View Full Version : Pico question with BBW star

01-25-2018, 11:56 AM

I am about to start wiring up my saber using a Pico crumble. Wanted to know if I can wire a BBW star with the blue led in series or will that result in a dimmer saber than if I wire them separately. Space is going to be tight so if I can save the resistor and wire I want to do so.

Silver Serpent
01-25-2018, 12:46 PM
Wiring them in series will require more voltage than a single-cell li-ion provides. Bumping up to a larger power supply will take up more room, and be incompatible with the Pico.

Resistors are small, you should be able to find a place to squeeze one in.

01-25-2018, 02:06 PM
Why a Pico with dual color? Are you color mixing or using white for FoC? If FoC, you wont need a resistor for the blues as they are 4.1v.

01-25-2018, 03:47 PM
White is foc. No color mixing.

01-25-2018, 04:04 PM
Then you can get away with no resistors, the blues dont need it and the FoC isnt on long enough to kill the white. But, it seems a waste to use a Pico when a Biscotte seems more suited for this and you can change fonts.

01-25-2018, 05:55 PM
I already have the pico so its a non issue. I wanted the pico for simplicity. This is going to be a very basic and small saber. I will give it a go with no resistors on the star. I have an 5mm rgb accent and a led on the switch. I only plan to use the blue on the 5mm so I think I don't need any resistors except a dynaohm on the switch led.

01-25-2018, 06:51 PM
Cool, post some pics too :)

01-25-2018, 07:50 PM
Cool, post some pics too :)

This has already been posted elsewhere but this is the saber I am building. Overall length is about 7 inches.


Bottom side has a little window from a door peephole inset into the hilt. My 5mm accent led will be on the other side of that peephole.

01-26-2018, 07:15 AM
Im pretty "meh" when it comes to sabers (i build/install but dont own), but dude that is badass!!

01-26-2018, 11:44 AM
Thanky! It's been a fun build.