View Full Version : Hello From Mass!

Count Voodoo
01-06-2016, 05:55 PM
Hello all! New saber Builder from Central Massachusetts! Im giving the Korbanth 2.0 hilt a go for my first saber! Nice to meet you all! I have nearly everything ordered besides the board (NBV3 Cant wait for them to get in) and the 7/8" LED heat sink. Now its just the waiting game for stuff to arrive and come into stock! I got my first saber from Parks probably over 10 years ago and my goodness has the hobby grown since then. I never imagined building one all those years ago but now seeing all the resources available to us, I have to try! Great site! Ill be watching videos until im old and grey with all you have here! Well, talk to you all soon and MTFBWY!!!!

Generic Jedi
01-06-2016, 06:30 PM
Welcome to the forums!

Count Voodoo
01-06-2016, 06:35 PM
Thank you Generic Jedi!

01-07-2016, 06:31 AM
Welcome to the party. 'Try not.......' ;)

01-07-2016, 08:16 AM
Welcome. And I can't wait to see it come together the ones I've seen from korbanth have been amazing