastar on G4 network.

08-27-2008, 05:22 AM
Well, if I ever showed up on G4... THAT would crack me up. I mean hasn't the AVGN been there too? And he's WAAAAAAAY more popular than our little craft, hahahah.