View Full Version : Added a new font to Nbv3 and it wont work

06-15-2018, 01:22 PM
I've added the Achluophobia font to my nbv3 and it gives me two loud beeps every time I try to turn it on. I've fully formatted the sd card and put in the config file for the font. Also I made sure I got the one for nano biscotte. Is there something I'm forgetting or missing to do?

06-15-2018, 02:26 PM
Never mind I simply didn't copy and format everything in the right order, in other words I looked at the manual sorry for a hasty post

06-15-2018, 03:25 PM
Wait... Does that mean you copied the files then formatted? Eh, not gonna dig into you for it. We've all done things like that when we want to get our saber working.