View Full Version : My First conversion, and the First of many Questions

09-07-2015, 01:57 PM
Hi Everyone!
I had gotten a Hasbro non-removable blade Anakin saber a while back which proceeded to have the plastic inside the blade crack thanks to a certain child. I have been following this forum for a little bit in anticipation to eventually fix/convert this saber. Today I got it all disassembled and was ready to buy the conversion kit when I found out the shop is out of stock in the conversion kits fro this particular saber. So now I'm left with a few questions:
1. When(if at all) will the kit be expected to be back in stock? If not what can I do?
2. Can I just buy any 1" blade, such as a corbin, for a conversion or do only certain kinds work?


09-09-2015, 08:54 PM
Yes, you can use any 1" blade.

09-10-2015, 12:37 AM
Hi Everyone!
I had gotten a Hasbro non-removable blade Anakin saber a while back which proceeded to have the plastic inside the blade crack thanks to a certain child. I have been following this forum for a little bit in anticipation to eventually fix/convert this saber. Today I got it all disassembled and was ready to buy the conversion kit when I found out the shop is out of stock in the conversion kits fro this particular saber. So now I'm left with a few questions:
1. When(if at all) will the kit be expected to be back in stock? If not what can I do?
2. Can I just buy any 1" blade, such as a corbin, for a conversion or do only certain kinds work?


Hard to say when, but the kits should come back in stock. General rule of thumb is if it's in the store, it will be restocked. They remove items from the store if they aren't going to get any more.