View Full Version : "Afterburner" From Scratch/First Saber/CAD/Machined

05-02-2016, 09:10 PM
Hey Guys! I thought It was about Time I posted about the Saber I've built! I'm gonna post a bunch of build pictures, Hopefully you guys like it!

First here's the original blueprints I made:


The Idea is to have a functionally battle ready saber. That is why I incorporated multiple finger grooves and knurling in the design. (I update the position of these things later) I wanted a little automotive/aerospace look to it. So I have an exhaust tip for the emitter and jet engine for the pommel.

But all in all it came out just like I wanted it to. I'll describe a bit of what I did along the way, feel free to ask any questions about anything specific.

Fictional feature of the saber; Has a engine to rocket the saber towards a target. Like a javelin but no throwing. Using the force to activate the engine the saber launches like an arrow towards it's target, piercing them through. Guided by the force via the Jedi they can direct the saber through multiple targets and return it to themselves. The engine can also be activated in short range scenarios to surprise the enemy with a penetrating burst of kyber crystal energy. The Blade color is a burning orange. Showing the rogue nature of the Jedi who wields it, who's burning passion for justice will not be stopped by the borders of traditional Jedi. Traveling to the dark to bring light.

05-02-2016, 09:23 PM
Here is some outdated CAD pictures. There is a second finger groove added near the emitter, the finger groove near the pommel is moved right close to the chamfered edge there, a bottom aux switch hole and I turned off the knurling. I would get new pictures for you guys but Inventor doesn't like loading the knurling anymore. It makes the model very complex and slow to work on.







If you guys are interested I have a CAD file of a polycarbonate blade and of MHS Heat Sink V3 if you want to incorporate it into your designs.

I was originally thinking of making the pommel and emitter of Titanium but the material proved too difficult to find it the prairies. I was really hoping to do some electro anodizing with the titanium, either giving a solid orange or a "Flame tipped" look on the exhaust/emitter end. The other option was powder coating. But out here it became difficult to find someone who could do orange powder coating, and I wasn't too sure how expensive it would be sending out to CSS for the work. But it turned out nice in the end without any extra color.
You'll see in some more machined pictures soon!

05-02-2016, 09:32 PM
Reserved for CAD Pictures.

Renderings...they are called renderings...and don't forget to turn perspective on!

05-02-2016, 09:47 PM
Haha, yep you are right Fenix.

I tried looking at my model just now it perspective. Nope, nope. I can't look at it like that, it hurts. haha. I hope these pictures will satisfy!

05-02-2016, 10:13 PM
Hurts...what are you an engineer...they're the only breed I have ever known who can stand to look at things in iso view. The non-converging lines as they approach the horizon drive me bat-crazy. Actually the main reason I left the dual electrical/mechanical engineering degree program and switched to Industrial Design, the hand drawing ISO views drove me crazy because it did not look realistic, and I could always draw it faster and more representative in 2 and 3 point perspectives.

Inventor...yeah must be an engineer or machinist.:rolleyes:

05-02-2016, 10:23 PM
Try keyshot, you can get a 14 day trial and it is by far the best and easiest rendering program I have used in 15 years. I think it has a direct import for inventor, if not Iges or step files import just as easy. It has displacement rendering to just apply the graphic texture to the surface and the rendering software will take care of the knurling uv displacement. No need to crash the system by modeling in the texture just to get the kurling in for a rendering.

If you want to see slow CAD models I had a model of a saute pan that once I added a custom Tiano inspired texture to the silicone handles, the solidworks part file jumped to 6 gig. Even my top shelf Boxx Cadstation was hurting.

05-02-2016, 10:31 PM
What about airbrushing translucent pearls, either automotive or RC model paint? Some translucent sunburst tiped with a translucent sapphire should give the heat stained titanium look quite well.

Quixotic Jedi
05-03-2016, 06:12 AM
Nice desgin, elegant lines. I'd make it a bit longer to get two hands on it though. Awesome pommel design!

