View Full Version : "Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope" Newbie Question

02-25-2016, 01:07 PM
Hello everyone,

I have to apologize as I'm not really new, as I've been reading and stalking the forum for years, but never joined or posted.
Well, I've corrected that and in true Newb fashion, I need help.
I recently got my hands on a Heiland flash and I'm looking to make my first saber. I know it might be a bit ambitious as a first build, but I come from a background as a lifelong Artist (Pro & Amateur), Hobbyist, and skilled craftsman experienced with all manner of tools and equipment.
So while this might be my first build of a saber, it is not the first prop I've made, or big project. However, I admit, I do need help.

I've watched this tutorial several times over the years

and feel the electronics portion of the build is well within my skill set.
But when I go through the description to order the parts used in the video I do run across some issues.
The lens holder for instance is no longer provided by TCSS, and instead I see they now sell a single unit that incorporates several parts in one prebuilt product.
Rebel Star LED & MHSV1 Heatsink Module

Will this lens holder included in module fit my Heiland??? (pictured below)

Also, for a blade holder my research has led me to believe that the FX conversion kit for the Vader Saber will work in my Heiland. Any idea if this is true?

Some of the items are also "Out of Stock" such as the NB V2 MWS Header and wiring harness, Lithium battery and charger. I want to order all the parts at once to save on shipping, and get the project done, but I know it drives the veterans crazy when Newbs ask about when "out of stock" items will be restocked.
All I can ask is, whether or not these items go through long periods of being "out" or should I just be patient and check back daily? (Been doing that now for 5 days) or should I try to find the part elsewhere.

The build I'm going for will be using some parts from blastech to complete my Vader build.

Below are some pics of the flash I got. I know its not an MPP, but my research has led me to believe this flash is a good second choice.

Any and all advice would be very appreciated.
And thank you all for your time and attention.



02-25-2016, 01:25 PM
I'm playing with a couple of Heilands too.

I've been waiting for some of the more obscure non-MHS bits to come back into the store since around Thanksgiving. Occasionally a few will pop up, but they haven't all popped up at the same time yet. I have a feeling TCSS is still months away from being back to having everything available. (Not complaining. Good for Tim. I hope he has the same demand as each new movie comes out for the next many years).

I haven't verified it yet (because the part hasn't been available at the same time I've had a spare $25) but I believe the 1.5" (1.45" OD) sink-tube blade holder (http://www.thecustomsabershop.com/15-Sink-tube-LEDBlade-holder--P1048.aspx) should fit inside the Heiland's body (although 1.40" would be better, maybe attach it to a drill and sand it down just a bit).

Do you intend to duel with your saber?

Do you have access to a 3d printer? I have a few files you might be interested in :)

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

02-25-2016, 02:21 PM
I'm playing with a couple of Heilands too.

I've been waiting for some of the more obscure non-MHS bits to come back into the store since around Thanksgiving. Occasionally a few will pop up, but they haven't all popped up at the same time yet. I have a feeling TCSS is still months away from being back to having everything available. (Not complaining. Good for Tim. I hope he has the same demand as each new movie comes out for the next many years).

I haven't verified it yet (because the part hasn't been available at the same time I've had a spare $25) but I believe the 1.5" (1.45" OD) sink-tube blade holder (http://www.thecustomsabershop.com/15-Sink-tube-LEDBlade-holder--P1048.aspx) should fit inside the Heiland's body (although 1.40" would be better, maybe attach it to a drill and sand it down just a bit).

Do you intend to duel with your saber?

Do you have access to a 3d printer? I have a few files you might be interested in :)

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

Thanks for the quick reply Mineral.

I'm building the saber, electronics, blade hilt and all with my 4 year old son. He's kind of a mechanical Savant. Been reading for more than a year, and been helping me with some pretty advanced home repairs and projects for about 2 years. (My home was destroyed in hurricane Sandy, so there was plenty of chances to teach him during the rebuild)
He actually sits and draws diagrams before he uses his tinker toys, magformers, and legos to build his own creations. So, we're both excited.

I personally won't be dueling with the Saber, but I intend to make it 100% battle ready. (I know he'll, my son, want to beat the hell out of me with it a bit as we also are both martial arts enthusiasts, training respectively for some time, me for 30 plus years him for a year and half).

I don't have ready access to a 3D printer, but I am interested in grabbing one eventually. Even so, I'd love to know what files you might offer.

I guess considering the TCSS store is only missing the "NB V2 MWS Header and Wiring Harness" http://www.thecustomsabershop.com/NB-V2-MWS-Header-and-Wiring-Harness-P961.aspx?ItemId=331423 and the battery and charger, I could and should go ahead with the order.

Any idea where else I might get the "NB V2 MWS Header and Wiring Harness" or the parts needed from say Radio shack to build my own. I haven't done any soldering in years, but in my youth I was a soldering and wiring nut, completely dismantling every RC car and piece of robotics I had to build my own stuff.
I'm currently waiting on a reply from the Blast-tech admin to place my order with him. So I am eager to move forward. Almost as eager as the boy, who comes home daily from school and questions me about the status of the parts we need. when I tell him we're still in a holding pattern he usually replies with, "Ok, guess I'll help with Dinner." or "Ok, I'll go build something else."

The blade holder you recommended is a hard piece to wait for.
Any advice on what blade parts I should use from the TCSS?

Anyway, thanks again for the help.


02-25-2016, 08:21 PM
If you are competent at soldering, I think you can skip the harness altogether. Just wire straight to the NB.

