View Full Version : MHS ribbed extension chassis help

01-26-2016, 05:37 AM
im building a saber and i ran in to a problem i ordered the mhs ribbed extension tube after already wiring up my MHS speaker mount V6 and the 2 do not fit together i still want to use the extension tube but i dont know what kinda of chassis i need now or if i have to make my own . is there any one out there that have ran in to this problem and how did you work around it i dont want to have my sound board loose in there or to have any rattling is there a speaker mount that will fit in here too or am i SOL

01-26-2016, 05:41 AM
You'll need to use either speaker mount v4 or v5 outside of the ribbed ext. You'll need to get the chassis disks made for 1.15" ID parts. Those are the ones that are made for the ribbed ext.

01-26-2016, 05:56 AM
i originaly had this set up to accept a removable 18650 . id have to switch to a prewired reachable with this one wouldnt i?

01-26-2016, 06:03 AM
You'll need to use either speaker mount v4 or v5 outside of the ribbed ext. You'll need to get the chassis disks made for 1.15" ID parts. Those are the ones that are made for the ribbed ext. how does the speaker v4 or 5 work with the ribbed extention does i have the pommel right after the ribbed piece and will the rails of of the chassis work from the speaker mount to the disks?

01-26-2016, 06:04 AM
With this design, yeah probably. You may be able to do reverse sound with the speaker above the ribbed section. In that scenario you could use speaker mount v4 with chassis disk 4 I believe. That should lock your chassis while your saber is closed and allow you to remove the ribbed section. Note that once you remove the ribbed section your chassis would be loose. You would need to cut channels in the speaker for your switch and led wires.

EDIT: Actually, chassis disk 4 threads in. Chassis disk 5 would leave your chassis loose once the ribbed section is removed.

01-26-2016, 06:06 AM
how does the speaker v4 or 5 work with the ribbed extention does i have the pommel right after the ribbed piece and will the rails of of the chassis work from the speaker mount to the disks?
See above

EDIT: Oh I see, what you're saying about the "rails." The way I solved this was by drilling new holes in the metal chassis disk to match up with the 1.15" acrylic disks. Speaker mount v4 can go slightly into either end of the ribbed section.

01-26-2016, 06:32 AM
do you happen to know if the speaker mount v4 will fit in to the mps style 8 cause i can avoid all the rails issues if so. as for the chassis disks the sadly those 2 disk are out of stock

01-26-2016, 06:42 AM
do you happen to know if the speaker mount v4 will fit in to the mps style 8 cause i can avoid all the rails issues if so. as for the chassis disks the sadly those 2 disk are out of stock

Hopefully these will help. The NB and battery are sandwiched in the ribbed section by speaker mount v4 and chassis disk 5. I drilled matching holes in disk 5 and the speaker mount. The recharge port comes out of the pommel.


I don't think you're going to be able to avoid using the 4-40 rods. Those are what stabilize the chassis and keep things in place. Speaker mount v4 will fit in nearly any pommel and as you can see above, it goes into the end of the ribbed extension quite a bit.

01-26-2016, 06:54 AM
well if the speaker will fit in to the pommel then i think i can make something work this is looking to be a pretty short saber so space in an issue

01-26-2016, 07:26 AM
Just be sure you realize that the speaker down at that end will prevent you from removing the ribbed section. It only slides in so far then the smaller ID of the ribbed section prevents it from going any further.