View Full Version : Wiring check for Graflex CF 8 build

08-14-2017, 06:23 AM
Heres an imgur link if the upload is spotty. http://imgur.com/a/w8kgI


I feel confident about it now but I just need to make sure that the resistor is correct and that the wiring for the activation and aux switches is right. Thanks

08-18-2017, 11:34 AM
Bumping this for visibility.

08-26-2017, 08:44 AM
Heres another bump

Jay-gon Jinn
08-26-2017, 10:43 AM
If memory serves, erv recommends using an in-line resistor if the wattage is over 2 watts. A 5 watt resistor is going to generate some heat, and the CF itself will too, so you'd run the risk of tripping the board's thermal protection circuit so I'd consider not using an SMD type for the FoC die. Otherwise, it looks correct to me, though to be honest, I haven't wired a CF since the 5.6 was the top of the line.

08-28-2017, 08:53 PM
If memory serves, erv recommends using an in-line resistor if the wattage is over 2 watts. A 5 watt resistor is going to generate some heat, and the CF itself will too, so you'd run the risk of tripping the board's thermal protection circuit so I'd consider not using an SMD type for the FoC die. Otherwise, it looks correct to me, though to be honest, I haven't wired a CF since the 5.6 was the top of the line.

Then what type would be best?

Ridire Fíréan
08-30-2017, 03:09 PM
Hey @phook15 ! As for in-line resistors, TCSS sells them ( http://www.thecustomsabershop.com/Resistors-C19.aspx ), Digikey and Mouser have bazillions of them, I did a bunch of reading last summer about them and there's all sorts. The physically smaller, for same rating, resistors are a bit more expensive, but if space is an issue I'd go with those. I have a bunch of printouts somewhere, I'll see if I can find my notes later tonight. Basically, look for the black ones, "Precision Metal Film" maybe or the like, if you want to go 'military grade' with your resistors. Sure, it's overkill, but with a CFv8, why risk it being cheap!?

What are you using your Green LED Indicator for? I've seen "ON" lights wired differently is all and I'm curious what that configuration is intended for.

08-31-2017, 07:42 AM
Hey @phook15 ! As for in-line resistors, TCSS sells them ( http://www.thecustomsabershop.com/Resistors-C19.aspx ), Digikey and Mouser have bazillions of them, I did a bunch of reading last summer about them and there's all sorts. The physically smaller, for same rating, resistors are a bit more expensive, but if space is an issue I'd go with those. I have a bunch of printouts somewhere, I'll see if I can find my notes later tonight. Basically, look for the black ones, "Precision Metal Film" maybe or the like, if you want to go 'military grade' with your resistors. Sure, it's overkill, but with a CFv8, why risk it being cheap!?

What are you using your Green LED Indicator for? I've seen "ON" lights wired differently is all and I'm curious what that configuration is intended for.

I'm using it as a power indicator.

Ridire Fíréan
08-31-2017, 12:12 PM
I'm using it as a power indicator.

Ah, I see, so did you wire it in there to make it pulse at different battery levels, or what's the plan?

Also, I found my resistor printouts! Here are a couple that I was interested in (I'm only pointing you in a direction towards nice resistors, I have not done the math for your build and you made need different ratings for your LEDs!)...


I hope this helps you find some that will work for you!