View Full Version : How should I mount my chassis to my Graflex 2.0?

03-01-2016, 09:10 AM
I've got the basic look to my chassis here: http://forums.thecustomsabershop.com/showthread.php?19736-Crystal-Chassis-Mock-up

I'll be cutting it down and capping it off with a chassis disc so it's flush against the bottom of the blade holder. Now the issue I'm having is how do I mount the chassis to the blade holder? At first I was thinking JB welding the disc to the holder, but then I realized I had brain farted and the threaded rods do not screw into the discs. One of my co-workers suggested I hot glue the rods to the top disc, then the disc to the holder. You think hot glue would hold this on? I'm not planning on hard core battles with this, but I will be carrying it around and maybe some light sparring. Hot glue would also be easy to snap apart in case I need to replace anything or remove the chassis from the holder. I could also use 2 part epoxy but I do not want to permanently weld the chassis to the holder and never be able to get it off without breaking it apart.

Just wanted to see what some veterans have done with this kit and mounting a chassis. Thanks as always.

03-01-2016, 10:53 AM
I'd be surprised if hot glue would hold, and it would definitely look sloppy next to that CC. You could drill and tap the disc for the rods. You could counter sink holes for nuts on the rods. Madcow shows that in one of the instruction videos. I read on one of the other Graflex 2.0 threads that they were using small set screws to hold their chassis in place.

03-01-2016, 01:22 PM
i used a 3d printed chassis in mine which secures with a set screw. you could do something similar with a rod based chassis as well, would involve extending the chassis about an inch or so into the blade holder section. just need something 7/8" diameter to slide in there, perhaps a bit of blade stock? another solution i have seen is tapping and threading two holes for 4/40 rods into the bottom of the blade holder and making an adaptor disc to match. theres really no option i know of that does not involve modifying the blade holder in some way, atleast not with the stock blade holder. but id much rather modify the bladeholder than glue anything. just my op. will be watching this thread to see what u come up with. want to replace the chassis i have with a custom cc version at some point.

03-01-2016, 02:52 PM
Thanks for the ideas rlobrecht and atomsk!! atomsk, I think I'm gonna do something along the lines of a set screw. I can get a black piece of anything, JB weld it to the top chassis disc and then create the set screw hole about an inch inside. Planning on drilling a hole for the LED set screw anyways so this might work out perfect. Just need to make sure I have clearance for LED and switch wires oh and the battery itself.