View Full Version : New guy, ready to start building!

08-05-2015, 11:41 PM
Hello! Very new here, but not new to DIY, Soldering and all that. I've been scanning threads and watching all the vids over the past couple weeks trying to piece together what I'd need to start out.

I'm currently working on a diagram to figure out what I'll need. When I finish, could I post it in the "LED hilts and wiring discussion" subforum to get a little help with resistor values, and perhaps some other suggestions from all you seasoned builders?

08-05-2015, 11:59 PM

You can certainly post it when you're done but if you get stumped, you can always look for help if you can't finish it yourself. Just as long as you've made an honest effort to answer your own questions, people will usually be happy to help. :)