View Full Version : Flame Blade Parameters for neopixel on Prizm?

06-14-2018, 12:25 PM
Hey guys, Dbase again, I also posted about the dark spots right below this post. So I got my blade up and running and looking great. I just picked up a cool kylo soundfont and was wondering if anyone had created a flame blade before using the Prizms blade parameters in the config.txt. I've seen the crystal shard be able to do something like it but the parameters are completely different. So if anyone has messed with this before and is willing to share how they created a flame/ damaged blade effect it would be much appreciated! Thanks!

Seth Skywalker
06-14-2018, 01:06 PM
I have not wired a prizm before but I think I can help you.
it doesn't have that "flame effect" that the crystal shard has, but the closest would be the flicker parameters labeled as: flkrs, for flicker speed and: flkd for the flicker depth. Read through the prizm manual http://www.plecterlabs.com/Media/Doc/PRIZMV5.1-rev1.0-GB.pdf

06-14-2018, 03:58 PM
Only seen on using a Teensy. Tom's got a good set up for one.

06-14-2018, 04:38 PM
Originally seen in LightsaberOS/FX-SaberOS...

Tom Tilmon
06-14-2018, 06:20 PM
Plecter's CS 4.5 has it, DIYino w/fx OS, and TeensySaber. I'm sure Plecter nd NEC will both eventually enable blade effects on their boards that can control neopixel string blades, but only the CS 4.5 right now....and you can't get that board unless you're a manufacturer or "connected".

Your best bet on the Prism is an intense flicker, but it won't be the same.


06-14-2018, 08:18 PM
Plecter's CS 4.5 has it, DIYino w/fx OS, and TeensySaber. I'm sure Plecter nd NEC will both eventually enable blade effects on their boards that can control neopixel string blades, but only the CS 4.5 right now....and you can't get that board unless you're a manufacturer or "connected".

Your best bet on the Prism is an intense flicker, but it won't be the same.


Thanks! I'll mess around with those settings a bit. It's too bad that it is only for CS 4.5 right now, but hopefully released in the future!

06-14-2018, 09:58 PM
I haven't released it yet, but I do have a flame blade font that works rather nicely.