View Full Version : Another Etching Method?

03-29-2017, 07:56 AM
So I was reading up on different methods and came across one I haven't seen saber builders use, at least to my knowledge. It seems relatively safer than other methods and easier to get the supplies, pretty much all household items. Just wanted to run it by some more experienced people before I tried it.

So from I found, the guy used it to etch PCB, albeit slowly. Essentially what was done was he took equal parts vinegar and hydrogen peroxide, and heating the solution up. Leaving the circuit in for a while yielded a nice etch. Disposal seemed easier as well as you could just let it evaporate.

What do you guys think? Anyone tried it? I'm pretty damn sure I will within a month or two.

03-29-2017, 03:12 PM

Interesting. This is for copper etching, and my grades in chemistry were garbage so i cant speculate if this will work on aluminum. Look forward to your tests!

03-30-2017, 08:09 AM
Yeah, thatś what I was using. I didnīt have any white vinegar at my house so I decided to try it with red vinegar. Lemme tell ya, it doesn't work lol. I'll get some white in a soon-ish amount of time and test again.

03-30-2017, 08:22 AM
I have done this method. Salt is needed I think as well.

I did not heat it up. Left it overnight. Very faint etching but visible.

I think its better suited as an aging technique. It made some interesting colors. Even after the baking soda etch stop, a black tarnish develops in the direct sun light.15206

The muriatic acid method brought back bad memories of chem1000. Instantly the acid reacted with the moisture in the air( West coast) and created an acid fog. I am a bit scared to try again, even though the results where better. Now I know why most chem profs are a bit strange .

03-31-2017, 09:06 AM
I live in Arizona, dry as hell so, no need to worry about the fog. Thanks for the input on the vinegar!