View Full Version : It's time to emerge from the shadows...

12-26-2016, 09:06 AM
Hey guys,

Thanks very much for everything that has been posted across the forums. It's been a real inspiration to see what others have built, giving us a sneak peek into their time spent on our collective passion (Greenie reveals all was a huge kick in the momentum).

Also, thank you very much to Rob Petkau (madcow) for all of his very informative and easy to understand guides, helping me to get to grips of the challenges that I'm going to face when assembling my first saber. I'm really excited to finally be at the point now, where I've got my items in my shopping cart, and I'm ready to hit the purchase button... until that fear kicks in.

I'm looking at the videos that have been submitted on Youtube, building a basic saber, building a saber with sound, and things have changed quite a lot since they were originally submitted. Not living in the US, my shipping costs are pretty extortionate (I could nearly build a stunt saber for the price of the shipping)

And I was wondering if someone might be able to help me, by just running an eye over my shopping cart and telling me if I'm missing anything crucial, or have made a huge mistake somewhere along the lines. I've been on some very long flights recently, downloading the videos from youtube and running over them as much as I can, but I may have missed something along the way.

(Wasn't sure on the best way to make it easy to checkout, so I've put it as a wish list link below)
Edit: Also, I've just realised that I totally missed the power selection. It'd have to be something other than the lithium as.. international :(
Edit 2: I'm also unsure about the AV switch that I've chosen as it's momentary instead of latching, and don't know if I need the small board to convert from one to the other when wiring to the NBv3
Thanks very much in advance guys, and once again thank you for being so awesome.

I'd also like to mention that there will be a meeting between myself and a few creators in the next couple of days to maybe develop something for those that are looking to improve their dueling skills - but this may be some significant distance in the future. I'll be sure to update you if something comes up :)

Wishing you all the best

Forgetful Jedi Knight
12-26-2016, 12:29 PM
Well, you have the wrong lens (and the holder is unnecessary) for the Tri-Cree. You need the matching lens for the Tri-LED setup. Also you need a speaker holder for your speaker. The NB NEEDS the momentary switch as it was desined specifically to work with it, so you're good there. Also make sure you order the LED holder with the blade holder you have picked out.

12-26-2016, 12:29 PM
Welcome to the party NxHunter. Thanks for the shout, glad it got you motivated ;).
Looks like you're gonna want a speaker mount for that chassis set up. I don't see an LED module in the list, you need that but you won't need that lens and holder, you need a tri star lens. Get more than one thermal tape (it's easy to mess it up first time) Each die should have its own resistor for safety as well as the AV switch led. The dynaohm is an easy soloution for the latter. You may also want a blade tip and film to go with that polyc tube.
Hope this helps some. Good luck with the build and MTFBWY


12-26-2016, 09:13 PM
Well, you have the wrong lens (and the holder is unnecessary) for the Tri-Cree. You need the matching lens for the Tri-LED setup. Also you need a speaker holder for your speaker. The NB NEEDS the momentary switch as it was desined specifically to work with it, so you're good there. Also make sure you order the LED holder with the blade holder you have picked out.

Thank you very much for looking over the wish list. I'm really glad that I got the part about the momentary switch right, as jumping through a few of the video setups got a little confusing.
Hopefully this should be the final list of items: http://www.thecustomsabershop.com/ViewWishlist.aspx?ViewCode=8819e307-e278-44c7-9bcd-fdfaa8c1b2d8 (apart from the number of resistors, as I've got a little learning to do regarding that part before I place the order.

The speaker holder that I was suggested was out of stock and I didn't spot that they had the V5 available, so that's been added there as well.

If I'm still missing the blindingly obvious, please do shout.

Thanks again for giving a new comer a hand.

12-26-2016, 09:16 PM
Welcome to the party NxHunter. Thanks for the shout, glad it got you motivated ;).
Looks like you're gonna want a speaker mount for that chassis set up. I don't see an LED module in the list, you need that but you won't need that lens and holder, you need a tri star lens. Get more than one thermal tape (it's easy to mess it up first time) Each die should have its own resistor for safety as well as the AV switch led. The dynaohm is an easy soloution for the latter. You may also want a blade tip and film to go with that polyc tube.
Hope this helps some. Good luck with the build and MTFBWY


Thanks very much for the warm welcome. I've swapped out the lens and removed the holder. Added some more thermal tape as you suggested, I've got a little reading to do before I fully understand the amount of resistors that I need and the type (I'll be learning OHM's law this week to get it all clear and looking at other builds)

I opted to go for one of the already made blades as it may be easier than attempting to fiddle with it myself.
If you've got a second to cast an eye over the list again, it'd be really welcomed :)

Thanks again,
Wishing you all the best,

12-27-2016, 06:34 AM
No worries dude. You still need one of these http://www.thecustomsabershop.com/MHS-Heat-Sink-V3-P782.aspx. and the NB comes with a micro sd card ready loaded. It looks like you've dropped the recharge port and gone with the 4xAAA option so you won't need the discs for mounting the 2.1mm port. If you can source Li-Ion batteries in your country, they are the best option for plectarlabs boards. Also, you may want to get heat shrink in various size. :mrgreen:

Jay-gon Jinn
12-27-2016, 07:16 AM
If you use that battery holder, be sure to only use NiMH rechargeable batteries in that saber, or you will damage the NB. It has a maximum input voltage of 5.5volts, so 6v will be too much.

12-27-2016, 09:06 AM
This is why I love TCSS Forums: you all answer questions for noobs before I even read them, making my job just to sit back and surf, which is fair since I have asked more than my fiar share of noob questions over the years.

"Hi, new guy!! Welcome! Here's some great advice for free, and we'll even help you troubleshoot your first build before you get started!"

NxHunter, welcome to the coolest forum on the Interwebs.

12-28-2016, 03:39 PM

Thank you so much for all of your comments, please don't think that they've gone unnoticed. I'm sorry that I can't write in full to express my gratitude at the moment as I'm travelling and I've only just got to another Internet source.

You're all amazing. And I'll reply and properly thank each and everyone of you as soon as I get a chance.

12-28-2016, 05:09 PM
This is why I love TCSS Forums: you all answer questions for noobs before I even read them, making my job just to sit back and surf, which is fair since I have asked more than my fiar share of noob questions over the years.

"Hi, new guy!! Welcome! Here's some great advice for free, and we'll even help you troubleshoot your first build before you get started!"

NxHunter, welcome to the coolest forum on the Interwebs.

Couldn't agree more. This is the board that breaks all of the stereotypes, plus TCSS has the best theme song going.