View Full Version : Gutted K4 for room! Proffie build

04-29-2019, 05:15 AM
So I purchased a K4 kit a while ago, and its been just sitting for the whole while. I keep picking it up and imagining how cool a good obi-wan build will be.... and then in look inside it. Its tiny. And all the chassis I see and crystal chambers out the back just look too small for my taste. I kept thinking it cant be that hard to get some more room in there can it? But it turns out its a good bit harder than it looks. trying to keep things structurally sound and having ways to open it up and keep parts attached to each other has been difficult. but I like a good challenge so now that I don't think ive ruined it by cutting it up and gutting it to hell ill catch you up to speed on where I am. :)

First off the section behind the graflex clamp... no matter how I looked at it it just had to go. I want both the top and the bottom sections to slide open to reveal stuff and the threads and small ID were killing me. So away she goes...

Then I Took the lower half and gutted it.
And my first hurdle was figuring out a way to keep the pommel attached to be booster without any fasteners and trying to get some ID. but I couldn't really come up with a good way so I decided to keep the threads and just bore it out a little.
So now ive got a much beefier amount of space for some goodies :)

By far the scariest part was boring out the sink knob

Tom Tilmon
05-06-2019, 01:32 PM
Awesome work Anvil. Boring out the K4, I bet that was a gut wrenching moment.