View Full Version : Hello there!

10-03-2017, 07:31 AM

I'm Luís, I'm from Portugal and I'm a huge Star Wars fan.

I started studying Aikido a couple years back and practicing with a sword made me realize I really want to get a decent lightsaber for the fun presentations we usually do.

So, I got an inexpensive stunt saber and after working on it a bit I'm ready to build my own now (the other one will be made into a quarterstaff).

I've been lurking around here for the last few months and I'm amazed at the wealth of knowledge you guys have and how freely you share it.

10-03-2017, 09:21 AM
Oh Hai,

Greeting from Canada!

Aikido is pretty amazing for discipline. It's amazing what some simple limb twists can do. I came from a Judo club, although instructed by olympians, didn't focus on the formal nature of the Japanese art. Fast forward 10 or 12 years, and my Aikido Sensei was not impressed by my lack of respect. He made some amazing Garry Oak bokken, which I put a silk ito and ray skin with a tsuba. Also have a cheap 1060 steel katana which I have never practised with .(Planning on iaido to learn better technique)

lf you are not picky about film accurate or cannon sabers, look into making a comfortable grip. Darth Chasm has some amazing sabers that look ready to pick up and practise with. I only say this because the majority of canon sabers aren't super comfortable to duel with.

Also , your sanity is gone, your loved ones should be concerned, mine were, until they saw the final result


10-03-2017, 09:27 AM
Welcome to the party.

10-03-2017, 09:58 AM
Nice to see a fellow Aikidoka, Whosle, especially with the same interests!

We're lucky in that we usually have gatherings with our fellow Budoka from other martial arts and I'm always looking forward to both Judo, for the ground work, and especially Iaido for the finer points of Aiki Ken and the focus on etiquette. Iaido is a different experience but one I love. I really recommend it if you find a class you can attend.

I'm really not that picky at all about canon or film sabers. In fact I'm the exact opposite, as I believe each person should have their own saber, if possible, just like each Jedi made their own saber to suit their needs.

I'm a huge fan of the fights of the original trilogy but feel their sabers are far too clunky and bulky where I'm not a fan of the flashy moves of the prequels but love the more ergonomic sabers so I'm looking towards making something in those lines, customizing it with a sturdy crystal chamber and then etch it with my own designs. Already have a saber with the same OD as TCSS and it fits my hand in pretty much the same way as my bokken and the sabers we use at school so I'm very happy with that coincidence.

Yeah, I know what you mean about sanity and loved ones... They took a look at my el cheapo and figured I was out of it but after the work I put into it (and what's still in store), and the way they've seen it being used they've come around to it.

Thanks, rlobrecht! :)

Tom Tilmon
10-03-2017, 11:25 AM
Welcome Luis!!!