View Full Version : Has anyone tired drilling/adding cut-outs in blade holders?

04-25-2016, 06:10 PM
I really like the look/idea of the blade light shining through cut-outs in a blade holder, but am not "in love" with any of the available options.

Has anyone tried adding their own to a blade holder and if so, how did you do it and how did it turn out?

04-25-2016, 07:11 PM
Plenty of people mill, turn, or modify various mhs parts. The outcomes can vary from person to person, tools available, and skill set to skill set. Rarely the mhs parts I use do not see some kind of modification of some sort. If you are thinking about doing it yourself then go for it. You have to accept the fact you may mess up and that's part of the hobby as long as you learn from your mistakes. You may burn some money in the process but no one said this is a cheap hobby to be in :).