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View Full Version : 3D renderings of all parts for CAD

09-05-2007, 05:50 PM
I just finished putting together a file that contains 3D renderings of all MHS parts including the grips, claws, vader shroud, and MPS insert. If you have access to CAD software that can read .3dm files, feel free to email me and ask for a copy. I may also be able to save it in .dwg format, but the last time I tried there was a significant loss of data. Here is an image of what is in the file. Cheers!


09-05-2007, 05:53 PM
very cool, man! I suck at all that stuff so I'll have to ask someone to do it. :lol:

09-05-2007, 06:38 PM
i may get cad just for this.

Awesome work. Thank you

09-05-2007, 07:32 PM
cool, not 100% accurate but lookin' good.

From a search that's a rhino file... can it save into something more common like a .dwg or .dxf? I see plug-ins for it, but saving it natively always helps...

Get it into a better rendering program and let it roll. :D

EDIT: Whoo for not fully reading! I'd like a .dwg version, I'll let you know how it comes out.

09-05-2007, 07:34 PM
oooo nice work. Ill definately want a copy. :D

09-05-2007, 07:39 PM
I can save it as a .dwg, but when I tried this once before to send a drawing to someone I was told that it came out looking blocky. Apparently it loses curve data when you change the file type. I could certainly try it again just to see what happens. No, the parts aren't 100% accurate, but I would like to think that they are pretty close considering I've never actually seen many of these parts. If you have any accurate measurements you can send them my way and I will update the parts accordingly.

09-05-2007, 09:29 PM
Lots of renderings lately. When is someone going to come up with a way to make the MHS builder usefull again? Has anyone seen a system where you could design something out of multiple pieces and then view it assembled in 3d? I know you can do that in tons of software programs but I need something that will work on the web.

09-05-2007, 09:34 PM
i'll ask my wife if she knows of anything that would be web friendly.

09-05-2007, 10:43 PM
haha.. that'd be great!

i could definately set up a quicktime vr sorta thing to zoom and rotate a model on the web, thats not too difficult.. but short of compiling a seperate one for every possible combination of parts, i dont know.

with flash i could probably make the selecting system to assemble the parts, but it wouldnt be 'true 3D'. it would be limited to 'pre-rendered' components maybe in a simple rotating cycle. Not much better than the builder you have now really.. either way i think it'd take a fair amount of work. especially at the rate new pieces are being developed.. it'd have to be fairly easy to update or it would soon lose it's 'usefulness'. :wink:

09-06-2007, 05:22 AM
I'll ask around too. We've got a whiz in my work department about how to make things work on the web. Maybe she knows of something. I'll post later today when I learn something.

09-06-2007, 05:46 AM
my wife's suggestion was to use Flash.
but like Atomsk points out, at the rate new parts are coming out (and i'mNOT complaining about that) it would be a job to keep updated.

09-06-2007, 06:44 AM
It wouldn't be all that hard to keep updated if you go about putting the parts into a database instead of chaining together links of images. Add a new entry to the database, and your selection is a query behind the scenes that calls up the right parts.

I agree that Flash seems the easiest way to do it, and Flash can render things pretty nicely.

09-06-2007, 12:01 PM
I just got the word from xwing that my .dwg works just fine in autocad after all, so if any of you use this or any other software that can read .dwg files, send me an email and I'll send you a copy.

09-06-2007, 12:16 PM
yes if someone could make a database for it and code up a nice backend it'd be pretty easy to update.. way beyond my ability im afraid.

i agree flash is probably the way to go.. now that im thinking it through, it wouldnt be too hard really. the only thing that really throws a wrench into the gears are the claw parts.. everything else is really 'modular'.. one end fits into another.. but the claws fit over the other components, and then we have the problem of having to provide images for multiple combinations of outcomes..

im interested to hear what people come up with

09-06-2007, 01:23 PM
I don't know beans about programming or software, but what about the possibility of creating a small downloadable program that can be used to view and move the pre-drawn parts in 3D? It wouldn't be quite as convenient as a flash program right on the website, but since so many of us are repeat customers I don't think it will really matter all that much. Does anyone here have any experience in designing software?