05-04-2016, 08:02 PM
@ FenixFire Yep I'm a machnist.(only level 2; no jobs available right now:( ) But self taught inventor user, I got it for a few years from school. Since I'm self taught I only messed around with what needed to be messed with. Orthographic worked fine for me so I left it at that. I had to figure out how to change to perspective again, and it looked strange to me, I couldn't comprehend working in it at that moment, so that's why I said it "hurts". haha But I'm sure with time I could get used to it, but only if I saw a use for it. :) :P I've never done hand drawings either except for a little in drafting, I wish I was a better artist. lol But enough of this stuff, saber time!

@ Quixotic Jedi Thanks man! I like elegant, good word. Thanks I love the pommel too! I'll talk more about it soon. Considering the length: I know! I did some base measuring when I first designed it so both hands still fit nicely on it but I do wish I made it 1/2" - 1" longer so I could do more of a katana swing to it. But even at this length I still get good leverage for two handed power. But it's shortness allows me to one hand easily. It transitions from a broadsword to Katana feel decently well. It grips well and is quite effective in sparring. It'll be a good balance for if/when I make a second saber to serve as a wakizashi.

05-04-2016, 08:37 PM
Here's some early machining shots

Machined to outside diameter. (btw i used aluminum for everything)


Bored through and cutoff. The cutoff will later be used for the pommel.


Doing this all manually machined. Using this lathe and a mill. Good ol' friend was helping me stay fresh in my machining during this time, while teaching me new stuff and of course use his equipment in his little shop. Doing some internal boring here.


And there's the shoulder for the LED heatsink to sit on.


And here's the start of the emitter. This goes in....




Showing the LED assembly inserted into the emitter, it sinks down fully to the shoulder.


LED inside the hilt with the emitter on top. Yes that is a RBG LED. ;)


And finally what it looked like after this stage.


05-05-2016, 10:07 AM
Love where this is going

05-12-2016, 10:13 PM
Here's some more pictures of work done on the bushiness end of my saber.

First drilled and Tapped holes in the hilt and emitter.


Testing out the screw from TCSS. It's awesome the emitter lines up perfectly with the holes when the LED heatsink is inserted! Special thanks to Tim for getting two identical screws for me!


The first finger groove, that was fun to machine. So pretty! I was originally planning only one at the top.


The emitter tip. Whooo! that was fun with the flycutter! so nice! So sharp I literally cut myself on it! Put a nice chamfer on there later.


Another view. I love those angled holes!


With inserted with the hilt body. I'm not sure why this picture makes the curves look different but believe me they are the same radius and are in line with another.


With the screws and blade. Note that the bottom screw isn't fully seated; that surface and the hard edge wasn't finished yet.


See? Now we have a nice rounded edge and the surface is smooth.


Next post will be about the pommel!

05-19-2016, 10:24 AM
Very interesting so far...I am watching you..carefully...

Sable Carinthre
05-25-2016, 11:04 AM
Wow! Very impressive saber! What software did you use to make the blueprints?

06-01-2016, 09:41 PM
I used inventor for the blueprints. It makes them quite nicely, places 3d views easily, I can write all the details I want and dimensioning is a snap.

I thought I could sense you were TheSilverDark. The Force is strong.

06-01-2016, 10:00 PM
Here's the Pommel!

First machining. Pommel #1 This one was turned to scrap because I made the outside diameter of the threads the size of the internal diameter of my hilt. In other words, Threads didn't thread! Oops! :o

Pommel #2

This one I had the threads made for the pommel and hilt properly. So they fit like a glove.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-umOhrED_DS4/V0-1NMqtbmI/AAAAAAAAAeI/buoUWZrwpbQ4ZDKGz0sxXBiDABstSiHmwCCo/s800/20151231_173747.jpg https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-fJzWGb-k8k4/V0-1v1qeCLI/AAAAAAAAAeM/DZa4mOd0VsgAfD48wUFZjJVmtE9cRy37gCCo/s800/20151231_173807.jpg https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-j8LEi85K_QE/V0-091YQfTI/AAAAAAAAAd4/P2SdOlDbnP8BzkIb7GApHqbHU6p9rrEBgCCo/s800/20151231_173716.jpg

So if you guys remember from the blueprint and renderings I wanted to do some sweet triangular grooves in the pommel. Well that proved to be more difficult than I thought. It would have been way too finicky to machine to a point like that. So I went the the next best thing! Lasers! Laser engraving that is. It's as tough as the aluminium, creates a nice smooth raised texture, very precise, and I think it looks pretty cool. That scrap piece proved useful at this stage surprisingly! It allowed for the guys at my local shop to do some tests with holding and engraving so the final product was perfect. They liked the project so much they did it half off! Whoo!

