View Full Version : Brotherhood of the Sith question

03-19-2007, 10:45 AM
I looked through the forums and used the search, but as of yet, I cannot find anything for my query. What does one have to do to join the ranks of the Brotherhood of the Sith? Is this an inclusive group requiring membership in the 501st, or is it adequate to walk the path of darkness and hunger for power at the cost of everything pure and good?

03-19-2007, 11:47 AM
The Brotherhood of the Sith is based here at TCSS. To join it Im preety sure you just have to have a sith costume. Right now Im not affiliated with any other (ie. the 501st) mostly because of my age and also my location. A better person to ask then me woul be LAN-ED-TUl because he started it. Hope that helped.

03-19-2007, 01:45 PM
I see...

Thank you for enlightening me. I now have no more excuses to delay the building of my costume...except for not having a serger, but I have digressed.

Darth Siddistu shall rise!