View Full Version : Cree question

05-26-2015, 03:40 PM
So i have a royal blue cree xp-e2 with a forward voltage of 3.41v. Now at this current time i am running it off of 2 AA's for a total of 3v.

I had originally bought a pack of resistors to work for a 3.7v battery (and a dummy cell so i wasnt running 7.4v) but it turned out that the ENTIRE batch of reistors were bad. At first i thought it was burning them out when i soldered them so i decided to use 2 alligate clamps but still nothing and i went through about 30 of them.

So my question is that if i just run the LED without a resistor on a 3.7v battery what would be the possible consequences? This would be only short bursts for maybe no more than a minute or two. I mean i know that LEDs dont just go POP lol from experience of plugging a strand into a higher current almost double its initial rating.

Forgetful Jedi Knight
05-26-2015, 05:00 PM
You would likely drastically shorten the lifespan of the LED, plus 3.7V batteries fully charged are closer to 4V. It all depends on how dangerously you want to live. Plus it's not just voltage you need to worry about, it's also amperage. ;)