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-rkWmWtOQrWM/V0-1TuYAtDI/AAAAAAAAAeM/q2UuFPRayEolEBqPhuujsr5V9_siPXp9ACCo/s800/20160126_224230.jpg https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-DXLPoPe0pXY/V0-1rV2L31I/AAAAAAAAAeM/rPEl7o-8uSw_G6zy6ibZAaOexZA_fIiOgCCo/s800/20160126_224252.jpg https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-MA7tHv_FZwc/V0-1oZGLCxI/AAAAAAAAAeM/_nA8-Jscg986xHyDMQpcZQU1pBZzkDvWwCCo/s800/20160126_224305.jpg

The next post will be final details and the reveal, so stay tuned!

06-02-2016, 05:24 AM
Looking good, can't wait.

12-09-2016, 10:42 PM
Here's the second finger groove machined in, with fresh knurling for great battle grip.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/1tLrAzWEPIZzZwrJgitdoz-gdIHQrdm714q0WrMZouy-ovNhf6ZLf8u2MQuCx3nn1_uZGRMARX9tpjq6vIX0vnhV5jrEzh 3gqYFlYa3VNafffHXyzhRx0tbjmJoxjPYYyiA0WEbHi7G1lF-Sh-qkBnS_o79sjQrABiO626xKaoU_ImlnFqX-oZzLzYCvFmD2BP4813_ExU1DUZFkPt_YCpK8tGh3dYAPZlxLB1 AXpdFEslCaTyGTs9IwDNtPJ2gCAI0KupUTQImX3nYluuq5PX10 X7qrqSovwFtsHAtNE3SeQdKm__wKOQK0wM8l7l2DB-rLSAG0MZY18mbHxIYfNi-swYNCTzqC_Eh9Oiq7DAYop8KMH3oo8eURIjlbKf_y3ceM-2cSf1Mi7N0qRjzZNXzf-5NzbPtyZyUorNmtbg_xrHXGdLj9zBXs2mAAEDqmmuZ97Ej2EOa YNonL2WQdc6ubqgXQ4ldLV4THbRqvvY8YA-Yjiop30GIDwo-MLescKCE2OGeuU0tYys6XJ-TZNGc0WKodqz6KktHiherfoK1uTBrzenWAqzPfyNp44oJpIQWX sfJW9mQ4kXaWJ1vWHqXIvjNFdZ2ITWsbRS7oFhhD-9kiaxTJ=w0-h800-no

The lower finger groove.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/p0Ym7JAQSQx0rfIYBsmRJPoDhtY8e2qgkPCPaNxT9htRtV2ZD4 dvdvD82P-k8oMMdXGIzPQzH6oOo-GXAL7snwXFQxpw5--fy17OnPQTS8MLpfTjmt_NFF4dNELk450-5NHGTGdDp9yWlASLeglx5rgZGOZVn0PnPVFPyASqAeLNHnJRLI 9RP_c6jPchz9G0R-1yigyQFHoxxiLYctFrgFgLyZweE4W72VPwX2HZ8s3Y3iHu0t0e jMX7shaf0HiJgh-HLMbbvFAXLE816xivqPbyYeSMT70nkNVRePV5IGYAu1_1gRjiS b2MsA6QuVlHRlsutMivfqW4g9m5jHmz2xl_xfXbkwrzJ7OLsEh vkxlDLmqGCpzt0HWYQG1MBdD4qDjvd38_Pkjj7FJyw27ZyC7Ir QDOmaP39Q5OSMkid44CdT1Yxd9O9R95mEQFmDo2bQJafqEmCIs lSpaZnk986HzZYLISxU8ya2lcfFgnCdI5VivMDNxVC37sQf5js 4g-BMEhzGK3nPIZ7gKBPJmBlCnhgxi7lLK-AieoCc-kU00wQXw0yAGrRQfmq_uQ5XdI0lxc4FMKtOP83Igv4CgHjqZpO OAjtoIGRvAzcPmD-GqEW66syG_T=w0-h800-no

