View Full Version : Do I need to replace my speaker mount with a chassis?

Beskar Anooba
05-14-2019, 04:06 PM
Hi folks,

For my build I'm planning on keeping it simple internally using the MHSv1 Speaker Mount Style 6. Now, I'm using the MPS Pommel style 3 v3 with this saber, and I fear that'll mean my whole pommel will basically be empty and I don't know how that will affect my sound, like if it'll reverberate around inside the pommel. Should I try building my own chassis instead? Will building a chassis even allow me to fit the speaker closer to the end of the pommel?

If I can stick with the speaker mount, that's fine and kinda preferable for now, keeping it simple. But later on I might want to add a crystal to it if I can (my saber doesn't have an exposed crystal, I'm just musing on the option of adding one for fun). Is that doable or would I be better served building a replacement chassis at that point after I've had the time to design it?

May the Force of others be with you,
Beskar Anooba

05-14-2019, 04:18 PM
Honestly, it’s actually better for the sound quality of the speaker if it isn’t located right next to the pommel’s sound vents. You want the body of the hilt to act as a resonance chamber. The TCSS pommel pieces and speaker mounts are designed to hold the speaker this way on purpose.

Hope that helps, brother.

Beskar Anooba
05-14-2019, 04:24 PM
Honestly, it’s actually better for the sound quality of the speaker if it isn’t located right next to the pommel’s sound vents. You want the body of the hilt to act as a resonance chamber. The TCSS pommel pieces and speaker mounts are designed to hold the speaker this way on purpose.

Hope that helps, brother.

Hi Braxus, that does help, thanks. Especially since I want a deep thrumming bassy Vader-style idle hum despite this being a lightsider's weapon.

May the Force of others be with you.