View Full Version : Newbie introduction!

05-03-2018, 10:30 AM

So, first of all, I'm not what you'd call a big fan of Star Wars. I have, at best, a passing interest in the universe - I like characters that get killed off, and boom, there goes my interest. So I'm probably going to upset a lot of people entirely by accident!

However, I do like building stuff. The resurgence in Star Wars films and discussion finally pushed me to build a saber, which is still somewhat in progress, and well. Where better to look at other builds and so on than here?

Based in the UK, so my selection of parts isn't as vast as some, and first time through I've opted for fairly basic.

As it stands at the moment, it's;

MHSV2 6" body with 12mm countersunk hole
MHSV2 blade holder style 7 (The one with four prongs, basically)
39" blade
Tri-Cree Red/Red-Orange/DeepRed
Pico Crumble Darkside (On reflection, probably should have sprung for something else, I like fiddling with options..)
MHSV2-MHSV1 adapter
MHSV1 extension
MHSV1 Pommel style 3 (The pointy one)
Activation box
Red card This and the above have been modified to accept 2mm magnets, so the card is removeable. It'll hide the chargeport and the Micro-USB serial adapter. I didn't like the idea of using the RICE cables as standard, so I'm trying this solution out.
28mm speaker
12mm momentary switch with red LED

I'm still waiting on the bottom half of that list, so at present it looks a bit like this; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvfU5F61jxM&list=PLAk6iq88C9GuaWdja09VpZhXe8S8dwETp

I dug out my engraving bits because, as much as I like the sleek sabers I've seen, I feel like they aren't quite .. Me, if that makes sense. I, loosely, copied the Sith Empire logo around the button hole, and modified what I could find of Darth Talon's tattoo's to fill the rest of the blank space. In keeping with my tendency in games to bludgeon enemies with whatever weapon the character has, I attacked the prongs with a dremel to make them look a bit.. Rough and used. Not to everyone's tastes, but I like it.

Because I'm a gimp, I did the engraving before I had the LED and the MHSV2 heatsink, so I had to modify that a little to make sure the blade holder still screwed down to the right level so everything lined up. I only had to take a millimetre off the shoulder, so nothing too drastic.

I cast some clear resin and hacked it up thinking I might do a crystal chamber - But I'm not sure about that in this build. I don't think I could comfortably fit that in. Equally, I want to do a saber that's damaged. I figure even though I read/heard something about the light saber supposedly being an 'elegant weapon', I can't escape the notion that mostly they all look pristine. Surely in a Jedi/Sith's attempts to block/deflect/whatever, their hilt takes some damage. So I want to do a crystal chamber that fits into a regular piece of the body, and knock a piece out of the body to make it visible. I suspect I'd need a controller with a different set of options for driving accent LED's to make that how I want to - I'd be interested to know if anyone has ever done anything similar, I'd love to see it.

I'm also not sure whether there's a 'standard' length. I've gone long because, as you can see in one of those youtube video's, my hands aren't small. The 39" blade looks kind of long until I'm stood there with it, then it looks kinda right. The body is likely to end up around ten inches long.

Anyway. Hello! I'm Terry, most often 'Nirach' on forums/reddit/imgur/whatever, and I do dumb stuff with expensive stuff.

Tom Tilmon
05-03-2018, 12:20 PM
Welcome Terry, from a lifelong Star Wars fan. Its not for everyone, but its certainly my cup of tea. What soundboard are you using? Also, may want to change one of your diodes to green or some other contrasting color for flash on clash, unless you're just building a stunt saber with no board. It would make it more interesting.


05-03-2018, 12:36 PM
I've gone for the Pico crumble dark side - I looked at the more expensive controllers and it didn't make sense to see if I enjoyed doing this with something twice the price. It seemed to do everything I wanted from this build - A bit of noise, control LED's and turn off.

I did think about going for something not-red, but so far I quite like the red-orange flash. I realise it's not particularly 'correct' to screen, but the reality is, it's most likely to hang on my wall next to the thunderhammer I built more than end up at cons or whathave you.

Tom Tilmon
05-12-2018, 08:18 PM
There is nothing wrong with Red, its my color!

05-13-2018, 07:14 AM
Welcome, I'm working on my second saber build since joining these forums. First build was about three years or so now (darn work, eating up my time).

Seth Skywalker
05-13-2018, 08:11 AM
Welcom to the forums nirach! I just joined recently to:). I am however a BIG Star Wars fan although I just became one recently.