Topside Power switch hole.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/844tlUkRKPGbgv5IpAu9B6cr3_pw3VD-Kw2b7FiOkHjoyw37j2FjKYYNxyaXbM-hUTHzxZB1jmSAG4121HdIJ431ymB4FoCYIc0SHwGXpCdFQW_OV L3U3xEbSwuAiupMNG02_VA1SzH0ul1fOwIh5jfegXXw7VM2QPz-vCluhkvtEeJw7Bc9bNOyp2_CDcHiKqsvT_GdzJQBvPSiUaFG63 7t8FGBaWpnHEtsB04DzkOf0QUPYyzbUHu8t1CFvHcS6WNhR-2ewrsfX06umcYxCTFKVKqoQRhwkSs1k4Y1U8-3yP4Ll99_0_Ra_x7bk6CWnyZYM_tZrlrEmtvCzl06RlgV2WUSM IZd6TMR73BaY4T49kH2gHYCFaNWlm6vHyHwsAJsjP6dKeViPFa 2WlkAduCZ7CpIvK2U2FkokczcaAsVnZoKDjGYtKOwmda9jnzdA 788bK5rcEZOjaKScXjEo5oZ6LSKs3NDotPYItSwi36cPH6rqzX qgcfNSUy8lo-gTEev4y9QZEzzLqmgLTDM5VewMmjcALrj3ns_HirTj89C42Fbk TnSgkEzmTjy-Kkj5B6KuO0XwnLL1qe7nEZAra7Jdp1JKpJsi8NFuRKMN9glKt_ Pg-8g=w0-h800-no

Bottomside tactile switch hole. This one needed some support for the tactile switch with surface area to tape it down.
(You'll see the switch soon)

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/I-C7WhY7r1J9qld1zi5W5XKtTkM79A5MrmOyo83Feqx_WGi5-GGeiOkFAV_FuJEQ_Yqm_AF-IQsCjT_50CLfTu1Spx6ohVhmwgmhXtfVPJeLemlm6SPfbSp6hv FmIA871jljX0jPY5lXlq0ZcqIuQWrMY6-NaMgjvg1UeJClotg0nwy-VR7N0fuiS-DAdZ2chzEESSQZ_rRLieVoI8wraxR25WNyXvBJ9Y6rYHdXckZe _Rx7LxLjoI5cDC2FWPHR_94xwIMxewldG6-wi8sG5mduge3y3xPd_ziSjHaB7rUu7zhVWIMjgBA1QL3lpLO6J SjKGi6fFfbpJ2DtRU7r_n_saCcytQiev0ci_0kRR3smDi-5xtPylDElc7fwv0_HGVwXFoMCg2WqP9dnD3vh4eHPr8vd0tPQv 5wOK8T1R8Tk5Txhp0m2_DQzoM5G8pIdPw94hgUwNvICtV6SgYz o46dRIqH0BS2xnTHApZHmclsTew7Fti3Q4EnZtTeiA-MO73YYVC8GP8HMqZuA4cRNFKoeOpDUzxybaXat1uAL2xwDsMy2 3lUC_HuzZJOEYTyrRjxLTgL0gQSUp91wWhpVLRUnc5qHSAF5cM DQxY9VKdrZ46aFd-9f=w0-h800-no

