View Full Version : Prizm, Trident, FoCand Crossguard Sabers

04-22-2017, 09:09 PM
So I'm looking to gut an Ultrasaber and make my own MHS crossguard saber. I have a friend who had made a saber similar to my goal, however he's sold it and can't give me exact specs. But he knows he used the Prizm, and that he DID not use a PEX, yet he had FoC with all three blades. My guesses through talking with him is that he ran tricrees only using 1 dice on each side for the main color on the guards (set with Tride, another 2 dice for the main blade, but then I don't know, and he doesn't remember how he did the FoC. I can't just wire up the 3 flash dice (I'm assuming I'd be doing all this in parallel?) and have them go to channel 3, can I?

f I were using a Prizm4 and I had channel1 to the two main blade leds (in parallel), channel2 split (in parallel) to an led in each of the crossguards, and channel3 was to a single led in each ledstar (parallel) for FoC would that work without a PeX? I've read the manual over and I'm just not sure. The main saber color would be red so the overall draw would be lower than other colors, except for the FoC, since I want an amber color I plan on resistored green leds for that.

Like I've seen something close to this work without anything fancy thrown in, I just need some help. :oops:

Here's a vid that might help show what I'm trying to do, only I'm looking to do red with orange FoC.

TBH any (simple) way of getting staggered ignition on the side and FoC works for me I'm open to suggestions on ways OTHER than what I'm trying to do.