09-06-2007, 02:29 PM
That being said... I sure hope someone is able to make a configuration setup file program for Erv's board, hehehe...

If I was a programmer, I'd do it. I'm only good with pseudo-code, and my programming experience stopped WAAAAY back in '95 with C++. heheheh

09-06-2007, 03:41 PM
in one of those cases of I know a guy, who knows a guy...

A friend of my wife's is a flash guru. I'll see what it would take for him to set something up.

09-10-2007, 11:32 AM
I updated the file to include O-rings, thumbscrews, covertech knobs, the yet unreleased neck piece, an improved drawing of the vader shroud, and a clamp from another well known saber parts company.

09-13-2007, 02:45 PM
On how to show the claws on the MHS builder...
I have absolutely NO idea how this would be set about, I just have the end result in mind:
You put up a basic piece.
Right click on it, and you have a list of options, using the ribbed section as an example:

Add O-rings
Add Anodizing
Add Claw style 1
Add Claw style 2
Add Anodized Claw style 1
Add Anodized Claw style 2

(yeah, I know, looking to the future a bit here)
The claws then appear on the selected piece, and from there you can click and drag them to the position you want.
Like I said, I have NO idea how this would be set about, but I do know that when working with photoshop, layers are used and a layer that is on top can have parts of it made transparent.

03-13-2009, 09:08 PM
Do you have these pieces in 2d as well? I only have Autocad Light

Jedi Meister15
03-26-2009, 09:25 PM
does anyone know if these are compatable with SolidWorks 2008-2009?

03-28-2009, 02:56 PM
i guess someone beat me to it :P
i just made most of the parts in blender...
so if you want a copy, or want one built, just say so...

great job though


03-28-2009, 04:29 PM
Those look really good, mihunai. Of course now Tim released a bunch of new parts!

03-28-2009, 07:00 PM
wow, you guys..

this thread was from 2007!!!

unless someone can correct me.. there is no use/need for ANY 3D renders..UNLESS you have a 3D program that can manipulate the files/object themselves..

any 'pre-determined' web app will NOT work.

1.) too many choices/options to have a pre-defined 3D render of the parts chosen
2.) depth/z-axis can NOT really be manipulated by anything "I" know of to make a web based app to handle all options. (maybe a web based BLENDER/SKETCH-UP?)

but again..you need all object/parts in sperate files and be able to load them and know how to use the program.. I doubt anythign 'user friendly' with a major learning curve.


Tims MHS builder has all 2D images/'renders' of all parts he offers...

04-07-2009, 05:38 AM

Tims MHS builder has all 2D images/'renders' of all parts he offers...

Yes I'm aware, that's how my signature was made, was only asking cause I'm most comfortable in autocad that's all. Doesn't really matter to me either way. Was more of a curiosity, nothing more.

On Second thought it was SaberBuilder I used to make my sig but I have used the MHS Builder too.


Darth Chuck
05-19-2009, 09:44 PM
would this cad file work with sketchup7 from google? For those who don't know its a free 3d program but it's not as sophisticated as cad. I use it to make simple things in 3d to import into photoshop for 3d layers. Great for 3d text. Any ways if it can be used in sketchup please let me know where I can download these. Thanks.

05-19-2009, 10:45 PM
probably not, Sketchup is .sketch and doesnt accept any other file type, as far as i know...


01-07-2010, 11:35 AM
Can you email me those files johnbstringfellow@Gmail.com

01-07-2010, 01:20 PM
Which files mr spambot?

01-07-2010, 01:28 PM
what makes you think hes spam bot?

1.) his post IS in context..
2.) spambots usually dont leave emails..(only links to Viagra) LOL

Shadar Al'Niende
01-07-2010, 01:55 PM
or...things...in bathtubs..

01-07-2010, 02:00 PM
Or payday loan sites, or pron sites, or clothing and sunglasses sites, or...........

01-07-2010, 02:06 PM
He's asking for your email so he can send the spam there. I guarantee we'll never hear from him again. Same thing happens on craigslist, you'll get people with generic questions that is plainly listed in the post. It's to get your email address.

