View Full Version : securing battery into acrylic chassis disc

03-16-2016, 08:10 PM
Hello again you all, Ive been working on my first saber and Im just waiting on my PRIZM to ship but I have all the other parts of my saber built and was able to test all the LEDS by connecting them directly to the battery (resisted, of course), but Im noticing my 18650 Panasonic battery does not fit as snugly in the Acrylic Chassis Disc for PC 2.0 and 18500/18650 pack - S2 (http://www.thecustomsabershop.com/Acrylic-Chassis-Disc-for-PC-20-and-1850018650-pack-S2-P768.aspx) as I feel it should. Should the battery fit super snug on its own, or do people typically use some additional measures like tape or some kind of fastener to keep the battery in place?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

03-16-2016, 08:20 PM
The ones Ive had have fit pretty snug. Not to the point where they wont slide up and down...they're pretty heavy relatively speaking. I usually sandwhich them between other discs to keep them from moving.

03-16-2016, 09:33 PM
What Darth_Chasm said.
I usually sandwich mine between the speaker holder and an additional chassis disc (specifically the chassis disc for recharge port) so that it stays put.