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View Full Version : prizm 5.1 has lost some of the magic smoke

01-15-2018, 08:48 PM
Good day all!

I am in the process of building my first saber, and today after completing my test wiring on the bench, I fired it up and it worked second try! (first try I had to bridge the SMDfor the strip data). After a few minutes I noticed some smoke, and I have been doing electronics long enough to know that's no good, so I popped in the kill key and went in to survey the damage. The component directly adjacent to the first LED point had scorched, but not fried completely. Near as I can tell, I think one of the wires from the switches had lodged in between there and shorted out. For kicks I powered it back up to see how bad I effed it up, and to my surprise it all worked fine *HOORAY*. Unfortunately over the next couple hours of testing, one of the 2 strips started to act oddly, it was flickering too much, it was dimmer, and it was diplaying colors differently from the other. I swapped out the negatives, and sure enough it switched strips in the blade. Here's my question: can I use the third LED driver spot on my Prizm board instead of the first? failing that, is there a circuit diagram of that board so I can attempt to source out that component and swap it?

Thanks in advance!


Tom Tilmon
01-16-2018, 08:10 AM
That is a mosfet for the LED. You can replace it if you're good at soldering. They're fairly cheap. If you're not good at soldering small things, I believe Chewbacca on FXSabers forums accepts repairs on Plecter Labs boards. In reality, its a 5 minute fix!


01-16-2018, 11:20 AM
Chewbacca is also known as Zook on these forums.

01-16-2018, 05:44 PM
That is a mosfet for the LED. You can replace it if you're good at soldering. They're fairly cheap. If you're not good at soldering small things, I believe Chewbacca on FXSabers forums accepts repairs on Plecter Labs boards. In reality, its a 5 minute fix!


Thanks so much! any idea the specs of that MOSFET?

Tom Tilmon
01-16-2018, 07:32 PM
Its printed on them usually. You need a good magnifying glass or jeweler goggles. Its on there. Erv might be able to tell you over at FX forums, but offhand, I don't know.
