View Full Version : How Can I Best Fix the Momentary Switch On a Graflex 2.0 Kit?

08-07-2016, 12:12 AM
Hi guys,

I've just received my Graflex 2.0 kit, and all the necessary electronics for a badass TFA Graflex are currently on their way to me.

One thing I need to figure out before I start soldering things together, though; is how I'll fix the momentary switch in the red button thumbscrew beneath the bunny ears.

Fixing the red button itself to the momentary switch is pretty easy: a dab of superglue on top of the switch and the button will sit nicely.

Fixing the momentary switch to the thumbscrew is a different matter: the tabs on the switch will be very close to the metal edge on which the switch can rest.

What I'm thinking is soldering wires to the two diagonally opposite tabs, putting heat shrink over both connections and maybe even the entire bottom of the switch, and finally put superglue on the metal edge inside the thumbscrew and fix the switch like that.

Sound good? Suggestions? How did you do it, if you've built one?


08-07-2016, 11:21 AM
There is a series of step by step videos that walk you through the whole process.

08-07-2016, 11:21 AM

08-07-2016, 01:35 PM
Great videos, definitely! But he uses the clamp as the switch.

08-07-2016, 03:32 PM
Great videos, definitely! But he uses the clamp as the switch.

Must be another set on here as well, because I saw one recently where he simply placed it in the red button between the backer and the red button. Might have used hot glue but I think he just fit it in there like it is designed to fit.