View Full Version : Building new fonts

12-04-2023, 05:38 PM
Has anyone had experience with the program Audacity in capturing sounds from the internet and exporting these as new files within a font folder? I'm using the CFX.

I'm putting together my own versions with sounds from the films and finding that once they are loaded onto the SD card and the saber activated some of them play fine while others cause glitches.
For example, if I bring over an original ignition font file and include a new hum font, the saber skips the ignition and immediately runs the hum. What's worse is that once the saber is powered on via the switch, this function disappears, and I can't turn it back off again.

Additionally, if I am running a new hum sound and blaster sounds, these work fine together, but then the swing sounds are 'muted'. I can hear a tiny pause when moving the board around, outside the hilt. Also, the lockup fails to activate and then the card crashes.

If I put an original hum font back into the folder then everything starts working again except this time any new blaster sounds for example are simply ignored by the card and it proceeds to the next original blaster font despite its numbering convention.

I've been trying a few things to figure out what's causing the conflict... I was exporting the new files at 44000hz - 32 bit, where the original fonts were at 22000hz 32 bit. So, I tried exporting at the lower with no luck in an attempt to match up. I also noticed that the original fonts were mono channel, so I also exported the stereo recordings to mono, again with no luck.

What's odd is that the new sounds work together which led me to think that if I import and then export the originals at a 44000hz for example then they would all be the same but again no dice.
It's not the card itself, as inserting the original font folder on the SD card leads to everything working perfectly.

I realize that there are a handful of font artists out there using fancier equipment - generally to create sound to begin with, but I'm taking the lower road here, and simply modifying existing work, more in line with what Madcow did long ago with his Hoth rendition as to the effect I'm going for.

The CFX plays 22000hz and 44000hz and from my testing it does actually play the new modified sounds, but I can't figure out how to get it to play nice and work correctly.