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View Full Version : Help with hasbro soundboard

11-03-2007, 01:51 PM
I was working on my hasbro soundboard when the positive input wire (yellow one) that goes to positive in baterry pack, was pulled of the board... What should i do? Because i can not find any contact in the tiny hole and if i touch the soldering that is on the back of the board with the wire it doesnt work... Anyone can help me? Thanks

Jay-gon Jinn
11-03-2007, 05:21 PM
Strip the end of the wire and heat up the solder on the board and push the wire through the hole and into the solder. That should re-connect the wire to the contact in the board, and push out the wire piece that is still held in the solder.

04-04-2008, 04:08 PM
Same thing happened to me, Problem is I can't remember which hole it came from. Any on help with a pic or something. Obi wan ROTS model.