And finally a hole for the covertec clip.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/KcbpoOfkNup9L7NNJ3J9ezdzdaV7oqQl0yJRnEV2E7jqKwMBov _3kMP--dfMoANXpPwY65AkKjJKmkawMhxGaTyrCKwJiZVibLtVnHYF9C8 p5gSoo0AKxKsSvNu745VIQq2_NDJX-n51DPS4yJzIUOqVcYZYuXbcX2cNB0sKt833t1KMLS3yBXyFR8j fAgZDzobCjiTV4H6XZ16y7zyPVYg9o-YBjh7fsjqWZ62_EgFGikLx-MfYyY87-_0vmbRt-lG_qXn9bIMw3gehgCdMa5cj7YWM2yFS0fpeWQoMq518UIhSV5q T1_DVqwR-ZUEihA2rIOJIgVPAwB-GdK9dCZtOQ6ogvKjNJaHdQiJHKOxaE2Srzm5zJZ0ktOUQaHVZU GZsH9rhl9ltehhg7DxUbrHdI4ckHJqf8WQM05pTJtso77mDL8n Djb2TwHmlDJcCTZpT3r74UFvl8YqO95-VUCrfaK8DJgMBNGwABMIbJPGFMQHrRHZ8iJUYpBSMDjHFrgoWx ljMM7uizA-AOpn9gMgPudYPqRJ6PV8ra5UjYYsED8lX3qlKiYAiUWYp5w57_ awlgDOrMYf0_naGusXNnkMq8YhtNjRFQu2XgvZ74rHX3ctdrae p=w0-h800-no

Covertec installed with a modified nut for a spacer. Plus the 3D printed pommel insert, also painted.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_WQ1TIXQR9h5ZE5rbRd-Mv2W8ptpyHADM1nVbxCsKHJq0XjO9b4Y1tqDAlzLm9yRWJMK2G qRNriAH2e5HbZdHWRb4W2aT4J0aGvx4OtCV5fbgnJsHn0O5u61 XcMoEh_wUOlWV_ZJrEbOfnb3JOWJ5mwKnlq-zCJRDaffuUOP3YdCgHQbD2DLorrFi6hhH9rnK03ynxrexBne34 z5PfR5_HqS--r87mdfd1mUHVtZyBEcTUqxLkxDL0zGGZqDVEzW4NNqdizp5iEw 9qTobQPBsJqJT3gc9zctT48OXx39A5UkBddmSk3ePkCCVMYzWH F7NPMoQ9Ub5gjqO2Q-9Dgi1jTFn8p1I1biGcNsq-eTxAl84YWu5EDLM9JRYvEzO8jksC1RRg4EnQqUYVxrpJBNakRB uBlqZFlSNmcyFQM_pB2HBxOHUMnUE0Swfgqts8z1d7VHZfs0lj 2lBSXiKGF282N2nq_8_hKNfhlqH04PJkOjLOWrwUoB4hJCITiB C2j2Q2ZB7IGC15-2wlYf7zC4-TFds2wlfmUfGPbNcwkeWoI2tUPjaPn2EkubJuALa1LqYQeeZLj nL5ujE8sUqNfSGOLqskAO-jKocvp3z2AHDFMrSebcpQjn=w0-h800-no

12-09-2016, 10:56 PM
Finished! Sorry I took so long to upload this, It was done many months ago...

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/2AZqM3BkQFkrc0CthgXDmR2_mYwuKA49_NWw1NLltNCXsrf3MY 211SqS-dTBuZerK0t0GH5fAVwxDm6U3MyvPjNXAmx-itYYaGx8PMs5gtTt9ln0Z1HRT_2chJBANFKj-G0P1pgVpFKJQnAnaztKRReW3tGtUDiCzxeYEyfofoAVR_Rvdov O3nwLmrsxOXnhIptWSiGJYaeuG1vUKWhGqYujjUenKCemdkSx6 yL5ldsnuumqBr1oIZa_I9v-ggAn8qBkanj6vzktFoswBBGlRsITEEUHteHrT0QKv9iLfYHXm9 Ukp1tnovixjIdTLD9K6MP2Ap2qoDn8EA4gW9mkmMQrFTrv76yd 3b8JfnyXnO529RE-BGCXaP7c-H_s6iDuMqsB9m0huOCbdOKApKkppzY6Avfpk5LTjSwzY5ql06b xID8zU4Fltpeaxlgu9bYh6OWucOIo9B2K6TOXi-O5Gqt4FOg_h4uz4i2j1XIgqGiKnnpMqk34EMeA8U0GtL8OCvhq fpGUbkD5TMIcgfo8QJpfOkaaQSr8L6deFACCrOuwaH19OWGT_r QXR9t_W-Q8VO_YydFvXiYr3a74QbdfOFk84_P3HjvkaFSLOchT83ve1LhR e30O=w800-h0-no

