View Full Version : New member here - Hi all!

10-29-2015, 03:17 AM
Hey guys,

I'm a totally new member and thought I'd pop on to say Hi.

I am a regular cosplayer, but I cosplayed from Star Wars for the first time this weekend at London's Comic Con and loved it. I am hoping to be putting together my first lightsaber in the new future, so will thank you all in advance for any help!

Don't worry, I have seen some of the threads and don't expect to be spoonfed, but I can't promise that I'll understand everything.

One problem I seem to be having though is that despite being new to TCSS, my email address has been registered to an account which is disabled. Slightly bizarre as I don't remember having signed up yet, but could have done without really realising lol. Does anyone have any idea as to whom I may be able to contact about this?

Also, is it only me, or do a lot of the MHSv1 parts appear to be out of stock? When do you think I should check again for stock?

Thanks guys, and hope to catch up with you guys on here later!


10-29-2015, 03:37 AM

The MHS parts are basically out of stock because the lightsaber business has exploded this year and saber companies are getting more orders than ever ever before. It's gotten difficult to keep up with. MHS parts are selling out and lead time for sabersmiths has shot through the roof.

If you want to buy certain parts, put yourself on the notify list and you'll get an email telling you when it's back in stock. That way you'll know exactly when to check back. That being said, it's unlikely that everything you'll want to buy will be in stock at the same time so you might want to order what you can when it's available. My last saber took 3 or 4 orders to get everything I needed.

As for the email registration... You could email Tim about it, I suppose. You don't have any option to recover the account or your password?

Silver Serpent
10-29-2015, 04:48 AM
Welcome to the forums!

With Halloween just around the corner, and the new movie coming out this year, parts are flying off the shelves as fast as Tim can get them made. Stock issues are going to happen. Unfortunately the new store software doesn't have the auto-notify function in it (yet), so you'll just have to keep checking back. I've found that nothing really stays out of stock for more than a week or two, you just have to keep an eye out. Yes, you'll probably have to make a few orders to get everything you need.

10-29-2015, 06:04 AM

10-29-2015, 07:12 AM
Hi guys,

Thanks for the welcome, and I'll try and drop Tim an email. I'm blogging a mini-story type thing on the character that is my Jedi cosplay, so will have to work in something about lack of parts etc, and not being able to put together a new saber!

@Miraluka - I have tried recovery, but was told that the account associated with my email address has been disabled. Meh =(

I broke my last one in 2 dueling, and sadly, the blade and unit come as one, so will have to simply get a new one. In the meantime, I'll try and order a simple bog standard one so at least I can continue to cosplay and have photos taken.

Thanks again guys!


10-29-2015, 07:51 AM
welcome from another MCM goer... i was the Kanan Jarrus at the con :D

10-29-2015, 08:32 AM
Hello to a fellow Brit. FYI you can order MHS parts from JQ Sabers, based here in the UK.
If you have to order multiple times it may take the sting out of shipping cost:mrgreen:
Good luck with your saber and MTFBWY:mrgreen:

Noyl Wendor
10-29-2015, 08:46 AM
Welcome to the forum. You know if you have a saber with the blade attached, I could guess its an MR or Hasbro? There's kits here for most of them. Not to mention its a good starter for someone new to refit an MR hilt with tcss parts.
Parts is parts, when TCSS gets them back in they'll let us know. SS is right, with TCSS being the only company set up with multiple options (MHS) its just bound to happen. Have no fear, apparently it leads to anger, and that apparently leads to the Darkside. :D

10-29-2015, 04:26 PM
Thanks for the welcome. I'm currently looking to build my own. I can't go without a self designed and built saber, right? What kind of Jedi would I be. Thanks @Greenie - I'll give JQ Sabers an email about getting the parts to build myself. I did ask them to build, but their lead time is LONG at the moment =(