01-07-2010, 02:08 PM
So, you wait and see if he makes any more legitimate posts before sending him anything by email.

01-07-2010, 04:51 PM
Right, I may have been hasty. But I figure I'll just call him out right now. If he says anything I'll apologize.

Blue Fox
01-07-2010, 05:30 PM
very nicely modeled MHS parts there ^_^ well done, definitely no complaints from me ;)

01-07-2010, 05:56 PM
i'd like to say that these look very good, now i'll have to go find a program that can handle that type of format.

i'd also like to say that i'd be very willing and able to do renders of sabers in google sketchup (because that's my strong program) if anyone wants them... i love modeling xD

Darth Securis
01-08-2010, 02:53 PM
does anyone still have the .3ds files? I'd love to play around with them in 3DS Max. Please email them to me. E-mail is in profile. Thanks, Mike

Matt Thorn
01-08-2010, 11:46 PM
Time Render was planning to update and tweak the files...but then his hard drive crashed irretrievably a couple of weeks ago. Fortunately, he had just sent the files to me a few weeks previous, so I sent them back. ;) Since I know he is planning to make changes, I wouldn't feel right about sharing the files I have. Hopefully he'll have updated files for us soon.

01-09-2010, 09:54 PM
wow, you guys..

this thread was from 2007!!!

unless someone can correct me.. there is no use/need for ANY 3D renders..UNLESS you have a 3D program that can manipulate the files/object themselves..

any 'pre-determined' web app will NOT work.

1.) too many choices/options to have a pre-defined 3D render of the parts chosen
2.) depth/z-axis can NOT really be manipulated by anything "I" know of to make a web based app to handle all options. (maybe a web based BLENDER/SKETCH-UP?)

but again..you need all object/parts in sperate files and be able to load them and know how to use the program.. I doubt anything 'user friendly' with a major learning curve.


Tims MHS builder has all 2D images/'renders' of all parts he offers...

Woah i never noticed it was from 2007 until you mentioned it.

I'll have to disagree with your point of not needing a 3D program. As you might have noticed, generally these days, sabers with shrouds = good, without shrouds = plain. and its gonna be a pain in the certain somewhere if you try to get the shroud done in a 2D program, the measurements and dimensions will have to fit nicely to the circular shape. The 3D programs can be easily googled and downloaded.

Good job to those who did this, they are contributing, but then again its kinda weird how mihunai worked on this, without knowing something like it has already been released 2 years ago.
guess TimeRender has some catching up to do on the parts lol.

01-09-2010, 10:48 PM
Woah i never noticed it was from 2007 until you mentioned it.

I'll have to disagree with your point of not needing a 3D program. As you might have noticed, generally these days, sabers with shrouds = good, without shrouds = plain. and its gonna be a pain in the certain somewhere if you try to get the shroud done in a 2D program, the measurements and dimensions will have to fit nicely to the circular shape. The 3D programs can be easily googled and downloaded.

Good job to those who did this, they are contributing, but then again its kinda weird how mihunai worked on this, without knowing something like it has already been released 2 years ago.
guess TimeRender has some catching up to do on the parts lol.

and my post was from almost a year ago now..:rolleyes:


first you cant make a statement like shroud = good / no shroud = plain.

that would be a 100% preference..no?

the rest of you post doesnt really make any sense to me.. (about making a shroud in a 2D program..yadda yadda).. not sure why you talking about measurements & dimensions.

If you want to be able to manipulate actual 3D files.. you will need a 3D program capable of handling those file formats.

you would also need to know how to use 'said' program.

my statement still stands..there is no NEED for them..except for personal fun use.. there is no web-app that will take separate 3D 'images' (renders)..and put together a 3D model from it.

not to mention the MHS or Custom Saber Builder cant use anything but .gif, .png or .jpg files.

so if someone is just posting a STATIC (2D) image of 3D rendered MHS parts.. its still just a 2D image.. however if you chose a 3D app to make your 2D rendered images...others could 'play along' like they can/do now my modifying parts in MS PAINT or PHOTOSHOP...etc..