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/tFXudfLyrEYBgv55Cx30r1zuABTdWvmXJBk0enH--ElzEkfUSlzte5sQTmxo7EC88rgFSGcQ-8tP2YzlEu7rwP3Cty7igyZYI5umQWks94FKmXSx1ucPESNF4rN qZ9P2cQp51oY2D8qFjLMuDxLSRMH3FygRJvP58CulrkN0yYxN7 __Vsl3SF1SkmBjVr2PgXBmh0EqQACK6m5GsbD3AB3YMFkZi1dM GsAK6OOWG6vN-bZ4o1RIZMPukIfkG9Ne2eEvxAjunEgh3G1t3FEveDMKQ6_sFmg P5k2Ldswktnqp-S6DAuVsmguTNr2Fio2J--4fV_1Jlh2BdLbFv8XjxBZwoWAnE3OD2ffaroFYcTRwLz29Wovu jWjdNjNsrxaYmiquO3YWozHHmfKSwrMCNhW5PzUDaTz-o4zTPFZLfa42iy2IXAL71xm-0ZylPWkvZ2lboLSyL46363FQdUIYy74E9Xpbh8IFP2LGUF7OFp NZFysQ5YM2Kg9PRBRUEj5Jvhins72MRLCglmFezTj38XGnHnav XlUNHMXXK0RPrxh5EYngcqxyDzkyNF-4nc4g6-HI55hQccNHZuZHfXYD5nMnIyD2jGbLtH12u81mn7_qVqypEzIr m=w800-h0-no

Love the look and feel of that tactile switch! It allows for subtle use of the saber's other functions; just a little squeeze with the palm overtop.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/U7DKoeUOVRZQCnywg12SI7fDSlefZ9pYUXroWdFpqWBZmlTO0e AN77u4jdymHXhot8o-uRFYkSJ3kZb1X8XfXP_pjOIvLJ1g1NUjERnJJSiht5nl11vh8j N_xaBTcXISXOA3EbZGSQhAxFCv3-J-IRFqnQRTocpaTB_XhLc_zwGkaa8rxKdt4TH6U3iYh9sqt86lhm o8EGiVvk3QOSxs9WTiQGrrGF5scITaosEsIFW6CicJPkDEEdy3 AaqxqgPRUxwbOf-wYJR_cPh8BteiMow2ClluBqkdxtpBl4jQyGeUdVReLaRn7ulzp kQ8QfKX2Ve2d5OcncH4DJp0uKbx4iM2ysSJAVDhLzWNu6hbXzb KPqsm9d8OjmFOgR4RxhLzYyjzpeieukqeTii1VboHE6pmP3o6X 0yCSPJoFv-cb1-4FtYlZWobJtcvFJz45Qw6p5gzXkmUMmWrhKnIwuWslMhWmNmSb OH0bXwG9Ysi-gTlvVbjPrI1RQCshFDZu0Gg62YeQAsAfA7BAYDmHWWyYfZKuXY yjcvkxQX0kGfnOXiXsPCBo6iI0Hnha93iUPC7hyTBkwwzjl1H1 SQhTvhLDQGlYw4Opitiriz4PBFpyux08vMr_umW=w800-h0-no

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/5ciS04gavl_7fbje9SlSodrAaOtFnvB3yyE1TTj0aCmBwnHw5M 8KjTe6Cmmy_gCNDVX2JY3ZP_onp9l3DYFgOOqMsdkWTY-29GwC2xeK2fYN93kojEdMhembqt5S6EwIxmwOS863xE-AnQkif7Tf09iQxOD3zfag9d-tois90uktsrCZTPAUhvnPkXAgnWIlqbgIAUVnAYfLRYAjoGf6F lvL75cpDy2G_DghoVnAynM1jJT1RWI-X5OWqd0tLuJTnwEYIDnNMraYTuV0tqwXJ3Bw55P1v1uchIbFET qvefErlgAUDp_YRXiudcFYJkC1qMOSuNYw57IfUekQy4FCwq0J oUqe0n80kdpkzX0RNG1G52AiA7-Xpe0kJjx4cqNEZQK9RkYlAvhv87MJu4rcY3yVK3G8wCiQs8Gsq Lm9JJ5HscTMliyp-KclE9CsKl-TVCW-Z3FS89Rf6mKx5zdVLaBu-Iv5HdB7VhZucbJVyq5nrCr89redRNwllyWJTT4GhIlTNaU4aOw pO4l5xoecM1qQ66ROm8W8pntbhDN9LctUiGbmn1binEO8dV3LP 2QRIK3QgIiB1Q0PbS15ebEy48mNP4d5Rx1Pp_VpaH27m91pFSg 7WGxS=w800-h0-no

