View Full Version : Single LED Flash on Clash?

06-17-2017, 10:02 AM
Hey all, I've been trying to research this and I'm having a heck of a time finding information. Is that because having a flash with a single LED is just not possible and you need to use a tri in order to do it? Or is there an easy way to make a single LED more or less flicker as a FOC?

Jay-gon Jinn
06-17-2017, 01:22 PM
I believe all of the soundboards sold here at TCSS will be able to shimmer the led during FoC, so you will see an effect even with a single led. The multi-die FoC really is worth the extra money and effort to get it...just my opinion.

06-17-2017, 11:19 PM
But with the NB, there's a separate pad that utilized the FoC, correct? By not using it, isn't that feature just completely missing? I can see how it would work with the Pico Crumble since the FoC is built in and there's no pad. Am I thinking about that all wrong? My main motivation is making some basic sabers for the kids which might just be a bit cheaper and more practical for them to run around with. But I do agree that the multi LED's are the better choice in general.

Jay-gon Jinn
06-18-2017, 04:46 AM
That's for adding another color to the FoC or setting the FoC to a specific color. The shimmering effect still applies to the main led as well. In the config file, you have these parameters:

- shmrd [10-500]: duration of the shimmering effect of the high-power LED
during a clash. Make sure this duration is not too much longer than the
associated sound to keep a nice result.
- shmrp [5-25]: periodicity of the light bursts during the clash effect. A slow
period will produce tight bursts.
- shmrr [0-25]: random value applied to the periodicity of the light burst
during a clash effect. Allows having bursts that are not regularly spaced in time
which increases the realism. For instance, a period shmrp of 20 and a random
value shmrr of 10 will produce a period between two bursts varying between
20 and 30 (ie 40 and 60 ms).
- shmr% [0-100],[0-100] : shimmer effect depth. Defines how the shimmer
will "dig" the blade defined brightness during a clash or a lockup effect. A static
flash is achieved by leaving that value to 0. That parameter is actually
composed of 2 numbers separated by a comma to define the range to apply to
the brightness modification during the shimmer.

These values apply to all of the led's wired to the board. This was how FoC was done before the addition of another led.

06-19-2017, 01:32 PM
This is awesome man thanks. I had the hardest time searching out if this was a thing, so hopefully this helps someone else that does the same kind of search :)

That's good to know! My idea here with making something for the kids is now that I've actually put something together and I have some idea of the dimensions of the components, I'm going to try and put together some relatively inexpensive PVC blades with the single pre-wired LEDs from TCSS and wire it up with a NBv4.