View Full Version : Saber Swings when idle

03-04-2016, 09:19 PM
Hey guys, I'm not sure what's going on here with my saber. For context my soundboard (Prizim) is pretty well darn near center in my hilt. So that makes it tough to tune for swing sensitivity. But I got it tuned just nice now.

The problem is as the title says. On one (and only one) of my sound profiles the saber makes swing sounds even though it is idle/stationary. Just keeps going incessantly. The other sound profiles work great for swings, and I don't really want to change when it feels so good. But would you guys have any suggestions?

03-04-2016, 09:46 PM
After playing around a bit I found out that is wasn't the sound profiles, but the colors. What?! How does the color make this glitch happen? 3 of the 7 colors on my soundcard make this giltch happen.

03-04-2016, 10:51 PM
Usually 1 of 2 things makes the boards do constant swings. 1) low battery or 2) too much current to an led. So my guess is that on those color profiles there is too much current going to an led or several. Did you calculate your resistors properly?

03-10-2016, 09:20 PM
Sorry for late reply, You had the answer though! It was a low battery. Swapped another one in and no issues.

Just because you talked about it I'll reference the post with my LED resistor calculations

A related question. In altering the current applied to a LED in changing color what would happen if I went above 940? (940 is the max that was set by default for an LED) Would I get those sound issues like you stated? And would it burn out the LED's? Just out of curiosity. I am quite pleased with the intensity of the colors I have. The base R/B/G are really nice at the full 940.

03-10-2016, 10:10 PM
The drive parameter(s) for a board with no current regulator is expressed as a fraction out of 1023, with 1023/1023 being the max drive. If you resistored your LEDs properly, you can go all the way up to max with no issues.