I love the angled holes and emitter shape. :D

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/GUv0YuVH8V5elqs0HBspUg2eVbvSxifbX6kgAgBE0-F3jOSMODYd9ocFusrJHjikymuXy-cktzSTqRQEqJ92WP33CrksFujNEnQK6bKsr8x-Ym7isGatbe_Vxi1U6JYx9rKnkt_cLTs8yAQnrumWoocNMdrw69 g0UDjVMNWH8WqLCfw9fSyFwA8Cgxc2Brjnw7Nmrx1oIHMxyCBO gFfEHQVSDUjsESlUZsmEGPWvD4EOK16vzLjQrkxi6i4aIgkLOP AKV8AjCu0U4IQNrKIe1STdMFktE1DE2iNbTnWdSa_U0cFhND7w VWnhZhn0mrJ54bHq8Tmk3qdKCBDjw_u69Pvid83axEMx46ToZy VuE96K4Nyc4keRWeYl-lyLNoepnaquMjurDnS7IznnBOR0b3vPhMO3YQtUwkvPfGLZ69S ZGWBD3S8IHwJ13t7kD6ZG_gnEQV2c-G4Q6tC5UevBA1h-atZ5FhMYM55pfmwNmclrXP8G27EhgxIzdwgRrh9D75OdOWHvnq qusEGnbxNuPYPGOoV8V2S1LvKG2QF0f9TMFg6Z80aK04pMtMkR T0LZC2R_OiSpwZJ91JglZt_VI4aFTrg3ozPVllpeSFbJZnxaDc vyTUPD=w800-h0-no

This is an accurate picture of the color I custom made for the saber. It's a wonderfully rich blazing orange. Fitting for my Afterburner. It's light makes it seem like the room has a fire lit in it.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/RXaOg3xCwjDXLNH4lT5woEBtDz2cq5DY_WrXrypmAuUQZpUFb8 EhOA2wsVfPVXsMVUIb24A45yfzDhmZPc9l1u4GYY7P_j_ymUhu 6Rv0FoEml9Q8XfiBVhPSDRiGwPI-yB5KYhcKLV1RS76JOmr1zEMoyr24i5pvlApE0X6o2AUfy-ZhfnXNiE93WqJsqwG-7V2Xj2vYUKWFBlmVkCj9lLL6wx9y62rU0ZNG-add-POTM50yQ5zEXv3CZQFI2h2lyAZZjY-BfQTF3fdjOGFEDtXRuEbhbPLFPRZRzj2BxfKlpha7IxC8AUy34 FLkz2k_X6LYuLdQWckhPYiVvjce2AU_6Ps1EO2raMhWolRsfK_ Yuy2QS9XJWD6zFZtIZgqZYzZvQm4bWd4rWdCEM-xXyv775GHeFzrifQy9RoKRyW11vNrSn9mWNP1_a6OoL4RJMJI9 ZsSVFRyqM_aM0wIEgzMkLgmMQe2XxV0I5ZJ67TZU3WKKd0Keld paf9jM1UdU_Zq7TLhtdzVtWTLS8dvRUo0wxfRlyflYO00je8iO yfvFIXz4AcUizPSPfffaMp3DImCW4H8XyUKyHxd813q2ao8MEG Ek40k-szvKd3NpUkbX3NA1UPGu=w800-h0-no

Feel free to ask any questions about the saber, happy to answer.

I got a blade plug in the works, just needs a bit more modification before I'll post about it. Hopefully soon!

12-10-2016, 04:23 AM
Came out great. Nice job.

12-10-2016, 02:00 PM
Agreed...great looking Lightsaber. Well done.

12-11-2016, 01:03 PM
Came out beautifully. Amazing scratch build!