View Full Version : How do YOU clean and polish your new saber?

12-31-2017, 01:06 AM
Hey everyone!

I was wondering how each of the Master sabersmiths clean and maintain their personal lightsabers. I know there are several products on the market that will clean and polish aluminium, but when it comes to the electrical components inside the hilt, I don't know if you would want anything that might transfer a possible chemical reaction that could cause issues.

Of course I might just be looking for trouble and shouldn't worry, but I would love to read about any cleaning / preventive maintenance suggested from the veterans here in the forum. Is there a thread or sticky already out there? If not, could we look into starting one if enough people show interest?

Either way, I look forward to reading any responses.

Thank you.

12-31-2017, 04:20 AM
Shiny sabers? I'll field this one ;). Personally, I use automotive chrome polish on aluminium and buff it using micro fibre cloths or a buffing wheel attached to the lathe or a drill. I have used a clear coat sealer over a freshly polished saber but with continued handling over time it has dulled somewhat. That may be the quality of the clear coat. I guess the alternative is polish it once and don't touch it or give it a regular buffing. This is probably a good reason to weather a saber, as most people do and will maybe suggest.
I never experienced any bad chemical reactions when shining up a saber.