01-10-2010, 05:16 AM
It was weird seeing how someone had indeed done that before...
The ''2 years before'' doesn't help either :P

Anyway, i think he'll do a better job than me anyhow,
as i'm not a mm-accurate kind of guy.
Plus 3DS is much better for that purpose than Blender anyhow...

Cant wait to see some accurate 3D MHS hilts pop up around here :)


01-10-2010, 09:01 AM
I didn't realize this thread had been resurrected. I'd like to thank Thorn for saving my butt the other day. Like he said, my computer got a nasty case of Vundo and the easiest way for me to get rid of it for good was to reformat. Since then I haven't really had much free time to work on creating the newer parts and making the old renderings more accurate. It is something I'd like to do very soon, but I didn't think there was much demand for it at the moment so it keeps getting put on the back burner. Actually, Mihunai's parts look great and would probably be much more useful to most of us since it runs on free software. I'll try to get my file updated ASAP now that I know there is some interest in it again, but don't hold your breath because I am going to be pretty busy between now and March.

01-14-2010, 11:17 AM
Forgive the double post, but I wanted the thread to get a bump.

In an effort to avoid doing all the things that I really ought to working on, I decided to go ahead and finish the update on the 3D parts.


Pretty much everything is here. All of the MHS parts are represented as well as a good selection of accessory parts. If I skipped a part that you desperately need just contact me and I'll take care of it as soon as I can. Send me a private message if you want a copy, and include the file format you'd like to see it in and an email address that I can send it to.

01-14-2010, 12:03 PM
Those look good.

As an aside- holy crap, I didn't realize just how many different MHS parts TCSS actually offered until they were all lined up together like that.

01-14-2010, 12:07 PM
is it too big to attach? or link to somewhere? (or do you want to be selective on who gets them?)

Id like a copy. :)

Im also curious (as I dont do 3D ever).. how hard it is to do the following with your renders?

1.) scale them? hard to do? are they arely to 'scale' (per se`) with real MHS parts?

2.) changing the orientation of a 2D rendered image of them?

to be honest, I really like the renders here, by mihunai's:


(the flat greay ones)..

just that it wasnt 'complete'...and he sated they were NOT correct proportions.

Id like to get a set of 2D rendered 3D models of the parts..that adhere to the MHS ruler in the builder(s)..

1in. on ruler..= 1in. on the part....etc..


01-14-2010, 12:22 PM
No X, I'm not being selective, I just don't want to bother uploading them to a file server when I could just email them to people. I'm not sure what you mean by "scaling" them. They are 1 to 1 scale already. You can zoom in and out in any CAD software, if that's what you mean. As for changing the orientation of 2D renders, there aren't any 2D renders so I don't really know how to address your question. These parts can be fully manipulated in 3 dimensions. As for Mihunai's renders, I'm not sure why you say you like them better. How can you express an opinion on something you have never used? I mean his parts look great, but that's just cosmetic, and you can apply whatever cosmetics you want to my files. The picture I showed you in the post is just the rough render, but if you've ever used any sort of CAD software you would know that you can apply textures, colors, lighting effects and backgrounds to these. My parts can be made photo-realistic if you know what you are doing. As for sending you 2D renders of my 3D parts, what's the point? There are already 2D renders for most of these and they look just fine. I didn't make these parts for people to play around in MS paint. These are for people with access to CAD.

01-14-2010, 01:57 PM
Where did I say I say I liked those renders better than anyones? I think you mis-read.. I certainly nevet meant that. Im saying I like is.. I would use his and not bother ya is his were to scale and everythign was there ...thats all.

I understand in CAD sofwtare you can manipulate the models, views/perspectives themselves..

Im saying for an exported/attached image (.png on trans background to be more percise)

2D flat image also models have side/profile view..

image the MHS/PAINT renders posted here..but made in 3DS or whatever you guys use..

like the link I posted to Mihunai's.. I know he made them in a 3D app.. but he posted a simple, flattened/exported image for people to see (or cut out and use for their own playing around)

and since yours 'are' in perfect 1:1 scale...cant you scale all the items/parts in the image (hard to see them all in the image posted).. rotate them to the side profile...

and export an image for me.. is what im saying/asking about geting a 2D image exported from your parts models...etc.

