View Full Version : Where to put the speaker?

05-03-2017, 04:48 PM
I want to use Pommel insert 6 to screw my power jack into the end of the pommel. I imagine other people have done this too so I was wondering where others have put their speaker when using this option.

On my previous build, I put an extension between pommel and the main hilt section and locked the speaker mount between the main hilt and the extension. I'm planning to do the same with this new build but I'd like to get it done without adding so much length to the hilt this time; I'm just not sure how to accomplish that.

I'd considered having the speaker pointing out the business end instead of out the pommel but without any vents cut into the blade holder (or below it), it seems like the sound would be pretty muffled (but with a powerful-enough speaker, it might just seem like the sound is actually coming from the blade itself, which would be pretty damn cool).

So what have other people done when using pommel insert 6?

05-03-2017, 04:54 PM
you'll definitely need some kind of sound venting if you plan on doing whats called "reverse" sound. I usually do that when i'm also doing a crystal chamber high in the hilt and have my sound vented through the chamber. Also keep in mind that doing reverse sound definitely is not a space saving method and will add length to your hilt and also have to route your speaker around your speaker pod how ever many wires that may be can be difficult.

05-03-2017, 07:15 PM
for a similar scenario I designed a speaker mount that lets the wires pass. I also made a 23mm speaker mount which is at least better than a 20mm.

05-03-2017, 11:48 PM
You can make a groove along the outside of the speaker mount to pass wire through.