You can get 3.7V Li-Ion batteries at all the major sell-everything sites, just google them. Chargers too. If you have vaporizer/smoke shops near you they tend to have the batteries too.

Something I've been considering for my Heiland build, since they were designed for D cell batteries, is using a protected 32650 6000mAh Li-Ion battery. Haven't ordered one yet though. We could potentially fit some pretty ridiculous speakers in there too.

I'll link to the files tomorrow from work. I modeled a more-similar to the MPP emitter-shroud (flash reflector holder), and a non-dueling blade holder. I'm hoping to have Tim look at the blade holder design and tell me if and for how much he can make one. I think there are a few of us out here who would jump on one pretty quickly if it were offered.

How are you planning to get sound out of your saber? I hate putting new holes in 60 year old flash guns, but I haven't been successful coming up with an alternative pommel/end cap for it either. I've managed to mount everything else without damaging any of the stock Heiland metal, but the sound issue has me about stumped. If I could get the blade holder just right I might be able to funnel the sound out the horizontal slits near the top. Thoughts?

02-26-2016, 08:45 AM
If you are competent at soldering, I think you can skip the harness altogether. Just wire straight to the NB.

You can get 3.7V Li-Ion batteries at all the major sell-everything sites, just google them. Chargers too. If you have vaporizer/smoke shops near you they tend to have the batteries too.

Something I've been considering for my Heiland build, since they were designed for D cell batteries, is using a protected 32650 6000mAh Li-Ion battery. Haven't ordered one yet though. We could potentially fit some pretty ridiculous speakers in there too.

I'll link to the files tomorrow from work. I modeled a more-similar to the MPP emitter-shroud (flash reflector holder), and a non-dueling blade holder. I'm hoping to have Tim look at the blade holder design and tell me if and for how much he can make one. I think there are a few of us out here who would jump on one pretty quickly if it were offered.

How are you planning to get sound out of your saber? I hate putting new holes in 60 year old flash guns, but I haven't been successful coming up with an alternative pommel/end cap for it either. I've managed to mount everything else without damaging any of the stock Heiland metal, but the sound issue has me about stumped. If I could get the blade holder just right I might be able to funnel the sound out the horizontal slits near the top. Thoughts?

I probably will just forego the harness and do a straight solder.
I have found the battery and charger elsewhere. I also have plenty of smoke shops near me that sell e-cigs so I shouldn't have any trouble getting that, but as someone else mentioned, I'd like to get all my eggs from one basket.

I have sent the Admin from Blast-Tech several emails, and not received one reply yet. I know people have nothing but good things to say about that site and its admin, but not having received a single reply does leave me a bit concerned about potentially sending hundreds of dollars in that direction. Any opinions on the site personally?

The inside of the Heiland is nice and spacious. Allowing for a car stereo sized speaker...lol. But for my first build I'm going to stick as closely as possible to the tutorial.

As for getting the sound to emit from the pommel, I don't have any problem customizing the flash. It holds no sentimental value for me other than as a Saber Hilt. I would do so with a lot of care.
I was thinking of removing the spring in the cap that is normally used to keep the battery in place and just dremel a couple holes. But then again that spring might help in keeping the electronics from bouncing around.
In fact I think I will try to find a grill like the one on the bottom of the FX style Vader Sabers, and attach that to the Flash cap(using liquid weld, or some other medium). Use it as a stencil and dremel through the cap to match the grill exactly (Think that would look better than just having a drill cap on the bottom of what I intend to be an otherwise pristine replica). Looking inside the cap I should be able to do this and still leave the spring in place to create tension on the innards and keep them stable.
Truth be told I'm a ways off from that step but will certainly keep you apprised of my progress and steps.

Also, what switch would you recommend?


02-26-2016, 02:09 PM
The aforementioned files. (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1373537) I've printed each of these, and they all fit all three of my Heiland flashguns.
The "Accurate Shroud" is sort of half-way between a Heiland 7" reflector mount, and the MPP version. It actually works as a reflector mount, if you need that for some reason...
My 3D printer made the outside of the (PLA) blade holder in such a way as to necessitate a little sanding; really just knocking the edges off. Less than 5 minutes of light hand sanding with 80 grit, and it slid in nice and tight. It replaced the 1" ID tape-wrapped PVC-conduit blade holder I'd fashioned for it previously.
The main point of the blade holder for me was to have a channel up to where the little red manual-flash button is. I intend to put a tactile momentary switch in there, but I haven't had my printout long enough to make sure the switch fits/works. I don't have a Graflex "switch box" clamp on mine, so that's not an option for me. If it was, I'd probably put a tactile switch under a bubble on top. I'm all about the tactile switches :)
The grips file (you'd have to print it twice), is kinda wimpy when installed. I will model a new longer beefer set for myself when the time comes.

02-29-2016, 08:07 AM
Any advice on what blade parts I should use from the TCSS?

You need a blade and a tip. I bought this (http://www.thecustomsabershop.com/1-Thick-walled-Trans-White-PolyC-40-long-P528.aspx) and the corresponding tip. I think next time I'll go with thin-walled instead; thick is heavy, and I am not dueling with them. I went with trans-white, and later added transparent gift-wrap inside to even out the light distribution. Works/looks great. I might order an actual clear transparent blade just to see the difference, but I'm pretty happy as is.

I was able to customize their lengths to fit my kids with a simple PVC pipe cutter