Id like to see how those type of 'renders' (images) look in the MHS builder is all..

I understand you can export a render wth different texture..and lighting...and th moe time you spend the more realistic you can make it work.. I respect modiling.. nurbs/poly's all that business..

Im telling you are reading my post wrong or something. There wasnt one insult anywhere in there..

01-14-2010, 02:18 PM
I never said you insulted me, and in the context it sounded like you were expressing a preference for his parts. I was merely explaining the advantages of using the parts that I created. I think I devoted all of two sentences to the entire issue anyway, so don't go making a bigger deal out of it.

Now I thought I was clear in my previous post, but I will say it again. No. I'm not going to turn these into 2D images. There isn't any point. If you want 2D images go use the saber builder. This file is not intended for people using MS paint or photoshop. I worked very hard already drawing each of these pieces, and I'm not willing to spend several hours more just to turn them into into a redundant copy of something we already have. I understand now what you mean by "scaling" them, and no, there wouldn't be an easy way for me to do it. I could easily scale them all in relation to each other, but not to anyone else's drawings. Also, although I could create a picture of them in profile you wouldn't be able to use the picture because the perspective of the "camera" would distort the parts.

Blue Fox
01-14-2010, 03:08 PM
Lightwave, which is a program I use has a camera setting especially for Ortho imaging. Personally I find the saber builder does just fine. if I want an MHS saber model then building it in the MHS builder and then making a model from that works fine for me.

01-14-2010, 03:58 PM
it was a simple request to get better more detail images in the builders to see how they looked.

on side note.. is it really hard to take a model you created in some of the 3D programs..and rotate the whole thing? ie: like a 'camera view'..

I dont know much 3D..and have really only played with Swift3D (vector 3D stuff)..

but it didnt seem very hard (in that app) to take your object/model and pan or move the camera angle/plane around... so you can see differnt angles/views of it...etc..

either way.. dont matter. Maybe the mihunai's 'renders' will be re-done to scale?.. and I can just use the .jpg or whatever gets posted... to test things out.


01-14-2010, 04:07 PM
just a quick aside: any recommendations for a free program that can use TimeRender's renders? (lolz for the shameless pun)

01-14-2010, 04:18 PM
No X, I simply don't have the time or willingness to put that effort into it. (Edited to remove the nasty attitude. I apologize.)

Edit: Splicer, I'll list the file formats that I can save the parts in. Any software that can handle these types should work.
.3ds .ai .asc .csv .dgn .dwg .dxf .fbx .gdf .gf .gft .ghs .gts .kml .lwo .obj .off .pm .pov .ps .sat .skp .slc .udo .xgl

I didn't realize until just now that I can save them in .skp which is the format for sketchup. That's free.

01-14-2010, 04:30 PM
cool, that one i already have ^^

e-mail is here: sting407@verizon.net (.skp this time please)

this is really great, i was afraid i would have to learn a new program... if the quality goes down though i will just get another program and format though.

EDIT: never mind about my n00b blender question xD

01-14-2010, 04:35 PM
Blender? I'm afraid not.

But hey, let me know how well Sketchup handles the file. Other members have told me that it runs beautifully in Autocad, but I'd like to hear how it runs everywhere else.

Edit: Crap... So the help file says I should be able to save this in .skp, but when I went to save it that option didn't come up. I'm going to see if I can find something to change the file type, but I may have gotten your hopes up for nothing...

01-14-2010, 04:42 PM
Timerender. Before you go out giving your files away to everyone, have you stopped to consider whether Tim wants 'accurate' 3D models (or 'accurate' 2D CAD files) of his parts floating about? What's to keep someone from taking those files and sending them to a machinist to get their own parts made? Or to even expand on those and start making a bunch of MHS compatible parts and offering those? I am not saying you can't make 3D models. What you do in the privacy of your home is your business. But you may want to think about it before you start sending those out to everyone. Tim is very protective of the MHS system and does not make their exact specifics available to everyone for a reason.

