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View Full Version : Is LED any harder than EL?

01-04-2006, 11:43 AM
Hey, I'm thinking about doing LED instead of EL, like I had previously planned. But First I have one question: Is it any harder to make an LED saber hilt? Also, can you take the blade out with Strydur's new Complete LED blades?

01-04-2006, 11:54 AM
I wouldn't say LEDs are any harder or easier than EL to build. Both require a degree of soldering for the electronics. If you are planning on using Strydur's blade holder it really it's much different at all. The resistor or driver basically takes the place of the inverter. The only different thing really is no monoplug to worry about.

Strydur can confirm/deny this but yes the blade is removable. It slides right into his blade holder and is held in with a screw (just like the EL). The complete blade he's basically just doing the diffuser and tip work for you.


01-04-2006, 04:38 PM
Both are pretty easy, but if you really want to quantify it, LED is as easy as it gets.

The Holy Luxeon Trinity

01-05-2006, 01:55 AM
I built 2 El and am working on my first Led, I think Led is much easier if you are not adding all the electronics(Driver,Sound,Force Resonator)that I am putting in my current one. Plus the blade is much easier to make.

May the Force
Be with You

Marc E.