01-14-2010, 04:47 PM
No X. You DON'T know what you're talking about, and I WON'T do it. This is the third time I have told you this. Don't be a beggar and don't be rude. If you want prettier pictures to play around with, go do some WORK and make them yourself. I know that sounds a little attitudinal on my part, but I don't want to have to tell you again. No. If you want my file, just ask for it. If you want to turn them into 2D pictures, be my guest.

Edit: Splicer, I'll list the file formats that I can save the parts in. Any software that can handle these types should work.
.3ds .ai .asc .csv .dgn .dwg .dxf .fbx .gdf .gf .gft .ghs .gts .kml .lwo .obj .off .pm .pov .ps .sat .skp .slc .udo .xgl

I didn't realize until just now that I can save them in .skp which is the format for sketchup. That's free.

ok..... (sigh)..

you win. :rolleyes:

01-14-2010, 04:47 PM
The parts are made using only the dimensions that are available to everyone anyway. The parts are unthreaded, and they aren't 100 percent accurate anyway. Besides, if someone took these to a machinist they would end up paying more than Tim charges anyway since his parts are in production and a machinist would only be doing one-offs. I've been offering these since 2007 and he has said nothing so far. He even posted in my thread back in 2007.

Splicer, follow this link and tell me if you're interested. If you can download this and convert the files into skp then you can send them back to me and I can offer it to everyone else.


01-14-2010, 04:52 PM
sure, i'll try it...

just in case though, anyone know any other freebies that can handle those files?

(trying not to sound desperate is hard lolz)

01-14-2010, 06:10 PM
Well I got bad news from Dakarn. He tried to convert these into skp using the software that I linked to and it didn't work. If anyone else has a way of converting the files, please let me know.

Now at the risk of derailing my thread any further, I just want to say that I appreciate those of you who have downloaded my file and thanked me. I'm a little bit unhappy at the moment about the way one user approached me on the forums tonight and although I am trying to resolve the issue I feel that it may be useless, but it makes me feel better knowing that some of you are grateful. Thanks.

01-15-2010, 03:17 PM
I've got this (uncompleted) Blender tutorial in the works specifically for sabers.
This might help...

Keep in mind, it covers the basics for custom sabers, not MHS just yet.

Anyone interested?


01-15-2010, 05:10 PM
I think people would really appreciate that Mihunai. You should post it.

01-15-2010, 06:04 PM
I would be hugely interested!

Post it! post it! Please?

Matt Thorn
01-15-2010, 06:55 PM
Well I got bad news from Dakarn. He tried to convert these into skp using the software that I linked to and it didn't work. If anyone else has a way of converting the files, please let me know.
Fear not! The current release of SketchUp (at least the one for Mac OS X) opens your 3ds file with no problems. The import just takes a while.

Now at the risk of derailing my thread any further, I just want to say that I appreciate those of you who have downloaded my file and thanked me. I'm a little bit unhappy at the moment about the way one user approached me on the forums tonight and although I am trying to resolve the issue I feel that it may be useless, but it makes me feel better knowing that some of you are grateful. Thanks.
I for one am extremely appreciative, and your annoyance is well justified, considering that xl97 was saying less than a week ago (and last March) that 3D renderings were pointless. ("there is no NEED for them..except for personal fun use") He seemed to be speaking with great authority on the subject of 3D graphics, but as soon as you came out with the new and improved version, he not only said he wanted a copy, he proceeded to make all sorts of unreasonable requests that belied a complete ignorance of CAD and generally didn't make much sense. I became annoyed just reading it, and I wasn't even the one he was addressing. TimeRender, you are certainly not the one who needs to apologize. You have provided an invaluable resource to those of us who want to model original sabers that use MHS parts. Thanks again.

Mihunai, I would love to have a saber-specific Blender tutorial. I tried Blender once, and it was utter Greek to me--the most counter-intuitive, user-unfriendly program I've ever seen. SketchUp is free and easy to use, but it has its limitations. It would be great to be able to add Blender to my toolbox.

01-15-2010, 07:53 PM
That's good news Matt. I'm excited now to see what everyone can do with this.

01-15-2010, 08:01 PM
....... considering that xl97 was saying less than a week ago (and last March) that 3D renderings were pointless. ("there is no NEED for them..except for personal fun use") He seemed to be speaking with great authority on the subject of 3D graphics, but as soon as you came out with the new and improved version, he not only said he wanted a copy, he proceeded to make all sorts of unreasonable requests that belied a complete ignorance of CAD

I do speak with 'authority' when it comes to Flash work..

but since Im so 'ignorant' of CAD... (not really sure how that plays into this.. except when asking if was hard in whatever program of choice you use to rotate/change views of a model you created in a 3D program..)..

please explain to me how true 3D files (ie: .swt, .dwf, .3ds...etc) will work in Flash? Id like to learn I guess.??

Also, is there a web app or something where people can use, play, edit 3D models, objects..or render real time? or something that negates my statement of being only for 'personal use'?
AFAIK, you need the specific file on your desktop (or wherever) and open it on your 3D app on your machine.

(maybe there is?)


01-16-2010, 07:02 AM
Et voilá! One incomplete tutorial.


Matt Thorn
01-16-2010, 07:28 AM
Et voilá! One incomplete tutorial.

C'est magnifique! Thanks, mihunai. :D

01-16-2010, 08:10 AM
Fear not! The current release of SketchUp (at least the one for Mac OS X) opens your 3ds file with no problems. The import just takes a while.

I'm going to have to DL it for my Macbook Pro and check it out - thanks for the headsup.

12-26-2012, 04:51 PM
Nice works

can you send me the files in .3dm format

this is my email : jeremy[.]rigaud[at]live[.]fr


12-27-2012, 10:29 AM
obj is a much better format since so many applications are capable of importing it.

12-28-2012, 06:19 AM
I'm using solidworks

and it didn't support obj format

12-28-2012, 11:18 AM
ah, i see.

12-29-2012, 02:39 PM
If these are done I'd love a copy. My email is my username at gmail

06-09-2013, 04:08 PM
I would like to have a copy of these if anyone happens to have them still. I happen to have a variety of programs: CAD, Inventor, 3DSMax, Solidworks, Rhino, Microstation, as well as a few many might not have heard of. I also happen to have a friend who spends his free time finding ways to export between them all. So if I could get ahold of them, I'd like to try getting them working with all the programs. If nothing else, a little dimensioning here and there and I could start just remaking them all for each program.

06-10-2013, 12:41 PM
I've got that file stored on an external drive, so I'll send it to you later when I have access to it.

08-12-2013, 08:34 PM
Just checking in if you ever got to the files? I never got a reply from you via PM about getting a copy, and would appreciate if you could send them my way if they are still available to share. I can convert them into either Autodesk Inventor V10 or 2013 for anyone else who may use that software. This would be great for laying out a chassis and designing sleeves and custom machine work.

10-18-2013, 06:30 AM
Phew! When I saw the date of your first post, I though this thread might have been long dead. Then I saw that there was a post as recent as August of this year. Really happy to see it's still alive. I've been fooling around with Google Sketchup for some time trying to make scale 3D modesl of MHS parts, but they are pretty crude. Your creations are freakin' awesome and immensely useful! I noticed in an earlier post from Matt Thorn that the newer version of Sketchup can handle these files. Do you have your files in .skp format? If not, can you please send me whatever you have so I can try to convert them myself?

Thanks again for all your hard work. I'm sure it's benefitting a lot of people!

03-21-2016, 02:23 PM
Do these files still exist somewhere? If someone wants to email them to me I'll give you my email address.

Forgetful Jedi Knight
03-21-2016, 03:11 PM
Do these files still exist somewhere? If someone wants to email them to me I'll give you my email address.

This thread is YEARS old.

03-21-2016, 05:04 PM
I saw that, but I had hope because it was revived once before. No worries.